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ATL's Track for the Day #501, Kippysmuse

Across The Line

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– My #9
Monday 26th June, 2017

They say: “The song looks at how mental health can affect everyone - from those suffering - to their loved ones. My number nine is the last life. The last life you still have. The album 'My #9' is available for pre order now and will be released on August 11th 2017.”

We say: “Beginning softly with a Parachutes era Coldplay riff, ‘My #9’ eventually blossoms into a big sounding but melancholic melody.

It’s also got an undeniable early 2000s grunge rock vibe, most similar to Kansas City band Puddle of Mudd coupled with hints of Johnny Cash. Great stuff from this County Down singer songwriter!”

Kippysmuse is a crowd funded project by Kris Marden. ‘My #9’ will be launched at the Sunflower Bar, Belfast on Saturday 12th August along with Andrew Train who will also be launching his EP that night, ‘Settle Into Your Mind’.

As often as possible Across the Line aims to bring you a great new, recent or interesting track each day, Monday to Friday. To get your new music to Across the Line send it via the 主播大秀 Introducing Uploader.

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