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The World Cup on 5 live


Last Thursday was the 主播大秀's media launch for the .

We have been working on our plans at 5 live for months - in fact, I remember spending most of New Year writing up our first draft schedule.

Anything can happen though to change plans at the last minute as I found out when I took a call from Adrian, the 5 live controller, first thing on Wednesday morning, the day before the launch.

Our colleagues down the corridor in the 主播大秀 TV football team had made their decision that Colin Murray was the man they wanted to step into Adrian Chiles' shoes on next season, and in an ideal world Colin would start his work with them at the World Cup this summer.

Colin was one of three presenters we were building our coverage in South Africa around, the others being Nicky Campbell and Mark Pougatch.

It was too good an opportunity for Colin to stand in his way, so we had to act quickly.

After a discussion with the boss, I picked up the phone and gave Mark Chapman a call. Needless to say he's thrilled to bits to be playing a big part in our South Africa plans as he takes on the role we had planned for Colin with lots of presenting from stadiums and other venues across South Africa.

It all starts on June 11th with Mark Pougatch hosting the opening game - South Africa v Mexico - from Johannesburg.

Nicky Campbell will be hosting World Cup Breakfast every day from South Africa whilst England are still in it. Wednesday June 16th promises to be one of the highlights when Nicky will be presenting from Soweto on South Africa Day.

Reporter Colin Paterson will be on the 主播大秀 bus which is spending 5 weeks travelling across the country - leaving Johannesburg on the day of the opening game and arriving in Capetown on the day of the final.

We will have commentators at every match, with Alan Green taking phone calls in special 606 shows within minutes of the end of every England match.

We have commissioned a programmed from independent producers called "Armchair World Cup" which will be hosted by comedian Alan Davies who really enjoyed standing in for Colin Murray on Fighting Talk earlier this year. This will be live from our London studios with a preview show on Saturday June 5th at 11am, and then regular Sunday morning shows during the tournament itself at 11am.

Danny Baker is also a major part of our World Cup schedule. He will be hosting two shows a week during the tournament - his Saturday morning programme and a midweek bonus extra hour on Wednesdays at 9.30pm.

There'll be daily World Cup podcast containing the highlights of all the above and there's also a new World Cup quiz game being prepared for our website.

It's a really busy summer because we also have Andy Murray's attempts to win . All the fun in SW19 starts on Monday June 21st with hosts Richard Bacon and Clare Balding. Both Michael Stich and are back again with their analysis and correspondent Jonathan Overend leads the commentary team.

I'm hoping for not too many more phone calls from the boss saying we need to make some big staffing changes. I think our World Cup planners Joanne Watson and Tracy Barwell would throttle me.

So that's what we have planned. The live commentaries remain as important as ever, but Nicky Campbell's outside broadcasts I think will really capture the mood and feel of the host nation, and Danny Baker and Alan Davies will make sure we don't take it all too seriously.

Jonathan Wall is the Commissioning Editor for 5 live and 5 live Sports Extra


  • Comment number 1.

    I am very excited about the World Cup and I am looking forward to it immensely. But, and there is a but, would it be possible to try and avoid a repeat of the Germany World Cup over-the-top matyness which meant the listener felt he or she was an eavesdropper on a private hooly at someone else's expense? A bit of professionalism would be nice. It isn't everyone, but the people who behaved that way last time know who they are.
    Colin Paterson and Mark Chapman are brainwave selections.

  • Comment number 2.

    Will live commentary be available to those living outside the UK?

  • Comment number 3.

    I'm going to enjoy it a lot more now Murray is no longer involved. I still 'don't get it' why so many people in the Beeb think he's the wonder boy when clearly from comment on blogs and areas such as Guardian Media, his presentation skills are widely derided.

  • Comment number 4.

