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Tagged with: Guest Blog

Posts (28)

  1. Guest Blog - More Than Conquerors Tour Diary Day 3

    Across The Line

    Time for our second installment (their third day) in the More Than Conqueror tour diary. What wacky antics are the guys getting up to today? Perhaps Jamie is tucking into some tasty colloquial dishes, Kris may be indulging in local architecture while the two Dannys play thumb wars in the back of...

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  2. Guest Blog - More Than Conquerors Tour Diary Day 1 & 2

    Across The Line

    It's that special time in our ATL Blog's life were we place our trust into one of our beautiful Northern Irish bands and let them loose with daily entries, sharing with us the highs, lows and B.O of touring life. This time around (previous tour blogs included Axis Of, ASIWYFA and Cutaways) we pl...

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  3. Guest Blog - Axis Of on tour! [Part Three]

    Across The Line

    Welcome to the third installement of the Axis Of tour diary, just in time for their return home supporting Therapy? at Mandela Hall tomorrow night!: Sorry for the late addition of this update. We had a fairly substantial WiFi famine which, aside from not keeping up top date with Busin...

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  4. Guest Blog - Axis Of on tour! [Part Two]

    Across The Line

    So after the initial invasion of the ATL Blog, we thought hell why not - let's give Axis Of a second installment to their tour diary seeing we're missing out! The north coast rockers are currently ripping up good old London Town, and this time it's the turn of their hollering bassist, Ewen Friar...

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  5. Guest Blog - Axis Of on tour!

    Across The Line

    It's that time again! Where a local band hacks our blog system for their own sneaky purposes. You'd think we'd learn after ASIWYFA managed to infiltrate our site while on tour with Them Crooked Vultures, and Strait Laces found time to wreck havoc during SXSW. Even the lovely Cutaways attempted t...

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  6. Guest Blog - ASIWYFA on tour with Them Crooked Vultures, part two

    Paul McClean

    Seriously, we're still very excited about the fact that north coast noise boys ASIWYFA went on tour with Them Crooked Vultures. It makes us giggle on public transport. You may have already taken in part one of this tour diary, and now Tony has recovered sufficiently that with much psychiatric ...

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  7. Guest Blog - ASIWYFA on tour with Them Crooked Vultures

    Across The Line

    As regular blog readers will know, when one of our esteemed bands spread their wings and do something even vaguely exciting overseas, we loan thema biro and an old school jotter to keepa note of their exploits. This time we have a doozy. Not only is it And So I Watch You From Afar one of the fin...

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  8. Clown Parlour Vlog

    Across The Line

    Clown Parlour's Mike Mormecha is out in L.A. at the moment along with fellow Northern Irish musicians Aaron Shanley, Kiernan McMullan and Silhouette, who are all playing a number of showcases in the Californian sun. So ATL thought we'd get Mike to report back on the events, the networking, the...

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  9. Guest Blog - Strait Laces @ SXSW (part five)

    Across The Line

    DATELINE: FRIDAY, 19th MARCH ______________________________ This morning started great! We headed down to BD Reilly's around 11am to get our free Irish breakfast. I don't know who told Americans how to make an Irish fry, but they were mis-informed. One banger, scrambled egg, beans and toast....

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  10. Guest Blog - Strait Laces @ SXSW (part four)

    Across The Line

    DATELINE: THURSDAY, 18th MARCH ______________________________ Late nights and early starts are really catching up on us now, our diet of hot dogs and pizza slices watered down with good old mountain dew is getting a bit old. I need a boost bar. So up we all got this morning and headed into d...

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