
Do you miss President Bush?

| Tuesday, 11 Nov. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

President Bush's memoir Decision Points goes on sale today. A CNN poll found that only two per cent more people thought President Obama was a better president than his predecessor. At souvenir shops in Washington T-shirts are now for sale with Mr Bush's image and the question: "Miss Me Yet?"

Well, do you? How do you judge President Bush now? Have you changed your opinion in any way since he left office?
Here's what President Bush said about his legacy in an interview with Matt Lauer:

I hope I'm judged a success. But I'm gonna be dead, Matt, when they finally figure it out.
Andrew Roberts thinks history will be kind to Bush's legacy:

The first is that history, by looking at the key facts rather than being distracted by the loud ambient noise of the 24-hour news cycle, will probably hand down a far more positive judgment on Mr Bush's presidency than the immediate, knee-jerk loathing of the American and European elites

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via SMS

    I dont like or miss him because a lot of people died during his administration.he made a lot of women widows n lots of children fadales.Ashford Maurice,nigeria

  2. Comment sent via SMS

    Bush is a tough smart guy, being a tough guy is what an American is known off around the world and the reason some people needed to be American. I will miss him. J John, South Sudan - juba.

  3. Comment sent via Facebook

    Bruce Aleksander - He and his administration did more to debase and diminish the United States than any terrorist could. How could I miss him? We're still trying to recover from the mess he left us.

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    Eric Dadd Thompson - I still cringe when I see W in 04 bumper stickers on the back of cars. Our nation of sheep tend to forget that his presidency is the reason we are in the mess we have right now.

  5. Comment sent via SMS

    I missed his swagger but it is a good riddance. Who said iraq is better off? May be it is for those living in the green zone. Mustapha Kawoje. Nigeria.

  6. Comment sent via Facebook

    Wilson - With the wars he started still around, I don't think so

  7. Comment sent via SMS

    I miss pr. Bush because he made pr. Taylor to leave LIberia. Lorenzo BANKS. Gbarnga city LIBERIA.

  8. Comment sent via SMS

    Bush did what he felt/thought was right, whether u liked it or not, unlike Obama, who is trying 2 please every1. Tk in Zambia

  9. Comment sent via SMS

    President Bush gave us peace n life in w africa we missed him God bless him caroline coneh lakelay town Liberia

  10. Comment sent via SMS

    Bush will be remembered in fighting terror in Afhanistan an invasion of Iraq.Koskei in Kenya

  11. Comment sent via Facebook

    Joseph in Lusaka - Granted, Iraq was a mistake but this is the guy who was dancing his way on his African tour and he actually increased funding for HIV/AIDS treatment in africa. He did some good things which have been overshadowed by his Iraq decision.

  12. Comment sent via Facebook

    Dennis in Nairobi - As a fiscal conservative, he ought to have put the first stimulus in people's wallets rather than financial institutions which went ahead to pay their own people first.

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    Roy in California on Facebook - Bailing out the banks with no paying the taxpayer back, more financial deregulation, the no child left behind farce, just about everything he did benefitted the wealthiest 1% and corporations, he did nothing for the middle class!

  14. Comment sent via Facebook

    Roman Charles in Kampala on Facebook - Leadership is not for the fainthearted! Sometimes drastic measures need to be taken for the good of the innocent, if torture is the only way of getting results then so be it

  15. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Till Rotter emails - I couldn't miss him less. President Bush needs to be prosecuted for disregard of human rights e.g. in Guantanamo. I'm still hoping that is going to happen.