    What are we supposed to say, wow? Everything you've commissioned or touched has been a nightmare - and yet you don't think Bacon - Tennis, Paterson in a bus and Campbell (again) in a market square cafe won't be. The same roster of mates and nobodies won't do. Where is the new talent coming through? Chapman!! Chuck-in Green's cynicism & negativity and it's a good thing Talksport have full coverage for some & the TV has captions

  • Comment number 5.

    When will we start hearing "this is the World Cup station" ident?

    Why are 5 live taking less people compared to Germany 2006?

    Who is going to be part of the commentary team for England matches and the final,will there be any new blood or will it be Greeny,Ingham and Taylor?

    How come there will be 606s only after England games? There are other games that fans will want to talk about

    Is Adrian Van Klaveren going to be travelling with the 5 live team to the World Cup ?

  • Comment number 6.

    Just had a thought is David Pleat going to summarize exclusively for 5 live for the duration of the World Cup or do you plan to share him with ITV?

    I am looking forward to your responses mr Wall!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    I'm going to miss Simon Mayo at Wimbledon this year, who always seemed to get the most out of the correspondents, pundits, and obviously the 'showbiz' guests. I'm surprised that Bacon seems to have been automatically given the gig - never heard him show any enthusiasm for tennis before (or any other sport really) - but I will be listening with interest.

    It isn't completely clear from the article above, but I think Danny Baker is actually going to South Africa to broadcast for three hours a week. Personally I enjoy listening to him on the radio, but I'm sure some of the other people on this blog will question whether he needs to be out there too.

  • Comment number 8.

    I am just delighted that there will be no Colin Murray. Having said that, it means he is staying in the studio to host every programme involving football. The guy is talentless and annoying and that's being polite to him.
    Why to 5Live insist on someone who clearly riles everyone? Why? Do they not realise that their listeners are more important than one man? Why the stubbornness and the spiteful attitude towards listeners?

  • Comment number 9.

    Sound like it is going to be interesting :)

  • Comment number 10.

    The term "laugh out loud" is overused on the internet but I have genuinely just done this. At this.

    "All the fun in SW19 starts on Monday June 21st with hosts Richard Bacon"


  • Comment number 11.

    Hello everyone. Thanks for all your comments and questions. Jonathan has sent me a response to many of the points you raised. Here you go:

    Thanks for the responses.
    Let me see how much I can answer in one visit!

    I'm not quite sure I understand the comment about "over the top matyness" in Germany. What I would say is that I am expecting our coverage in and around the matches to have a bit more depth and variety of tone to it than Germany. Nicky's programme from Soweto, for example, will be about much more than the events that are happening on the pitch. And I really think Colin Paterson will be able to capture a real flavour of what the first ever African World Cup means to the people of the host nation.

    You can only listen to our commentaries in the UK due to issues around the rights. But we will be providing a World Cup daily podcast with the highlights of our output outside of the commentaries themselves - so the best bits of Breakfast and phone-ins, etc. This podcast can be downloaded outside the UK.

    Why are there less people in our team than in Germany?
    The costs of our broadcasts in South Africa are more expensive than Germany due to the travel and logistics. We have a budget and we stick to it. So we try to decide what the priorities are and work out how many people it will take to deliver those priorities.

    We are not producing every idea we ever came up with or taking every presenter who wants to be there. But our audience expects 5 live to deliver fantastic content during a World Cup - on the radio, on the website and via podcasts, and that's the challenge we need to meet.

    Our commitment is to deliver more content from the host nation than we have from any previous World Cup and with a smaller team than four years ago. Most of the programme production is done in London, for example, with a small production hub in Johannesburg.

    The controller of 5 live, Adrian van Klaveren, is planning a short trip to South Africa for one of the most important events in the 5 live calendar. He'll be working with our team in Johannesburg when he is out there and will be making sure they are delivering everything he wants and that the 5 live audience expectations are met. He will be there in the early stages of the tournament.

