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They're Gonna Be Big

Rory McConnell

Producer, Across The Line

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Dublin is a town unwilling to shake the imagery of docks and smoky wind, rain soaked cobbled streets, and big dreams at the bottom of an empty stout glass. She is a city with her head ruled by the church, but with a heart driven by protest, progression, and dreams of grandeur. It’s this historical backdrop that spits out artistry and poetry wise beyond years, with reach beyond any possible imagination.

‘Big’ doesn’t soundtrack a home city as much as it is born from it head-first; kicking and angry. The desire to grow and follow dreams locks horns with a sense of guilt that pangs with thoughts of leaving the streets and smells that make it so hard to move on. Shouts throughout of ‘I’m gonna be big’ cut through any sentimentality, telling the world that one day Fontaines D.C will be recognised - along with the rest of Dublin’s dreamers - once they shake the shackles of this dirty old town.

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