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16 October 2014


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Here's one for the Fank!!

Met this ferful fine wife at the Norik Up Helly Aa on Saturday night. She reckoned the Dell Fank wid be right up her street.

Calumanabel, can we get Babsie-Anne here a ticket for the Fank?

How wid you rate her chances?
Posted on Ruthodanort at 23:50


Prepare to be blitzed with offers.

calumannabel from Fank HQ Dell Lewis

If no one tells me what a fank is (apart from being a sheep pen), I am going in a funk. Is a fank a fancy fair, an island Mardi Gras? something that happens before the Lenten season (or is that too Popish?). Nice Shetland sweater (?), and, my, what knees: enough to turn anyone green (with envy, I would hope?). I'll send the army recruiter over.

mjc from NM,USA

Her headscarf beats mine. I submit. I am no longer Norik's style guru.

Herman from Orkney

Please could you let us have details of fashion stockists as a matter of some urgency. Is she limbering up to lift the weight in fornt of her?

Annie B from Lone Sheiling

Didn't think it was possible but those norik babes just get better looking all the time. This one looks like she's got a pair oh thighs you could break peats wee.

Hairy tauttie from just wast

Now there's a woman crying to be poured into a set of flattering North Star overalls.

Triiny and Susannah from The catwalks of Lewis

I don't think she's going to get a lot of offers

Annoymous from Rochdale

Jings, crivvens, help ma boab etc. How are we going to compete with her Annie? Look at the ammount of virtually hairless leg she's showing, her stunning countenance with not one but two eyebrows and as for her impeccable fasion sense, I'm in awe! I don't know about you but I'm deeply concerned. Does this mean getting out the big guns and taking the hedge trimmer to my body hair?

Sunny from Power Tool Spar Resort, Brodick

Mmmmm ... just think how panty hose may have improved the overall appearance.

Plaid from New Zealand

day 4 of the snowy days off school...this is drivin me crazy. Mjc - a sheep pen is a structure designed to herd sheep into to drench them, dip them, dose them, clip or shear them and maybe separate them from the rest of the flock to sell or (sshhh) put to the ram.oh yes and castrate them. you can tell I was paying attention at the Uyeasound Up-Helly- Aa when the squad was on singing that song 'You Need to Know All About Sheep...' it may be a wooden, concrete, stone built, or even a substantial structure with a roof. We wid call it a Cro and I can't describe how to say cro unless to say the o as if you were saying 'rue' in french. I wid also like to put two dots above the o but not sure how to persuade the keyboard. any clearer?? Oh yes, and in the not to distant past EVERYONE would meet at the cro to lend a hand to help clip or whatever, and bring food, and maybe a bottle dependin on what district it was. it is also where you wid sell your sheep, hence the celebrating or not as the case may be. So its an ideal place for the dating festival.

scallowawife from shetland

Is the caain' when the sheep are brought into the cro?

Herman from Orkney

Merci beaucoup, madame Scallowa. Your historical explanation is enlightening. Your description of how to pronounce cro is clear and useful [not pronounced as the name of a bird Herman or Puffinbilly might be interested in!! ] I guess the dating festival in the olden days were somewhat less - should we say "uninhibited"? - than the Dell Fank Calumannbel etc are preparing/joking about [realm of fantasy/wishful thinking, eh?].

mjc from NM, USA

herman - yes mjc - I don't think there has been a dating festival in a sheep pen in historical times, this is the first, to my knowledge.

scallowawife from shetland

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