    As for commentators, Mike Ingham and Alan Green will be the pairing for England games and the World Cup final. Our pundit line-up consists of Chris Waddle and Graham Taylor who will be the main experts focusing on England. We also have David Pleat, Danny Mills, Pat Nevin, Robbie Savage, Jan Molby and our new signing, Everton manager David Moyes.

    We don鈥檛 have all 8 guys out there for the whole time, but across the tournament that is our confirmed team of match pundits. There will also be lots of guest roles from other pundits who will be in South Africa, hopefully ranging from the likes of David Ginola to former South African internationals.

    There will be 606's every Saturday and Sunday throughout the World Cup and the build-up period to the World Cup. That's in addition to the Alan Green England programmes. Plus there is the alternative football phone-in on Wednesdays with Danny Baker and a chance to speak to the 5 live sport presenters and commentators after other midweek matches.

    Danny Baker is out in South Africa for the first two weeks. That means I think 5 of his shows will be from the host nation. He will also be appearing on other 5 live programmes throughout that fortnight and possibly doing some work for 主播大秀 London as well.

    I think Richard Bacon and Clare Balding will make a great team at Wimbledon. Of course we will miss Simon Mayo who always did a great job in that centre court commentary box at Wimbledon - I was his Wimbledon programme editor for five years - but I think Richard showed in his recent outside broadcast from Aintree that he will fit in well to the role we have planned for him this Summer.

    Jonathan Wall, Commissioning Editor, 5 live and 5 live Sports Extra

  • Comment number 12.

    if only you could 'listen again' to some of the broadcasts on Breakfast with Nicky and Matt someone or other. It was juvenile, puerile and did indeed overdose on matyness.

    I love nearly all of the rest of the line up though!

  • Comment number 13.

    These were the broadcasts from Germany during the last World Cup, I should have made that clear.

  • Comment number 14.

    "working with our team in Johannesburg?" (AVK)

    Is this another way of working the bar on expenses maybe?

    Another worry is taking Robbie Savage. Assuming this bloke will not earn another contract at Derby, does this mean he is a shoe-in at Five Live? Remember the Ian Wright experience guys. Not very intelligent footballer promoted well out of his intellectual depth. Not good.

  • Comment number 15.

    Klav's the Yentob of 5-Lite. With no experience of radio, commisssioning, or senior management - he hides behind plaititudes & shifting expectations

  • Comment number 16.

    Suprised Pat Nevin is remaining with the station for the world cup isn't he usually used to try and make sense of Mr Murrary's ramblings. I fear for MOTD 2 now!

  • Comment number 17.

    ""working with our team in Johannesburg?" (AVK)

    Is this another way of working the bar on expenses maybe?"

    M'yes - my initial instinctive thought on reading that was, "Jolly!"

  • Comment number 18.

    It never ceases to amaze me how negative some of the regular posters are on here,i dont see how AVK going to South Africa can be described as a Jolly

    Any company worth their salt who have a major opeartion overseas would expect their head honcho to come and see how things are progressing,its common sense!!

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Jonathan, I hope its not too late to post to this blog.

    I for one found it interesting about how quickly you had to chnage your plans.

    I'm really looking forward to the summer of sport on Five Live and in particular the World Cup and Wimbledon.

    I've noticed from the press release that Arlo White is going to be part of the world cup commentary team. This I am happy about because I reaolly like Arlo, it is a surprise though because I never heard him commentate on football for Five Live. I hope we will hear more from Arlo on a freelance basis in the future.

    I'm dissapointed that Simon Mayo isn't returning to Five Live for the Wimbledon fortnight. I read that you did want him to. To me it would only be fair as when he was a full-time Five Live presenter he regularly did weeks depping at Radio 2.

    Whilst I have been impressed with Richard Bacon on the station I'm not too sure about his Wimbledon appointment but I had similar resivations about Simon and he proved a fantastic choice so I'll not judge Richard until he has started.

    Finally, presumably next season Colin will be unavailable to host Sunday's shows. I would like to champion the case of Russell Fuller, he is an excllent sports presenter and he deserves a regular slot on Five Live.

