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Product placement on 主播大秀 World News

Chris Davies

Sales and Marketing Director, 主播大秀 Global News Ltd

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In 2011, the broadcasting industry regulator Ofcom changed their guidelines to allow product placement on the TV channels they regulate. If you’ve ever spotted the product placement logo () at the start of a programme, it means that a brand has paid to have their product featured within the programme.

As the 主播大秀 is funded by the licence fee in the UK, rather than advertising, you won’t have seen it on 主播大秀 programmes here. However, if you’ve ever watched 主播大秀 channels abroad, you may have noticed it, and perhaps wondered why.

Outside the UK, our global TV channels are commercial, funded in part by advertising and sponsorship. The change in Ofcom’s rules means that product placement has been allowed on these channels for a number of years, although until now we have not used it on 主播大秀 World News.

There are certain programmes which aren’t included. Specifically, news and current affairs output cannot ever be sponsored or contain product placement. On 主播大秀 World News – our 24 hour international news channel, which is not available in the UK, a large amount of our content fits into this category. However, the channel also offers a range of feature programmes focusing on topics such as sport, travel and technology. We already use sponsorship for these kinds of programmes, and we have recently decided to trial product placement within some of these programmes to bring us in line with the 主播大秀’s other commercial channels.

Initially this will be for a year-long period and we will review it after that. Each proposal to include product placement within a programme will be carefully considered at group director level on a case by case basis and will only be allowed when it is both editorially justified and in line with Ofcom’s guidelines. When this is the case, the programme will be clearly marked with the universal product placement logo to ensure transparency for the audience.

主播大秀 World News has strict guidelines around advertising and sponsorship and our editorial integrity always comes first. As the world’s most trusted broadcaster, our core values of accuracy and impartiality are, and will always be, put before any commercial considerations. On occasions, we have found that not allowing product placement has unnecessarily stopped us from being able to make the programmes we want to. For example, if we were considering a series about an event which had numerous sponsors, without product placement consent, the logo of the company sponsoring the programme would probably not be allowed to appear within it, even though those of the other event sponsors would be.

Allowing product placement in a small number of feature programmes means we can operate on a like for like basis with other international and 主播大秀 channels and avoid situations like the above where we miss out on an opportunity to bring a fascinating programme to our global audience.

Chris Davies, Sales and Marketing Director, 主播大秀 Global News Ltd

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