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New Tune Disco, 24th October 2016

Across The Line

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Niamh Hegarty joins Rigsy and Stuart to share great new music, including:

– Side to Side
Hailing from Cork, ELLLL has released this remix of an Ariana Grande track for free. Her debut EP, ‘Romance’ is set for release on November 14th , on Art For Blind Records.

– Citadel Ghosts
The latest project by Philip Quinn from Girls Names, Gross Net take cues from ‘80s industrial acts such as Throbbing Gristle. Their forthcoming album ‘Quantitative Easing’ will be released on 25th November.

– Correct
Influenced by jazz, hardcore and classical music, Robocobra Quartet are currently on tour with a Belfast gig in 101 Donegall St, on 18th November.

– Golden Keys And How We Found Them
Playing Cuckoo in Belfast on November 24th, Born Only Yesterday have recently released their EP ‘The Eyes, The Heart, The Sin’.

– Feel Your Rhythm
Bantum is the alter-ego of Cork musician Ruairi Lynch. His latest album ‘Move’ is full of guest appearances, with this track featuring Rusangagno Family, and Senita on backing vocals.

– Inhaler
Based in Coleraine, indie outfit Sleeping Outside have recently released their debut EP, ‘Sleepy’.

– Come On In Out Of That Night
August Wells is a project formed by Dublin’s Kenneth Griffin, and New York pianist John Rauchenberger. ‘Madness Is The Mercy’ is their new album, and this is the first single from it.

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