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi again. You ask, he answers. Jonathan has sent me another reply to your questions:

    Hi @David_Shield, in response to your recent points...

    We are delighted to have Arlo White in the team in South Africa. He's a really versatile broadcaster which makes him very useful for us out there. He's doing some commentary, but also some reporting and a little bit of presenting when we need it. Virtually all of our presentation in and around the matches is being done by Mark Pougatch and Mark Chapman, but due to access to stadia and other logistics there are occasions when we will utilise Ian Dennis and Arlo to do some stints of presentation within programmes.

    As for Simon Mayo and Wimbledon, we didn't offer Simon the chance to work on Wimbledon this summer so any reports suggesting otherwise were wide of the mark! It wasn't a realistic option for us or for Radio 2. He was a very popular figure with all the team down there, of course. The team are also looking forward to having Richard and Clare taking up the presentation duties, although there won鈥檛 be as many hours of Wimbledon on 5 live as last year due to the World Cup.

    As for Sundays, Colin Murray will continue to host his 5 live Sport programme next season so we are not changing anything because of his Match of the Day 2 appointment. He's really settled down well into his new role as part of our sports line-up and we are really pleased. There has been lots of very positive audience response, not least from the hundreds of people who came to see our shows in Liverpool earlier this month. Of course, there have been some comments on the blog about Colin and other new presenters.

    We don鈥檛 expect every listener to like every presenter we have - there will always be a mix of views as to the various strengths and weaknesses of different broadcasters. We take into account audience feedback from lots of different areas ranging from blogs to feedback forms at our outside broadcasts to specially commissioned audience research to the quarterly RAJAR figures.

    I think we have a very strong team of presenters at the moment who are capable of taking the standard of our sports output to even higher levels, starting with this fantastic summer of sport we have in a few weeks time.

    Jonathan Wall, Commissioning Editor, 5 live and 5 live Sports Extra

  • Comment number 21.

    Thank you very much for the swift reply.

    Its great news that Arlo will do some presenting as well and also Ian Dennis. I'm slightly surprised Colin will do both as I thought he would be required to watch the matches in the MOTD offices with the pundits.

  • Comment number 22.

    Jonathan Wall i like others who do not post that often really appreciate your thoughts and hopefully you will continue to answer question regarding sports coverage because it is interesting

    I hope you do not mind if I slightly deviate from the World cup to general questions and thoughts

    What I would like to know is why Alan Green is always used for all the big matches, even though you have fantastic commentators in the likes of John Murray and Ian Dennis to name just 2, I don鈥檛 think it is fair that Greeny in previous seasons has got the UEFA cup final when he did not even cover any matches in the previous rounds

    Why are 5live obsessed with Alan Green when you have so many quality commentators to replace him with?

    I hope that Alan Green is not commentating on the UEFA cup final on Wednesday and John Murray and Ian Dennis get the gig

  • Comment number 23.

    Jonathon Wall's response beggars belief. It is straight out of the 'everything in the garden is rosy' PR department. All the presenter changes have been a success. Everyone loves the new format.

    And the real bombshell (or is it two) Murray is staying on Sundays for next year.
    "He's really settled down well into his new role as part of our sports line-up and we are really pleased". Jonathon, large swathes of you audience are really NOT pleased. We happen to be the suckers who have to listen to his inane ramblings and end of turning off.

    Come out of the bubble, wake up and wise up. Please.

  • Comment number 24.

    I am sorry Jackstumps, but regarding post 23 what a load of tosh,i dont understand how Colin Murray can be considered a rubbish presenter when the following all rate his talents.

    -Radio 1
    -Radio Five Live
    -Radio Ulster
    -Channel 4
    -Channel 5
    -UKTV G2

    Its not just the 主播大秀 who rate his talents,so to come out with "Come out of the bubble, wake up and wise up. Please" is patronising beyong belief, again i point out it is not in the intrests of 5live to have an unpopular presenter, they would lose listeners,so i wonder why they are sticking with Murray?

