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Stendhal 2021

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Indie Kids Shine

Who: The Florentinas

Where: The Karma Valley Stage

For Fans Of: The 1975, Catfish & The Bottlemen, Nothing But Thieves

Roisin says: Indie Newcomers The Florentinas lit up the Karma Valley Stage, with a young crowd gathering just to hear the band soundcheck. An eclectic set that according to the band contained some of their debut album

Mind Blowing Lyricism

Who: Conchur White

Where: The Air Stage

For Fans of: dreamy pop

Gemma Says: Definitely a must to go and see. Conchur White took to the stage at Stendhal with just an acoustic guitar. His Soothing vocals captured the audience straight away. Soft but bold, his lyricsm is sure to stand the test of time. He even found time to showcase some new tunes, a stand out was a slow ballad called deadwood - fingers crossed this one is on the album!

Ash Are Back

WHO: Ash

Where: Kama Valley Stage

For Fans Of: Great Pop Rock with a Kung Fu Edge

Gemma Says: Bursting on to the stage with everything to give. The audience were ready; Ash were ready as this was their first gig back since March 2020. Playing all the hits such as 'Girl From Mars' and 'Goldfinger'. It was so surreal to see them back in action. Celebrating their career of 25 years as a band, the excitement and energy is still there.

Good Vibes Only

Where: Stevie Martin Stage

For Fans Of: Trap Soul, Rock & Hip Hop

Gemma Says: Jordan Adetunji lit up the Stevie Martin stage at Stendhal festival! With R&B, funk and rock influences coming through in each song - the vibes were FAB. This is a first for Jordan as he performed a brand new set, and the Stendhal goers lapped up. If you haven’t seen Jordan Adetunji perform live before, make sure to make time to. He’s phenomenal.

Glorious Pop Goth

Who: Sasha Samara

Where: Stevie Martin Stage

For Fans Of: PJ Harvey, Indie pop

Rory Says: The stage adorned in flowers, Sasha bounds about with an unexpected energy for this time of day. her died red dress makes her unmissable,  against the black backdrop, made all the more dramatic by the greying skies that now frame the festival. What really stands out here though is how accomplished a songwriter Samara is. The songs are polished, catchy and just different enough to stick in the mind. From the stage Sasha jokes that she hasn't reached the level or stardom that affords her a "Britney mic", but with a performance like this and songs to match, it's only a matter of time.

Voice That Soars

Who: Rosborough

Where: Air Stage

For Fans Of: JC Stewart, Joni Mitchell

Rosbourough is arguably one of the finest song writers in the country. he's been quiet of late, taking time off to raise a family ("i was trying to re-learn the words to this song but my daughter kept interrupting with 'The Wheels On The Bus'). There's a relaxed confidence with this performance, armed with simply a voice and a guitar, it feels right that Rosborough is here, in this moment, at this time. There's a great crowd for the return of Rosborough, and the set we're watching is a glorious mix of songs old and new. "I nearly stopped making music", he exclaims from the stage before launching into one of his finest songs 'Burn Blue', "but I just couldn't do it". This crowd are very happy you didn't. Viva la Rosborough.

Shellsuited Melodic Banjo

Who: Dani Larkin

Where: Stevie Martin Stage

For Fans Of: laid back, melodic folk.

Rory Says: With one of the strongest looks of the afternoon, Dani stands centre stage sporting a shaved head and yellow Shell Suit. "It's getting hotter and hotter, I'm regretting my choice of jacket". She's styling it out though. Dani's songs come to life on the stage, building from little before swelling to huge indulgence. This is the sort of performance best enjoyed on your back, eyes closed allowing the images the music creates to swirl around your head. Inevitably the jacket comes off "it's coming off, it's too warm" says Dani. And with that I lie down, close my eyes and let the music wash over me.

Back With Bite

Who: Roe

Where: Karma Valley Stage

For Fans Of: Clairo, Baby Queen.

Rory says: As the opening chords of current single 'Cruel' roar to life it's hard to believe that this is Roe on stage. It is though, the new version of the electro pop performer we used to know. Gone are the loop pedals and drum triggers, and in its place stands a live drummer and bass player. Roe is comfortable as lead singer and guitarist of this new angry, rock trio, and the songs sound better than ever.  More vitriol sure, but the melodies that were perhaps lost in the previous incarnation now shine through. Roe is on the road to stardom. 

What A Voice

Who: Cormac Neeson

Where: The Air Stage

For Fans Of: blues, rock and soul

Rory Says: "6 weeks ago I played this same stage, wearing the same clothes. I should have just stayed on site but they wouldn't let me" says Cormac Nesson to a busy Air Stage. He's referring to the more low key "trail run" Stendhal that happened in July. The question then was, 'will it work?' Would we be allowed out of our houses to once again mingle with fellow fans and celebrate the return of live music? As the sun shines down on the crowd, who embrace loved ones while they sway soulfully to Cormacs blend of blues and soul, while they listen in awe to the power behind his voice, I look around and take in the celebration of the moment, and the pure joy of the event. Will it work? The answer has to be, will. 

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