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Making Waves in Libya

For International Women’s Day 2016, Libya Gumma a trainee editor blogs about her experience of working on a project that provides a trusted platform for debate for Libyans.

I work as an assistant editor making content for El Kul, which means For Everyone. I am being trained in journalism and other media skills through the hands-on production of video and other content for our online platforms.

As its name suggests, El Kul gives Libyans from all walks of life access to trustworthy, non-partisan news and a chance to share their opinions on our online platforms. And “everyone” most certainly includes women.

We are working to make these platforms attractive and relevant to women: by promoting women’s rights, by giving women a space to express themselves, and to address all forms of discrimination against girls and women, not just in Libya and the Middle East but in the whole world.

El Kul is meeting a need at a time when partisan media within Libya makes reliable information hard to come by. I never forget that I’m an ordinary young Libyan woman who is trying to make this experience count and get the best out of it, not only on a personal level but to advance women from my country.

Read more inspiring stories of how women are using media to make waves.

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