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Have you seen our giant radio?

Betsan Powys

Editor, Radio Cymru

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio Cymru's giant radio

Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio Cymru's summer programming begins with the Big Day Of Summer on Friday 20 June. It also demands a big radio. In this blog post, Betsan Powys introduces the special programmes and the country-wide campaign to raise awareness about them. We've provided a Welsh translation at the bottom of this post.Ìý

You may not know it yet, but today’s a big day for a big Ö÷²¥´óÐã radio station.

The station’s gone through recently. It’s got some big ambitions, too, and certainly some of the biggest personalities in radio. This summer it’s got plans (you guessed it, big plans…) to get out there, right in the heart of its audience, with a series of OBs. And it’s all kicking off today with wall-to-wall programmes from around the country. Today is Radio Cymru’s Big Day of Summer (Diwrnod Mawr yr Haf).

To be honest, between you and me it’s actually not that much of a big deal for to be out there in the community. It happens all the time, you see, and for your average Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio Cymru listener it’s about as much of a surprise to see breakfast presenter down their way, for example, as it might be for them to bump into, say, Mr Thomas from the local tennis club.

But the new schedule’s been well received and we thought it was time for an innovative way to get maximum recognition for the new line-up of presenters and, just as importantly, allow their distinctive personalities to shine through.

Because Radio Cymru is not just one radio station, it’s at least four or five stations rolled into one to serve a diverse Welsh language audience. If you want news, sport, traffic and travel, weather, great music of all sorts, chat, drama, poetry, comedy, politics, literature, competitions, opinion, panel shows or rural affairs on your radio station (and you also want it in Welsh on a big national station for the whole country) you know where to come…

So there was only one solution, really, for the marketing campaign, when it came down to it. We had to have a big radio - and a series of TV promos, filmed - on location of course - in , Caernarfon and .

The big radio () is going to be out and about over the next few months, too, at big festivals and local events, because we think it’ll be a talking point and a way to get people to come over, say hello to our presenters and programme makers wherever they may be, and make a real connection. (Hopefully they’ll take some selfies for their social media accounts too, but that would just be a bonus!) Whether they’re already among the tens of thousands of avid Radio Cymru listeners, or perhaps they don’t listen much at the moment, we know there’s something on our big station for everyone - and this summer we’re going to get that message out.

…Big time!

P.S. If you spot our giant radio today, please let us know and you might win a prize!

Efallai nad ydych yn gwybod hyn eto, ond mae heddiw yn ddiwrnod mawr i orsaf radio fawr.

Mae'r orsaf wedi mynd drwy yn ddiweddar. Mae ganddi uchelgais fawr, hefyd, ac yn sicr mae ganddi rai o'r personoliaethau mwyaf yn y byd radio. Dros yr haf mae ganddi gynlluniau (ie, dyna chi, cynlluniau mawr...) i fynd allan at y gynulleidfa gyda chyfres o ddarllediadau allanol. Ac mae'r holl beth yn cael ei lansio heddiw gyda rhaglenni drwy’r dydd o bob cwr o'r wlad. Heddiw yw Diwrnod Mawr yr Haf Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio Cymru.

A bod yn onest, rhyngoch chi a fi, dyw bod allan yn yn y gymuned ddim yn beth mor fawr â hynny i . Mae'n digwydd drwy'r amser, a dyw gweld y cyflwynydd boreol , er enghraifft, yn cyflwyno ei raglen o’ch tref chi ddim gymaint o syndod a hynny i wrandawyr selog yr orsaf.

Ond mae'r amserlen newydd wedi cael derbyniad da, ac roedden ni’n credu ei bod yn amser i ddod o hyd i ffordd arloesol o dynnu mwy eto o sylw at yr amserlen a’r cyflwynwyr newydd ac, yr un mor bwysig, yn caniatáu i’w personoliaethau unigryw ddisgleirio.

Oherwydd nid dim ond un orsaf radio yw Radio Cymru mewn gwirionedd, ond o leiaf pedair neu bum gorsaf wedi’u cyfuno’n un i wasanaethu cynulleidfa Gymraeg amrywiol iawn. Os ydych am gael newyddion, chwaraeon, traffig a theithio, y tywydd, cerddoriaeth wych o bob math, sgyrsio, drama, barddoniaeth, comedi, gwleidyddiaeth, llenyddiaeth, cystadlaethau, barn, sioeau panel neu faterion gwledig ar eich radio (a hynny yn Gymraeg ac ar un orsaf genedlaethol fawr) dyma’r orsaf i chi…

Felly dim ond un ateb oedd, mewn gwirionedd, ar gyfer yr ymgyrch farchnata. Roedd yn rhaid i ni gael radio fawr - a chyfres o drêls teledu - wedi’u ffilmio ar leoliad wrth gwrs - yng , Caernarfon ac . Mae'r radio fawr () yn mynd i fod ar daith dros y misoedd nesaf, hefyd, mewn gwyliau bach a mawr a digwyddiadau lleol, oherwydd ein bod yn credu y bydd yn ysgogi sgwrs ac yn ffordd i gael pobl i ddod draw a dweud helo wrth ein cyflwynwyr a thimau rhaglenni lle bynnag maen nhw. (Gobeithio y byddan nhw’n tynnu hunluniau ar gyfer y gwefannau cymdeithasol hefyd, ond bonws fyddai hynny!) Os ydyn nhw eisoes ymysg y degau o filoedd o wrandawyr selog, neu efallai prin yn gwrando ar y hyn o bryd, rydym yn gwybod bod rhywbeth ar ein gorsaf fawr i bawb - a thros yr haf rydyn ni am wneud ein gorau glas i gyrraedd cymaintÌý ohonoch chi ag sy’n bosibl.

O.N. Os gwelwch chi’n radio fawr ni heddiw, rhowch wybod i ni ac efallai y byddwch chi’nÌý ennill gwobr!

Betsan Powys is Editor, Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio Cymru


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