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Guest Blog - Strait Laces @ SXSW (part four)

Across The Line

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Late nights and early starts are really catching up on us now, our diet of hot dogs and pizza slices watered down with good old mountain dew is getting a bit old. I need a boost bar. So up we all got this morning and headed into downtown with only one gig and one interview planned! Ian Quinn our lovely host this week has been lifting and laying us everywhere! LEGEND!!

Today we are playing at a pirate themed bar called Treasure Island and the sound guy is caught somewhere between being a pirate and cowboy. During the first song Pando's seat fell apart and I turned around to see him about half a foot off the ground reaching up to hit the kit. Possibly one of thee funniest looking things I've seen so far. We hammered through the set nonetheless with people coming in off the streets and locals buying us drinks during the songs. Sweet!

With the interview done as well at this point we found ourselves in a bar watching some more great music (thanks to Will for getting us in), Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears being one of the highlights! Although with the combination of the heat, dehydration, and the thought of another late night looming above our heads, it was time for me to declare that I needed to go to bed! 8-9 hours later we are all still lazing about Rob's house. This is exactly what we needed as our next day has our most important gigs. Today was a good day. We played the gig as hard as we could, getting people coming tomorrow to either the Irish Breakfast showcase in BD Reilly's or our own showcase in Wave.

I just found out that at the Irish Breakfast showcase tomorrow there's going to be a full Irish Breakfast at the start. Hopefully this is not just hearsay, because if I'm in the position one more time where there is only a hot dog stand or a pizza place nearby, I will cry.


*** were in Texas for the South By Southwest music industry event ***

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