    My guess is from there audince research, they have found out that people enjoy watching and listening to Murray,thus him getting more gigs on the 主播大秀

  • Comment number 25.

    Fedster makes a good point. The fact he's also been poached by the 主播大秀 for TV sport - so far for the darts and MOTD 2 - means they obviously think Murray is a talented presenter too.

    I don't know how Jackstumps can claim "large swathes of you[r] audience are really NOT pleased" . Has he done an accurate poll of the Radio 5 listenership? I suspect he has read the scathing comments of a few posters on these blogs (which represent a tiny minority of the listeners) and drawn his own conclusions.

    I have no doubt that Murray does irritate some listeners but Fedster is absolutely spot on; audience research and listening figures are more indicative than a few vocal posters on blogs.

  • Comment number 26.

    Exactly Dr Bean, the same arguments made by Jackstumps are aimed at the likes of Richard Bacon,Stephen Nolan etc, the anti 5live posters on the 5live blog, who think just because there is alot of criticism on here about 5live presenters,that suddenly equates to "large swathes of you[r] audience are really NOT pleased"

    It is laughable it really is.

    The facts are this 5live is a station which is going in the right direction, with quality presenters all through its schedule.

  • Comment number 27.

    "The facts are this 5live is a station which is going in the right direction, with quality presenters all through its schedule."

    I wouldn't go that far Fedster. There are some presenters on 5Live I choose not to listen to, and there are some good ones who have left who I don't think have been adequately replaced. I also liked the pre-Christmas schedule much more than the one we have now.

    However, these are all my opinions, which I'm happy to air on these blogs, but there is no way I'd be as presumptuous as to assume they represent the views of 'large swathes' of the 5Live audience.

  • Comment number 28.

    From listening to Alan Davies' Arsenal podcast, i'm looking forward to his show, should be a great laugh, obviously not biased to Arsenal players and fully supporting JT and Cashley

  • Comment number 29.

    Please reassure me about value for money and Danny Baker's South African jaunt.
    Have just listened to his Sat morning show broadcast from SA. WHAT IS THE POINT OF

  • Comment number 30.

    My comments posted at 12:40 are apparently still being "reactively moderated" at 15:20. Is your team of moderators also working long range from South Africa?

  • Comment number 31.

    Its now more than 5 hours since I posted my comments about value for money from presenters sent to South Africa at licence payers' expense. The post is apparently still being "moderated".
    I am beginning to feel the cold hand of censorship. Perhaps the Great Moderator could comment, thank you.

  • Comment number 32.

    Jondaw, this is a common tactic when you publish something unpalatable. I've had that before with Michael Crick's blog. They wait until the issue has died down or the subject gets buried, then it appears or never appears, without explanation.

    I agree there needs to be a good deal of scrutinty applied to the type of programming, the hours of programming and the number of people sent to cover the World Cup by the 主播大秀. The TV studio is the most aggregious waste of our money and needless extravagence I've seen so far. It rotates, but the many of the games are at night when it wont make a jot of difference, and in the game today is didnt rotate at all. Total waste of time.

    Lunchtime legend is making a list of all the 5Live talent who don't need to be in South Africa. Who would you add to the list?

  • Comment number 33.

    Ryanw, Thanks for your interesting comments (and for bothering to respond). The strange thing is that your content is just as critical (rightly) as my original post, which still hasn't cleared the "moderators"!
    Thanks also for letting me know about Lunchtime legend. Has he got a website?

  • Comment number 34.

    Alan Davies and his co presenters were excellent value this morning. Even better, we haven't had to waste money sending him to South Africa.

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Jondaw - no website, I'm just a humble occasional poster like most people round here who are unhappy with the direction 5live has taken in recent times.
    I was quite suprised to hear Arlo White just now - I thought he'd left the 主播大秀. Bit of a kick in the teeth to the current entourage when you feel obliged to use him rather than one of your own -as if there aren't enough of them.

