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Introducing: Bruce Malcolm, Chief Operating Officer, Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland

Bruce Malcolm

Ö÷²¥´óÐã Head of Commonwealth Games

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Editor's Note - Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland's Chief Operating Officer, Bruce Malcolm is the first to feature in a new series of blog interviews introducing senior management and the work they do at the Ö÷²¥´óÐã. We'll be publishing more interviews from across the Ö÷²¥´óÐã in the coming weeks and months. Look out for additional posts about the work of Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland soon.Ìý

What does the Chief Operating Officer for Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland do?

I look after ’s business and operational side of things. That includes finance, property, planning, technology, production management and ourÌýDelivering Quality First plans. The post of Chief Operating Officer was created when moved its headquarters to , as a solution toÌýrunning all operational aspects of the business in the most integrated way.

In addition to this I am also responsible for delivering large projects. The move to Pacific Quay is a good example of that as I led that project from design toÌýdelivery which was a process that spanned twelve or thirteen years.

What did you do before you joined the Ö÷²¥´óÐã? And what attracted you to the Ö÷²¥´óÐã in the first place?

I trained as a chartered accountant and qualified with a major accounting firm, but after working as a consultant for a few years I found myself wanting to doÌýsomething a bit more challenging. I was drawn towards the arts, culture and broadcasting and I ended up at Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland because of its unique set up.

When I joined Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland it was in a very traditional finance role, though over the next ten years I moved through being responsible for each of the keyÌýbusiness and operational areas. By the time the post of Chief Operating Officer arose I had a very clear understanding of each of the areas of the business,Ìýand believed that integrating them was the way forward for the organisation.Ìý

I originally only intended to stay for a few years, but the place got a hold of me and we are now twenty years down the line!ÌýÌý

What are you working on at the moment, what's on your to-do list for the next twelve months?

I’m working on the Network Supply Review (NSR), which is how the Ö÷²¥´óÐã moves productions out of London and across the UK, alongside meetingÌýstretching savings targets of 16%. It’s a mix of trying to grow Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland’s business through NSR whilst also improving efficiency.

When in 2007 committed to at least 8.6% of network television output being produced in Scotland by 2016. ThisÌýtarget was in line with the percentage of the Scottish population within the UK. ÌýBy 2011 we had already reached over 8% so we are well on our way toÌýdelivering the 2016 target.Ìý

At the moment NSR mainly involves television but we hope to expand it to look at radio and online. This is an incredibly important project because itÌýinvolves spreading the licence fee spend across the UK, but most significantly, it’s about ensuring local portrayal so that audiences across the country getÌýoutput which reflects them.

We’re also working towards 2014 which is a huge year for both the Ö÷²¥´óÐã and Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland. There’s the referendum on and theÌý. In both cases we have to ensure that we deliver the best possible coverage for the audience and in the case of theÌýCommonwealth Games, build on the success of the Olympics.Ìý

The final thing that is key to us in the next twelve months and beyond is working in partnership with external organisations. We already do this on topicsÌýlike training with , and our work with Creative Scotland Ìý(for example on our co-commissioned drama The ) andÌý with our neighbours at the which you will see next year on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Four. The right partnerships allow us to create greatÌýcontent for our audiences in the most efficient way and this is something we are going to increase.

What’s unique about Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland?

In my opinion the most defining thing about Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland is that it is a microcosm of the wider Ö÷²¥´óÐã. We make every type of programming here forÌýScottish and network audiences: news and current affairs, sport, landmark factual, drama, daytime and entertainment, comedy, music and events,Ìýchildren’s; we have all platforms – with Radio Scotland as well as the Gaelic language services Radio nan Gaidheal and the television channel ,Ìýplus we have online. Our headquarters are at Pacific Quay in Glasgow but we have creating a service for the whole country.

In addition to that we deliver something into every single Ö÷²¥´óÐã network and there are very few bits of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã where that happens, so it gives us a uniqueÌýinsight and level of experience. It does mean that it can be a bit complex at times but the advantage it gives us is that we are small and agile enough to beÌýable to experiment and learn from what we do. It’s easier for us to see what is and is not working which enables us to advise other, larger parts of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã,Ìýso we play a big part in pan-Ö÷²¥´óÐã initiatives as a result of that. One example of that is ‘Creative UK’ – this is a project I’m involved in which partly looks atÌýhow network TV is managed in terms of budgets, structures etc to ensure the business is being run in the best possible way.Ìý

Another big thing for us is being part of the creative industries in Scotland. Last year . £100m of that was spent on ScottishÌýprogramming which includes things like news, sport, our continuing drama , factual documentaries, learning output, Radio Scotland and our onlineÌýservices. The remaining £70m was spent on our network business, supplying content across all the Ö÷²¥´óÐã’s genres. Approximately 50% of this contentÌýcomes from independent production companies so you can see that we spend a significant amount of the licence fee externally on Scotland’s creativeÌýindustries.Ìý

There is a broad range of indies in Scotland, from in Aberdeen who make our long running series , and the soon to beÌýtransmitted six-parter The Harbour, to the who have brought us classics like and more recently . It’sÌýimportant to us that there is a sustainable production industry in Scotland as that leads to jobs for production and craft staff, and a better and broaderÌýcontent reflecting Scotland to its own audiences as well as to the rest of the country.

Describe Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland's headquarters Pacific Quay. What's the best thing about it?Ìý

When talked about his design for Pacific Quay he said he wanted staff to feel as if they were coming to work on a sunny day which isÌýwhy the building has its open spaces and large amounts of natural daylight. It’s a beautiful building and when you bring guests in you see it again through their eyes.Ìý

Pacific Quay is centred around ‘The Street’ which is the stepped sandstone heart of the building. We use the top of each level for meetings, broadcasts andÌýstaff gatherings, and underneath each level is one of our studios. It has really worked in terms of connecting staff in the building as it does encourageÌýpeople to meet one another, people don’t just stay in their own departments - you see everyone every day. There’s also a democracy in the openness –Ìýthere aren’t any private offices, every member of staff has exactly the same kind of working environment. The same goes for the car park, there aren’t anyÌýreserved spaces for senior staff, it’s simply first-come first-served.

You also know you are in a broadcasting environment when you are here, we designed it so that broadcasting runs through it all. You can see right into theÌýradio studios and edit suites from just about anywhere in the building and things like lighting rigs are built into the building as part of the interior design.ÌýWherever you go in the building you are always in touch with production.

What view do you have from your desk?Ìý

Our office has floor to ceiling windows with a view of the River Clyde, Glasgow University and beyond that the hills so I’m quite happy where I am! If I turnÌýthe other way I’m right next to edit suites and the radio music team so you’re always aware you are part of an organisation that is continually creatingÌýcontent.ÌýÌý

What was the last thing you watched via Ö÷²¥´óÐã iPlayer? What would you recommend?

The last thing I watched on iPlayer was three episodes of back to back. If you like surreal comedy sketch shows I would recommend that!

I’ve also been a fan of the since I joined and have been a regular at their concerts for the past twenty years. Their newÌýseason just opened at City Halls in Glasgow with which was another memorable and enjoyable evening. Ìý


Read about the apprentice scheme run at Ö÷²¥´óÐã Scotland in posts written by Ìý(Editor, Commonwealth Games)Ìýand scheme participant . Ìý

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