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16 October 2014


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WOW! Now that was FUN!!!

Well, this is me back home safe and sound after the Shetland Races, without even as much as a teeny weeny spew over the side. And so I don't keep you in suspenders, me and my 'boyfriend' are still together, he didn't shout at me once, and I didn't lose anything important over the side. (Well, not anything belonging to him, that is....)

In case I have lost you here, I have just returned from taking part in the Bergen - Lerwick - Bergen sailing races. I went as crew on my boyfriends boat, and I have to admit to a slight trepidation before the trip. Not about the sailing across the North Sea part, but about the potential for disaster in the relationship stakes.

You know - in a confined space and under stress; him seeing me at my worse (yes there were showers on board but its not easy washing your hair while standing on a moving floor which is at an angle of about 40 degrees); me seeing him at his worse (the sailing is only a small part of the event - there is a substantial amount of partying that goes on ashore, with sore heads aplenty the morning after!). But we got through the whole thing very well indeed, so no worries there.

ANYhooo, the whole experience was (and here I am searching for words that will do the trip justice), well, it was amazing, beautiful, educational, unforgettable, unmissable, fun, and absolutely fandabedozy.

I am a great believer in visual aids, so enuf o the writing and on to the pix.

Niki in Bergen, the night before the race.
Niki, our home for the week, in Bergen the night before the race. I arrived in Bergen with James, a friend from Orkney. As soon as we got there we changed into shorts and slapped on the factor 20.

Jan Ove up the mast doing some last minute re-jigging.
Taking a closer look at the roller furling on the fore sail.

Just off the Norwegian coast and the wind suddenly died. The fleet sat around for about 9 hours waiting for it to blow up a bit. This is James, from Orkney.

2 Norskis and an Orcadian
Jan Ove, James and my bloke, playing the waiting game. I think they spotted a whale or something here.

Still waiting!
I guess if you have to be stuck somewhere for 9 hours this was as good a place as any!

Oseberg platform.
After the wind eventually turned up, we headed for the Oseberg platform which we had to go round on the way to Lerwick.

Willy at the helm.
As soon as the fleet rounded Oseberg, the spinnakers were up! This was my first experience of spinnakers, and I think I need a whole lot more practice. And on this point my bloke is in complete agreement with me!

It took us somewhere around 36 hours to get to Lerwick.

A brave norski indeed!
Did I mention that I did not lose anything of my boyfriends overboard? Well that was true, but I did happen to drop my purse in the drink in Lerwick harbour. Oops! An extremely nice, helpful, and brave norski man from the neighbouring boat got it back for me.

flags in Lerwick
The sky was a different colour altogether in Lerwick! But it stayed dry, and there was a lot going on to entertain us all.

Sleepy me!
Not my best side maybe, but I was happy!

Leaving Lerwick
The race home to Bergen. (This is not our favourite angle of shot. We prefer to be looking at the bows of the boats behind us.)

Wild spinnakers!
Handling spinnakers is a tricky business!

I had to include this shot for my mum. I'm sure she thinks we were drinking beer and rum the whole way over.

Nearly home!
Two yachts battling it out near the finish line. That's Norway in the background.

The finish line. It took us about 25 and a half hours to get to Norway.

Unst crew in Bergen
Derek, who swapped places with James for the return journey, relaxing in Bergen after the race.

Well, to sum it all up, I loved every minute. But if you want to know how we did in the actual race, I would say, in the words of my skipper, "We prefer not to discuss that!" Better luck next year!
Posted on Ruthodanort at 23:31