  • Comment number 36.

    Hot the heels of the flagarent wasting of license fee payers money with rotating television studios and puff pieces on North Korea live from South Africa by the army of 主播大秀 journalists on junkets comes this...

    "The 主播大秀 has ignored pleas for public sector pay restraint with a multimillion-pound offer to boost the salaries of more than 13,000 workers."

    They are beyond scrutiny it seems. Time that the 主播大秀 was more accountable.

  • Comment number 37.

    If we in this country had a backbone, we'd do something about our complaints instead of whining about it and taking it. If we had a backbone we'd stop paying the licence fee and demand answers and wouldn't back down until we got the answers and the changes we were after. The 主播大秀 has to answer for the waste they are indulging in at the expense of the general public.

    Instead we whine whine and whine some more, then eventually bend over! This habit has to stop. I wish we were more like Greeks in some respects. They know how to make themselves heard through strikes.

  • Comment number 38.

    Who is this "We" you are referring to PA71, you seem to be assuming that eveyone agrees with your view,

  • Comment number 39.

    Fed, I am sure most people in this country don't like to see the 主播大秀 waste their money, specially durinig such hard times when everyone is having to make do with less. What have the 主播大秀 cut exactly? The licence fee actually increased which I am sure you know.
    Oh I know what the 主播大秀 cut? Champagne. That's right no more bubbly for the poor didums.

  • Comment number 40.

    I am really enjoying Nicky Campbell broadcasting from South Africa. There is an obvious enthusiasm in what he does and a real interest in the ordinary people who follow the game. It gives a feel for the international nature of the competition and the fans who are there for the whole experience.

  • Comment number 41.

    I would tend to agree with you Prosperogirl. I'm enjoying Nicky's blend of human interest, football and cultural vignettes. I am much less convinced Vassos is offering any value, unless he is busy producing many of the programmes, after reading the back pages for a couple of minutes every morning.

    Sport is 5Live's strong suit so it's not surrpise they're doing it well.

  • Comment number 42.

    Lunchtime Legend, thanks for your reply on 14 June. Apologies for the delay but after my posts around then I thought this blog had dried up so didn't check it for a few days.
    Glad to see I was wrong!

  • Comment number 43.

    England' performance against Algeria has been well matched by the poverty of the 5 live coverage.I will give three examples.

    I switched on last night at 18.00 to hear a preview of the game against Algeria. After 30 minutes I switched off as no one though that I could possibly be interested in the Algerian team (we were not given their team nor any information about their players). We were told quite emphatically that they would be playing for a draw and had just one forward. These were not the tactics which I saw unfold, incidentally.
    Alan Green says that he is expected 'to wear the flag of St George' when commentating. By whom? Not by me for sure. Just be objective and balanced, please Alan.
    Before the tournament started Sven Goran Eriksson was interviewed. About 15 seconds on the Ivory Coast and then, 'What do you think of the Ferdinand situation'
    Who cares what he thinks about this but I would have loved to know more about his team, how he was going to deal with the possible loss of Drogba etc.
    If I am the only listener who would like 5 live to stop being so jingoistic and provide more balance and more educated opinion then I will accept my minority status.
    I love the world cup. I watch as many games as I can irrespective of who is playing and try to understand as much as I can about their players and coach. 5 Live makes very little contribution to that understanding especially when England are playing.

  • Comment number 44.

    I can almost guarantee if 5live gave even more in depth analysis of the likes of Algeria, there would be floods of complaints, on this blog along the lines of 鈥渨ho cares about the Algerians鈥 and 鈥5live should give more airtime to the English, especially seeing as they are a National Broadcaster鈥

    The 主播大秀 do as a whole give ample coverage to other teams, as well as the lesser known nations, you just have to switch in the World Service or even 5lives Up All Night to realise this.

    As for Alan Green, as far I am concerned he 1 of the best Commentators around, and I welcome his forthright views.

