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Budget 2013: What will the Chancellor do?

John Pienaar

主播大秀 Radio 5 live Chief Political Correspondent

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George Osborne's dream? A Budget that fires the economic after-burners, accelerates growth, restores his reputation as a master of political strategy and - why not? - brings on a six-month Mediterranean summer in which we all bask in tropical temperatures and a sudden sense of optimism. We can all dream can't we?

Realistically, the Chancellor will probably settle for a Budget free of unforced errors - like the .

He'll offer something to show he "gets it" when people complain about rising prices and falling living standards. And he'll try, again, to .

More realistically still, I suspect he'd accept the verdict that he delivered a rather dull Budget, competently. In case you hadn't heard (and I know you have), there's no money to spend.

George Osborne's looking more and more like dear old Wilkins Micawber, in Dickens's David Copperfield, waiting "for something to turn up".

So, no increase in the autumn, but maybe a heavier than usual hit for drinkers (remember those Cabinet ministers who ?). And there'll surely be another hike in the tax free earnings allowance, to please the Liberal Democrats and show he's on the side of the hard working and the worst-off.

I could go on predicting endlessly, but far better, surely, to listen in to the real thing?

I'll be helping with the build-up on 5 live Breakfast, and joining in the 5 live tent on College Green, opposite the Commons, heavily wrapped up, between 12pm and 4pm.

We'll bring you the Budget live and the best reaction and analysis you could ever wish for. At least, that's the plan. Then, picks up the baton from 4pm. Do join us.

By the way, George Osborne might well settle for the verdict of a dull but competent Budget, while he concentrates on his fantastically difficult public spending plan, and waits Micawber-like for an economic recovery, but he'd love to get better reviews than that.

Who knows? This Budget may turn out to be a triumph compared to - though that wouldn't be too difficult. And after all, being an optimist doesn't always mean you're wrong. Does it?

Full coverage of the on Wednesday 20 March on 5 live.

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