Well I'm glad to sea that you made it safely ( you notice how nice I can be, when I try) The pics. are all very good, apart from one ( and I'm sure that everyone knows which photo I mean, there's no prizes for guessing FC, so don't ask) You finished nearer last than first I presume? Well at least you tried, and always remember that there would be no winners without the losers, like yourself, so you helped the winning boat/yacht/ship/sailing vessel to win. Can you sea the logic in that Ruthiebabe? I'm sure some of your fellow crew members felt that you had helped all the other crews anyway ( by being on their crew ) but, you tried, and that's the most important thing. I'm off down to a strange land of floods and monsoons, where peoples speak a very strange language, it's called Lancashire, in England. I've been taping Coronation Street, to get used to the lingo, but I couldn't take it, I was about to give up, but there are a few words that I know, stop mithering and think on. Sea you when I get back, well obviously I won't sea you, because you won't be in the sea, unless you post another photo of yourself, then I will sea you. I've copied your photo and printed it out, and Boy has it on his wall, that'll be the wall with the dartboard on it, cheers for now. We're all going on a summer hodilay no more sunshine for a week or two, rows and moaning on a summer hodilay, no more fun for me or you for a week or two. Thewhitesettler has left the island....

Tws from The Departure Lounge

Wow, what wonderful pictures [was scratching the brain for a 'w' word to replace pictures ... no waves], and I am sure that the fact your skipper prefers not to discuss the results you had a stunning time. Glad the boyfriend is still there ... funny, but I had a 'long weekend away' with mine as well ... it seems it is us gals who have the trepidations ... they know all is well ... just go with the flow! Not knowing northern brand names I hope I am not assuming incorrectly in saying those empty bottles are WATER!!

Plaid from not a sailor

Looks fantastic and a "life is great moment" and I hope you had a great time. Nice to see your ugly moosh tae. What's next?

Ian from Southnow

Even Tws wouldn't have dared to say 'ugly moosh' and he's been getting braver by the minute. What a hunk that Orkney boy is....on the other hand...double hunk on the Norski side....

Flying Cat from splicing&battening

glad you had so much fun! i wonder if man with magic--- will take me sailing to the bay of islands at christmas??? lots of trampling(trekking in nz lingo)planned including long one on the "franz josef"glacier on the south island---HELP!! i must be nuts to agree to what hes planned,but might as well go the whole hog--you only live once and its too b****y short,so make the most of it!

carol from in the heat

Tws - no floods here in Lancs, just the usual wet stuff so far, but the weekend's forecast looks dicey. I can't help but feel a tad miffed that the Orkney 'hunk' (FC's words) who is only 4 (I think) days older than me is still showing no signs of grey hair - this is NOT fair!!!

Rachondarox from Lancs

Wonderful Pictures there. Really making me wish I had been there. Glad you had a great time and that things are going well with the boyfriend. :o)

Housewife from Sanday

Yo! See it was worthth the risk of a non existant spew. Young James looks , i've seen him since he got back and I know he enjoyed himself. He even found time to visit a mutual friend of long standing. So glad you and din kjaereste did not find any areas of disagreement. Sound s like a well founded relationship, lykke til.

Hyper-Borean from Hamnavoe

"ugly moosh" It's a term of endearment. Reading Michel Tourdoirs accounts of da nort. Should have a gander at that, you'd hay tae learn French first though.

Ian from Southnow

Welcome back, our dog is still sulking that your peerie lambs have gone! Sounds like you had a fun time, the photos are really good. We like the outfit you were wearing tonight - very glam - I am sure photo on this blog would explain our comment to others!!

colliedogs from Unst

Wow, what a great trip. Thanks for bringing the photos back for us. Bruce

CVBruce from CA,USA

I have 8 x Phots at the end of the transmission. Am i being MODERATED for some reason,?. Plaid did you get the full down load, awating with interest a reply from either.nuff said.

roy from Sofala, Oz

Looks amazing! Lovely photos and the sun an sea...mmm great!!. Glad to hear it was so much enjoyed

kittster from Rainy Edinburgh

Carol ... you must get to Otago and Southland as well [beg, or something to get your own way ... or be extra nice to your magic man, which won't be diffiucult] as those two provinces were settled by Scots ... and they roll their rrrr's there as well. I know! I originate from Otago. Ummmm ... I call it tramping [not the vines, but the boots].