  • Comment number 45.

    Oxdale, brilliant points. The 主播大秀 seem to have forgotten this is a football tournament and instead are using every opportunity to give us social, cultural and political commentary on South Africa. A bus tour across the country visiting every orphanage and all the superifical celebrity coverage possible.

    At the end of the Politics Show today Jon Sopel announced he was going out to South Africa this week. Can anyone tell me what experience he has covering football? None? I thought so. Another junket no doubt.

    I hope for the Slovak game we get more then the lazy token analysis that you described which was aired before the Algerian game Oxdale.

  • Comment number 46.

    I hope the person who had the brilliant idea of using Robbie Savage as a pundit realises what an awful mistake it was.

  • Comment number 47.

    I agree with you; yes he can be amusing but he's also a loose canon. He's also aggressive and overbearing. His 606 slot on Saturday was embarrassing. Even Mark Chapman sounded disgusted with him and his whining about being 'bored'. Good grief!

  • Comment number 48.

    I can't find a tennis thread on here (Messageboard anyone?) but Bacon lived up to the worst fears posted on the earlier blogs yesterday. You could hear the exasperation in the voices of the excellent sports presenters when he suddenly went off on one and asked listeners to 'text and tell us what you can see out of your window'.

    You couldn't make it up. He is just so bad.

    Incidentally - page 21 of The Daily Mail today. Having a pop at Campbell, Bacon et all for 'a summer 主播大秀 junket'.

  • Comment number 49.

    Jonathan's given me a few answers to your questions:
    Thanks for some of your recent comments.
    I'm glad you are all taking a big interest in our World Cup coverage, even if you don鈥檛 like all of it!
    Just some quick responses to some of the points raised.
    Thanks to those of you who have been praising Nicky Campbell and the breakfast show.
    They were given the brief of providing 5 live listeners with a real sense of how the host nation was embracing this tournament. We have a small team on the road producing and broadcasting that show. Two of the production staff were robbed at gunpoint last week as you may have read in the papers, and yet a few hours later, they were helping to put on air a spectacular programme from Soweto - one of the programmes we have been most pleased with. I think we have made big improvements to the World Cup breakfast show from four years ago, some of it prompted by feedback you gave us on this blog.
    As for Danny Baker being in South Africa - he was only ever going for a 2 week stint for us. In that time, he will have done 5 shows for 5 live, a number of shows for 主播大秀 London, several appearances on other 5 live programmes and an appearance on Match of the Day in Capetown.
    He's one of only four presenters 5 live has out there which I think is a reasonable number when you consider the hundreds of hours of live radio being broadcast from South Africa.
    And as for Robbie Savage. He has certainly been noticed over the last ten days! To be fair, most of the feedback has been overwhelmingly favourable of him and his honest and frank views particularly considering he is still a full time professional player.
    Here are just a few of the comments I received after the 606 hosted by Neil Warnock and Robbie Savage last Saturday:
    That has to be one of the best 606 shows i have heard over the years, Warnock & Savage a dream combo! I feel a bit happier now despite our plight, C'mon England. From Keith in Northampton.
    Would someone please tell Robbie to stop telling us to listen. We're listening. It's the radio, there is little visual to distract us.
    Now it's all about not singing the National Anthem properly. @bbc5live This is probably the best 606 ever. I don't want it to end.
    Hi Neil / Robbie I have always wanted the teams you have managed and played for to loose. However your frankness and inside knowledge has made for a great show. What a pairing - the best I have heard on radio or tv during this tournament. Brilliant radio. Well done guys. Mike Healy Market Drayton
    Dear Five Live, Neil Warnock and Robbie Savage - who would have thought it, a brilliant, funny and insightful combination. Let's have them again on 606 - and soon!!! Simon from Hull
    I may not agree with robbi on what he says all the time but at least he is honest and says what he thinks. Great show. Ian northants
    Listen , get rid of Robbie Savage he is Annoying.
    Good on Robbie Savage for sticking up for England so strongly
    Please tell Neil Warnock he is doing a brilliant job - Pauline in Liverpool
    sign up Savage and Warnock permanently, they're doing a great job, shocked to hear Warnock being the calm guy
    Just a quick email to let you both know that I have absolutely loved listening to you both tonight. A great show. Honest and homely: great radio. I had stopped listening to 606 as it had become too formulaic. I will look out for your combination again. Well done and thanks.

