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5 live's Backpackers Guide to the Eurozone

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Chris Mason Chris Mason | 12:42 UK time, Saturday, 8 October 2011

Athens protestor

From Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham - to Athens, Milan, Frankfurt and Brussels.

Three weeks inside the security bubbles or 'secure zones' of the party conferences can be an unreal experience. Coming and going feels like leaving the country. "Have you got a laptop in that bag, sir?" "Can you take your belt off please?" The security rigmarole of getting in and out tends to mean you stay in. 'Civilians' in the outside world can feel distant.

Where else would the offer - shouted at arriving conference goers - of a "Breakfast Event with Andy Burnham," for instance, command such attention?

And yet this year, at all three conferences for the three main parties at Westminster, there was an ever present, unnerving sense.

An unnerving sense that politicians - like the rest of us - are riding an economic
rollercoaster, and no one quite seems to know where it's going, let alone how to stop it.

Never before have I heard the delightful word 'Eurozone' so often. So we thought it was time we gave it a proper look, across a week of reporting on 5 live.

As I type I am surrounded by hastily washed - and gloriously un-ironed - shirts from the conference season suitcase. They are going straight in a rucksack, and I'm off to

In a blaze of numbers with lots of noughts on and brows with lots of furrows on, this situation in Europe can be baffling.

So what I am interested in is the real stuff we can all relate to. First stop Athens, then Milan, then a long train journey to Frankfurt, and then Brussels. I'll look at public opinion, business, economics and the political debate, but also drill down into unemployment, debt, the average wage, even the average lunch break.

Here's my first report:

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I'll be reporting for Pienaar's Politics, Breakfast, Shelagh Fogarty, Drive, Tony Livesey, Up All Night and Double Take. I'll also be writing for the Ö÷²¥´óÐã News website and here on the 5 live blog, and you can follow my progress on too.

Chris Mason is 5 live's Political Reporter - you can follow Chris on Twitter:


  • Comment number 1.

    A while ago on 5Live, listeners could enjoy correspondents from various European countries, experts in their geographical area, talking about life and times and news, where they were posted. Now apparently we have to endure a gap week report from Chris when actually a resident Ö÷²¥´óÐã correspondent in each country would give a real handle on what is happening rather than "public opinion, business, economics and the political debate, but also drill down into unemployment, debt, the average wage, even the average lunch break" in Greece, Italy, Germany and Belgium.

    I personally feel offended that this soundbite stuff is going to be loaded on to several programmes when maybe listeners might actually want to know more. This is real stuff according to Chris.

  • Comment number 2.

    We're currently encouraging the Ö÷²¥´óÐã Trust to look at this blog and the website and why no-one is using it.

  • Comment number 3.

    Britain went into the EU (not the Eurozone) because like most other countries in a capitalist world any pro-capitalist government knew it couldnt survive on it's own. Hence, they needed help the EU(a pro-capitalst welfare state) to help them out so Briish rulers (then a TORY GOVERNMENT) eventually succumbed and joined!

  • Comment number 4.

    Nick, Welcome2theMachine, ta for your comments. Carrie-as you may have heard, we have regularly been hearing from our correspondents across the Eurozone in recent weeks and months on 5live. Malcolm Brabant and Mark Lowen in Athens, David Willey in Rome, Steve Evans in Berlin and Chris Morris in Brussels. The aim of my trip is add to this, not replace it. I agree, I can't match the expertise of each of these guys in the countries they are posted to. I am being sent because I have spent two years as a Europe Correspondent, living in Brussels and doing 76 trips across Europe in that time, including reporting from all of the cities I am visiting this week. We'll still be hearing just as much from the resident correspondents on 5live. Such is the interest in, and importance of this story, we are providing as comprehensive coverage as we can afford on 5live. I make no apology though for covering this serious issue in the way 5live always has-with its unique tone and lightness of touch.

  • Comment number 5.

    It's the lightness of touch I find insulting. (Nothing personal, you are doing as you are told.) It's the direction the station has gone in the last five years or so which, when something incredibly important and serious is happening, makes me turn off 5 Live and listen to a proper analysis elsewhere.

  • Comment number 6.

    Chris you are the only Ö÷²¥´óÐã Person who regulary blogs, so in that respect it is a big thumps up for you, your effort to engage is really appreciated, however could you enlighten us why your colleague Nigel Smith has refused to allow comments on the DQF Blog? Radio 1 to 4 have all got DFQ blogs which are allowing comments, so why is 5live any different?

    Also how is 5lives "unique tone and lightness of touch" going to be effected by the cuts, seeing as 5live has to focus on its core news and sport, will there be less of the "lightness"?

  • Comment number 7.

    I'm not opposed to a bit of occasional light hearted banter but this brief of so called ' lightness of touch ' on 5live is overshadowing the serious news reporting.Joviailty is one thing but it is getting to the point when it is becoming embarrassing.It appears to me that 5live can't quite work out whether it is a rolling news/sports station with eager to be respected jouralists/presenters or a vehicle for aspiring and unfunny stand up type comedy.It certainly baffles me and for that we can only blame the approach of recent controllers.I only hope that the DR's comments last week mean a change for the better on 5live.

  • Comment number 8.

