
Are you having to grease more palms to get by?

| Thursday, 12 Dec. 2010 | 15:30 - 16:00 GMT

A new poll has suggested corruption around the world is on the increase; meanwhile, a 主播大秀 study says that corruption is the world's most talked about problem.

Whether it's high-level allegations of corruption in deciding the destination of the world's biggest football event or everyday bribes to the police, it seems more palms are being greased and more backs are being scratched worldwide.

On Wednesday a judge in the US state of Louisiana was impeached for taking bribes; earlier this year Ivory Coast's chamber of commerce said unofficial payments to the police were costing the country $300m.

But how bad is the problem where you are?

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Bidit in Canada emailed - The corruption is the most dangerous problem in the world now. Leaders are corrupting a lot and forget to work on behalf of their people in their countries. I believe that without support from western world.

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    Corruption our way of life. Tona, Nigeria.

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    Our goverment is the most corrupted in the world. Mario, South Africa

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    Bribery has eaten dip into all the sectors in Nigeria. I taught it was rampant only in Africa, now i see it is a world problem. Godswill Hill from Nigeria

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    Ba - Everyday corruption depends where U live in the world. In the UK not everything is black n' white! Most people paying a cleaner in cash dont do it to dodge the taxman!

  6. Comment sent via SMS

    In Nigeria,giving policemen bribe is an everyday norm.its even assumed one of their rights.farida,nigeria

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    Corruption is the root of all evil. It should not be tolerated be it by government or the private sector by Onkabetse Mpuchane, Francistown, Botswana

  8. Comment sent via SMS

    The main reason for corruption in pakistan is economic disparity and extremely poor function of the state institutes. The average man is forced to indulge in corruption simply because of ever increasing cost of living. Mohtajullah

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    In nigeria. If you don鈥檛 have a godfather in government then you must say your way through

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    Iyke, Nigeria. Bribe runs in the vain of every human being but some people have it more than others. Leaders are playing a big role in sustaining it.

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    Sanousi - No one is born corrupt, it’s the environment and circumstances people find themselves in that make them corrupt. Corruption anywhere is a threat to progress.

  12. Comment sent via SMS

    In nigeria corruption is a way of life.it is the modus operandi.

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    Bribery has eaten dip into all the sectors in Nigeria. I taught it was rampant only in Africa, now i see it is a world problem

  14. Comment sent via SMS

    How does Corruption differ from a tip for satisfactory service by a poorly paid public servant? From waxy, the Gambia

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    Darren in Melbourne - Corruption is a western invention to stigmatize those that don't follow their rules.