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ATL's Track for the Day #139

Across The Line

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Monday, 4th May 2015
Foreign Affairs - Television


are a 3 piece alternative pop punk band from Armagh who release this first single on May 6th from their upcoming EP ‘Social Skills.’


They Say: “Television is a song about the different layers within modern society, and how there are both positive and negative factors within those layers. The track itself is a move to a 'heavier' form and growth within our sound and we're all incredibly proud of the song. We worked hard on the music video, getting members of the public involved by holding up signs to do with modern society, and that will debut on 6th May. The song will also be part of our next 3-track EP due for release late summer!”


We Say: “Foreign Affairs do shouty, anthemic pop-punk like no one else. Clocking in at well below three minutes, this is all killer and no filler, with not a note that doesn't belong.”

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ATL鈥檚 Track for the Day #140