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Did Furbys Spy on Us? 3. Eye-Spy

Joanne interrogates a real life spy, and gets some tips on how to be stealthy.

Rocked by Gearoid’s suggestion that the Furby could have been adapted by secret organisations to be a real actual spy, Joanne travels to the north of England, and visits a shop which specialises in selling covert gadgets. She discovers that for a modest sum of money she can be the proud owner of multiple listening bugs...and while using them is a legal minefield – please do your own research to make sure you don’t fall foul of the law – she hears that that there are no shortage of customers.

Joanne even decides to hide a few around her own apartment, to see if she's really made for the covert world. But will Gearoid be able to spot them?

Elsewhere – Joanne is introduced to a real life member of MI6. And she finds out what life as a spy is really like, and gets to ask if a Furby might have been the perfect device for a spy to use.

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33 minutes


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