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Radio 1’s Newsbeat rips up the rulebook to lure young listeners

Jon Jacob

Editor, About the Blog

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In an article published on Media Guardian today:

“We are looking at ideas for the general election that involve telling some of the stories through a series of games, that kind of thing,” says Radio 1 Newsbeat editor Louisa Compton. “Newsbeat really should be pushing at the boundaries in a way that the rest of News can’t necessarily do.”

Compton’s 15-minute lunchtime and teatime bulletins have a combined weekly reach of around 3.3 million listeners (compared to an overall Radio 1 audience of just under 11 million). More 15 to 24-year-olds (34% of them) get their news from Newsbeat than from any other TV or radio outlet. Compton says it’s a myth that young people are not interested in news; the challenge is how to reach them.

Read the rest of the interview on the .

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