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Making Waves in South Sudan: Winnie

For International Women’s Day 2016, Winnie our script writer in South Sudan blogs about her experience in hearing how a radio drama she’s writing is helping address conflict in local communities.

I am one of the drama writers for the radio show Life in Lulu. I believe that the drama has taught the women of South Sudan to speak out and stand up for themselves in their families and in society at large. Women are now participating in solving problems peacefully.

I think it’s very important for women like me to be working in media organisations. We can be role models for women who are without a voice and don’t know who to approach when they want their views to be heard - about education for girls, stopping early marriage, and advocating for women’s rights at all levels of society.

I have had a lot of moments that make me proud to be working here, like when we received a message from one of the listeners from Torit, a town in Eastern Equatoria state. He said that he learned that women can contribute good ideas when it comes to resolving conflict in the community and that was something new for him.

It shows that the scenarios we dramatise in the show are bringing about changes.

I must also say I am so pleased when I see women gathering here in the real marketplace to listen to the programme go on air. This makes me feel like we are truly on people’s minds when they think how they can live together in peace and harmony. I am so excited about that.

Read more inspiring stories of how women are using media to make waves.

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