    Jonathan Wall, Commissioning Editor, 5 live and 5 live Sports Extra

  • Comment number 50.

    I stick by my view that Robbie Savage is a particularly unpleasant example of the modern professional footballer and doesn't deserve to be given any air time.

  • Comment number 51.

    Telling - when the self-praise is os long and the ...

  • Comment number 52.

    Ingerlund, Ingerlund, Ingerlund.
    Well, this is edifying - Nicky Campbell talking to a bunch of neanderthals whose knuckles must be scraping along the ground.

  • Comment number 53.

    Hadn't heard about the incident with the breakfast team. Hope all goes well for remainder of the trip.

  • Comment number 54.

    It's been a tough morning for Victoria. Two hour show minus news, sports news, travel, weather = hour and a half, all taken up with fielding calls from England fans, with Harry Redknapp doing most of that to start with. No other news items covered in any depth whatsoever, no research needed.
    Money for jam.

  • Comment number 55.

    I was listening with interest to Nicky Cambell's World Cup breakfast this morning (Love the show!) and was astounded to hear Mike Ingham describe (I'm paraphrasing) John Terry's self-fulfilling press conference as 'England's only show of Spirit'!!! I ask you, Ingham sits on the fence mostly and is irritatingly prone to soundbites, but this showed his complete lack of understanding of the issues and his failings as 'Chief Football Correspondent from the 主播大秀'. Mike must be some kind of genius with incredible insight as his view seems opposite to every other respected correspondent. Time for Mike to be subbed off I think.

  • Comment number 56.

  • Comment number 57.

    Re Jonathan Wall's justification for Danny Baker's trip to South Africa....the issue is quality not quantity. Yes he did a number of slots but, really, what did he add by being there? If the exercise was cost neutral I wouldn't waste time complaining, but as it is the 主播大秀 seems to be as casual as ever allocating its publicly funded budget. Does it all stem from the mind set of senior management who are so grossly overpaid, with no one to apply a reality check?

  • Comment number 58.

    "The world cup station?"
    I think not. Brazil versus Holland? Oh, is that an importnat game?
    Nah, we'll put this other minority sport on, you football lovers will have to go elsewhere.
    Every ground every match?
    No, not quite.

  • Comment number 59.

    Richard, it was only the world's #1 team and favourites playing the world's favourite sport at the world's biggest single sporting event. What would make you think that the self-proclaimed "World Cup station" would broadcast the match? There were much more important games to broadcast on 5Live in earlier rounds you know! But you can be sure that the 主播大秀 Bus (incidently is this bus we hear about branded, I would hope we've paid to have decals applied and special paint job applied, it's only fitting) we pay for will be bustling through another South African village as we speak in time to interview some patronising z-list celebrity with our entertainment reporter live on the spot to. Oh, and the 主播大秀 sound guy and cameraman and television presenter to do also interview said celeb.

  • Comment number 60.

    Blooming disgrace, thats what it was.
    cue the 'lots of people are interested in Timmy at Wimbledon' arguments.
    Yes but not on the world Cup Station thank you very much.

  • Comment number 61.

    Thank goodness tiz all over. As football just bores me I found it hard going when one day i found live coverage on both radio 4 and 5. May be tomorrow we can have something a little more intelectualy challenging to talk about.

  • Comment number 62.

    dovesforlove ... don't expect to get much from Five Live then!

  • Comment number 63.

    I seriously urge any football fan who watched the WC to read the following article. Excellent and to the point:

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