
Audience research

Insights into our audiences

The small audience research team in 主播大秀NI generate information designed to measure and monitor the performance of 主播大秀NI’s services and outputs across all platforms. The team also seek to provide, where they can, audience insight and intelligence to local television programme makers.

In addition to feeding into the regular commissioning briefing sessions, we are happy to meet and discuss audience issues. The increasing complexities of slots and genre mix means that data will not provide all of the answers and therefore our preference is to meet face- to- face to allow for fuller discussion. For example, 主播大秀NI has commissioned and broadcast a wide range of genre and formats in the early evening slot.

For a programme maker thinking about this slot, a discussion around the ideas and likely audience is always preferable to us providing pure data or charts on historic performance. We also like to meet directly with you as we can learn much from you and your views and experience across the range of challenging audience issues facing us all.

While always keen to meet, the team has very limited resource so it is imperative that you give us good notice should you wish to chat. We face daily reporting deadlines and we simply cannot facilitate next day requests for input. Please try and contact us at least 10 working days prior to the deadline you are working to.

We are very happy to provide data to programme makers on the performance of their own programmes. Our preference is that this communicated via your 主播大秀NI Executive Producer. This allows us to discuss and provide sometimes important context that may have impacted on the performance of the programme.

In addition, our preference is that we produce performance reporting that takes account of a complete series or at least takes account of all the data sources having finalised and consolidated. Delivery of simple overnight data is resource intensive for us and really does not give you the full and rounded picture of your programmes performance that will be of most value to you.

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