    Spot on Ginger and Carrie. 'Lightness of touch' could of course be construed as 'our audience don't understand the big words they use on R4'.

    As part of the cost savings let's hope AVK gets rid of what he refers to as 'comedy' programmes, e.g. the terrible Fighting Talk and Nick Hancock programme. The're just not funny, that's the problem.

  • Comment number 9.

    Mr Stumps i actually find Fighting Talk really funny..........................................

  • Comment number 10.

    "5 Live Backpackers guide to the Eurozone." Chris said: "when WE landed in Greece". How many people have gone on this ridiculous jolly when staff cuts are looming at the Ö÷²¥´óÐã? Then when it gets to the point of visiting Greece, Rachel in the UK does the extended interview with someone IN Greece, where, incidentally, Chris is visiting for the station as she speaks.


  • Comment number 11.

    Re today's phone in.....Are they any more polite in Greece than England?

  • Comment number 12.

    Nigel at the risk of repeating myself why are you not allowing comments on how the Cuts are going to effect 5live, why have you not published a Post telling us which Programs are going to be axed, and how 5live sport coverage will change because of the cuts, all you did was publish a post which gave the exact details that the Ö÷²¥´óÐã News site gave, its pathetic, this is the 5live blog i want to know how the cuts are going to effect 5live!!!!

    You have stated in the past that it is rude to go of topic on a Blog post, show some respect to the Blog Author i hear you say, well equally dont you think your blatant refusal to accept comments, and when asked why this is, you have blatantly refused to answer, is equally rude, respect works both ways, and your silence sez alot!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Blimey, Fedster has a go!!!!

    PS: it's still not funny, but it takes all sorts.

  • Comment number 14.

    "Unique tone"

    Um...could you define what makes you unique? (Note: I suggest the honest answer is "Nothing")

  • Comment number 15.

    Victoria Derbyshire has just said on air 'We are an open station'.

    So open, we can't comment on her programme.

  • Comment number 16.

    Or Bacon having the nerve to call Newsnight Newslight, when he interviewed Paxman!

  • Comment number 17.

    ' an open station ? '

    Oh the irony !!

  • Comment number 18.

    Adrian Van Klaveren said at the Radio Festival, 5 live is "the most democratic national station"



  • Comment number 19.

    Five Live folks all gone very quiet here. Are they all moving house to Salford? (Isn't it amazing how many times this anonymous piece of concrete has appeared in the news recently?) or are they all away in Europe on a jolly?

  • Comment number 20.

    @carrie - Chris Mason is working with one other 5 live producer for his pieces in Europe this week.

    @Fedster - the reason I closed the comment option on the DQF post was not because I didn't want listeners to discuss the proposals. I had been told a central Ö÷²¥´óÐã blog post about DQF that would host all comments would be posted elsewhere. In the end that didn't happen.

    On Monday I updated my original post with the DQF proposals that relate directly to 5 live. I also attempted to reopen the comments on that post so you could share your thoughts about them. A technical bug has meant that's not worked but someone is trying to fix it.

    As I said in that post if you want your comments about any aspect of DQF to have a genuine impact you should complete the Ö÷²¥´óÐã Trust's online consultation.

    Hopefully you'll be able to comment on my original post shortly. If the fault remains I'll write another post with comments open.

  • Comment number 21.

    Nigel thanks for your reply, it has to be said what really annoyed me was i actually managed to post a comment on that DFQ Post, yet you deleted it even though it was on topic!!!

    Was that a technical bug as well?

  • Comment number 22.

    Sadly I think 5 Live listeners are being treated to superficial reporting which insults our intelligence.

    Fedster is also quite rightly annoyed at the inability of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã to provide a forum for discussion on this DFQ stuff, and Nigel telling us to post a response on the online consultation means a viewpoint is consigned to the online rubbish bin without any feedback at all.

  • Comment number 23.

    Seems the excessive moderation that we saw of comments in the last few months has resulted in a lot of people giving up on the 5 live blog as it became irrelevant and boring.

    Still no post on DQF cuts that we can comment on

  • Comment number 24.

    Rachel describes Chris taking a serious look at the European economy, cut to him shaking a begging envelope in some German city. Sorry, this is economy for 8 year olds.

  • Comment number 25.

    Was there really any need for VD to cut a caller off this morning who was criticising her for yet another Paul Gascoigne feature.How she hates being taken to task and takes it on a personal level which does concern me of her suitability as a broadcaster on an ' open station '.

  • Comment number 26.

    Hard up Slovenia's understandable concerns about bailing out other countries like Greece is exactly why we have countries; so that one blames the other rather than the failure of the overall monetary economic system in which every country works in regardless of what currency or trading bloc they're in.

    It's the cause of nationalism and xenophobia!

  • Comment number 27.

    And after one hour of a Rugby phone in - we now have football being discussed. No real news to report today then?

  • Comment number 28.

    Nigel,still waiting for that DFQ blog,which you said will be arriving shortly.

  • Comment number 29.

    Ginger Tompkins: On occasions I also find 'VD's' style of presentation somewhat annoying but I'm sure it wasn't solely down to her for the Paul Gascoigne feature and that she and her colleagues will only cut callers off as a last resort. (That's of course when they can get on in the first place:-))


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