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Tapping into creative and digital talent outside the 主播大秀

Will Saunders

Editorial Lead for 主播大秀 Taster

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Hello I’m Will Saunders, the editorial lead for 主播大秀 Taster, a website that’s home to a wide range of innovative and experimental content from across the 主播大秀.

On Taster you can find projects that explore things like virtual reality and 360 degree videos from the  and , and new ways of telling stories through the likes of  from 主播大秀 News and interactive videos including .

We produce much of these experimental pieces of content in collaboration with  and with production teams across the 主播大秀. But today we’ve launched a new kind of collaboration, a pilot initiative with eight educational institutions in UK, giving TV and digital media students the opportunity to develop their own ideas and content for Taster.

As a result, this morning we made a change to the 主播大秀 Taster website, adding a ‘made by you’ category to our existing filters like ‘interactive video’ and ‘quizzes and games’. It’s a minor tweak, but it’s an exciting shift in how we experiment with digital content. 

The first project from this initiative has also been published today - is an interactive guide to the pitfalls of social media made by Joana Nunes and Pav Janda, students at the National, Film & Television School (NFTS). If you bump into your parents on Facebook or look up ex partners on social media this is well worth a peek.

To get Laid Bare made we gave the NFTS a mentor in Factual TV Production (thanks Hannah, who is leading on this project for us) and hands-on experience using the same software teams that 主播大秀 Drama & 主播大秀 Science have been exploring.

Opening up the 主播大秀 and providing our editorial and technical expertise to the next generation of creative and digital pioneers is what this initiative is all about. We’ll be working with a range of other institutions in the same way over the coming months.

In addition to the NFTS today, Birmingham City University have been working with our content innovation team 's the University of West England are developing projects with the 主播大秀 Natural History Unit, and this week Bradford University were briefed by our 主播大秀 Digital, Creative Director in UX&D. We are also developing Taster projects with Bournemouth University, Ravensbourne University and Glasgow School of Art.

Collaboration is really important to us at the 主播大秀 – Connected Studio which powers so much Taster activity does so in collaboration with creative and digital agencies,   with industry and academia, the  initiative brought together over 50 organisations including ARM, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, and Technology Will Save Us, and  is a partnership between the 主播大秀, cultural movement What Next? and a huge range of arts, cultural and voluntary organisations across the UK.

And recently, 主播大秀 Director-General  the importance of this approach in a speech calling for the 主播大秀 of the internet age to be truly open to partnership. It’s in this spirit that we want totap into the talents of the UK’s next generation of digital and creative pioneers and see what the next generation of 主播大秀 content looks like.

Ultimately, there’s a great benefit from generating new ideas with people outside the organisation. With 88% of 16-24 year olds now owning a smartphone, and 75% of the same age group being active users of social media, we want to enable that generation to use Taster like so many areas of the 主播大秀 have already - as a place to take risks and try out their ideas. We look forward to seeing what they come up with.

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