Plaid from previously from Kiwiland

I wouldn't have lasted 5 seconds on those wee boats! I have to lay down on the floor when I ride Orkney's huge ferry Hamnavoe!! We Crow come from the *interior* of America, far far away from the sea. It's just not in my blood - even looking at the photos makes me seasick!!

Michelle Therese from Mainland Orkney

Congratulations on a fine trip with "boyfriend" intact and all! What a wonderful adventure and thanks so much for sharing the lovely photos. I think you're brave, I love the sea but am rather scared of it too (if you can be both things). You and your beau make a good looking couple!

macQ from missing the sea

Beau&Belle. A love story. But which author could do it justice...NOT Mills & Boon!

Flying Cat from penning a blockbuster roman 脿 cleat

plaid i stand corrected--i said trampling then trekking in nz lingonand as you say it is the other way round! I don't know about southland but i know i'm going to northland on north island obviously and milford haven is a must have you seen the french website for nz? "frogs-in-nz) yes anne at IBHQ that is the website its very good!

carol from over here

la terre de long nuage blanc.....you couldn't make it up....why do so many fran莽ais want to leave la belle France to go down there? C'est incroyable! (Obviously Carol has a pressing reason...)

Flying Cat from en suite de "frogs-in-nz"

Hello Ruthodanort, Good 2 see U enjoyed the trip, and 2 all o U , she was a first class crew, impressing handeling o people , seasick no, just smiling and got us all in good mode, we forgot the competitione but thats not all in life.

Arne Captaine O love boat from Norway

Tusen takk captaine min.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Captain Min! Sapristi bomba Bloodnok, she's been promoted. Does Henry know?

Hyper-Borean from The Last Tram

She doesn't look like Bluebottle...

Flying Cat from walking backwards for Christmas

She doesn't look like me ,the famous Bluebottle ,because you deaded me; you dirty rotten swine you.

Hyper-Borean from Bexhill-on-Sea

Looks like a great trip with fantastic photos.

UpSouth1 from very jealous

Hyper and FC. I doot u have lost me here. And FC! Are you tryin to take TWS place in his absence? WHADDYA MEAN a FAT wardrobe? Sorry that's on Muness' blog. I'll put it there too. BTW, Norway has had lots o rain. And is still havin it.......

Ruthodanort from Norway eenoo, wading thru the puddles...

You're just trying to confuse me ruthodanort! But I will not be confused, no sirree! You're just such a young thing....your mpu might just remember the Goon Show....

Flying Cat from puzzled&confused

I await updates Ruthodanort. Does the rain in Norge fall mainly on da Ruth then? Ruthodawaast is it noo?

Muness from Fetlar

Muness, it depends entirely on your perspective. Here in Norge I am West, but from Unst I am East. From you at the mo I'm guessin a peedie bit north o north east.

Ruthodanor-nor-east-fae-MunessViews from internet cafe in Bergen again

...but not aestewast...

Flying Cat from drumming paws

Us celebs expect the world to come to us noo.

Muness from Fetlar

...did you wear your nikki tams?...

Flying Cat from a wee deoch and doric

Mac is ready, willing & able.

Muness from Orkney

Well there's no need to boast...we can't all be all three...sometimes these things are taken out of our paws. *sigh*

Flying Cat from In hiding

Should that not be Mac's Bark Is willing etc?

Hyper-Borean from Dotheboys Hall

How is the snorkling going Ruthiebabe? Do you need to come up for air sometime? I've never been snorkling myself, or with anybody else. Have a good time. Don't hurry back, and don't listen to a word that Muness says, it's untrue.

Tws from Keeping a watchful eye

Look Ruthiebabe, hurry up, will you. You've gotta come up for air sometime. Now get a move on, or else!!!

Tws from Waiting for Ruthies next blog

Were you like Ruth, Tws, spending ages in anticipation and then vooom! it's gone!

Flying Cat from Inn Anticipation

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