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Midsummer Sessions in Portstewart, 6th - 9th July

Across The Line

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On Thursday 6th – Sunday 9th July the come to Portstewart during the Dubai Duty Free Irish Open. Over 30 musicians, will play in coffee shops, hotels, restaurants and bars, with the Atlantic as a backdrop. Each artist will play on the hour, forming a music trail across over 10 venues in Portstewart. Plus admission is free and no tickets are required.

Artists involved include Beauty Sleep, Brand New Friend, Callum Stewart, Chris Keyes, Cup o Joe with Eilidh Patterson, Emer Maguire, Gerry Norman, Larks, Mandy and Graham Bingham, Matt McGinn, Peter J McCauley, Rory Nellis, Joshua Burnisde, No Oil Paintings, Sam Wickens, Son of the Hound, Tony Villiers & the Villains and Verse Chorus Verse.

Thursday 6th July

TIME   ARTIST                                   VENUE
4pm    Sam Wickens                            The Paper Fig
7pm    Chris Keyes                               Manina Restaurant
9pm    Callum Stewart & band              Harry’s Shack
11pm  Tony Villiers & the Villains          The Anchor Complex

Friday 7th July

TIME    ARTIST                                   VENUE
4pm     Son of the Hound                      Warke’s Deli
7pm     Beauty Sleep                             Shenanigans
9pm     Larks                                         Harry’s Shack
11pm   Cup O Joe with Eilidh Patterson  The Anchor Complex

Saturday 8th July

TIME     ARTIST                                    VENUE
4pm      Peter J McCauley                        The Three Kings
5pm      Matt McGinn                              Roughan’s Ice-Cream & Coffee Shop
6pm      Gerry Norman                            New York Inn
7pm      Verse Chorus Verse                    Manina Restaurant
8pm      Brand New Friend                      Shenanigans
9.30pm Mandy & Graham Bingham        Cromore Halt

Sunday 9th July

TIME     ARTIST                                    VENUE
4pm       Emer Maguire                            Warke’s Deli
5pm       Rory Nellis                                 Manina Restaurant
6.30pm  Joshua Burnside                        Harry’s Shack
7.30pm   No Oil Paintings                        The Anchor Complex


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