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Live episode: As it happens!

Lou | 11:30 UK time, Friday, 19 February 2010

20:45: That was some rollercoaster ride! It was over so fast, we had some twists and turns, but the adrenalin drove everyone through... Brilliant. Let's go again! Maybe in another few years.

Ajesson on : "Can you believe that Stacey killed Archie? Did not see that coming. The EastEnders cast were amazing for not messing up!"

20:42: Send in your questions to the Exec Producer, Diederick, and we'll put them to him on Monday... did you enjoy it? What do you want to know? Let us know on here, and . Just add

#eastenders and #askdiederick to your tweets. Boooootiful.

20:40: How could Stacey let Bradders go through all that stress! Why, why, why??!! He's a gonna now. *welling up*. WatchÌýour quiz with Charlie Clements... his last interview on Bradders. He even fashions the nut-allergic's wardrobe.


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Don't forget to tune into LIVE EASTENDERS: THE AFTERMATH on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three now.

20:34: And there was me thinking it was Max!!!! Fabulooouuus. I. AM. SHOCKED.ÌýTOO.Ìý

*Louise takes over*


20:30: Oh no Bradley fell. Blood! I'm nearly crying!

20:25: Oooh a video trip down Walford memory lane round the Beales. Sharon! Michelle! Den! Ange! Weenie Ian! What a nice touch for the 25th anniversary. Oh what a quarter century it's been.... anyway BACK TO WHODUNNIT NOW

Comagirlx on : "I want to give Bradley a hug!!!!!!!!!!" So do we Comagirlx. I'm sure if we could give him hugs we could make it all better...

20:20: Oh no, Stacey and Bradley. I can hardly bare it! They're only young. They deserve a life together! Oh whyyyyyyyyyyyy!? Berlimey, Bradley left the passports behind or so he says.. we know he really left the iron on. STOP EVERYTHING. FIRE HAZARD!

20.13: Don't go Stace and Bradders! Don't leavvvveeeeeeee!! Halfway through and there's everything to play for.... and herrrrrre's Marsden!

20.10: Hoorah! Furnisher-smashing and kitchen dismantling round the Beales! Phil, you're a dangerous man. Can you flush Ian's head down the toilet again now, please.

20.08: Roxy - "how do you know he did it?" Ronnie - "because he's done it before." gah!!!! meanwhile, DON'T RUN BRADLEEEEEYYYYY!!!!

20.03: Ugh... poor Roxy, finding out that her dad was a good-for-nothing evil so-and-so. BUT WHO KILLED HIM!?Ìý

20.01: Ooooh it's happening RIGHT NOW as I live and breathe!

*Nickie takes over*

19:59: I've just seen Diederick (Exec Producer) smiling. The man knows too much! Not long to go now though lovely people... the theme tune will beginning in a matter of seconds! *hyperventilating even more*.

19:45: Well, well, well. 'Who killed Archie' is the biggest trend on . We're all overtaking the woooorrrld. Can you imagine if Archie survived? Vicky the bust wouldn't be famous. It was worth it.

19:30: The cast are now congregating in the Vic... quick pee runs please. Get the bouts of flatulence out of the way. Burp to high heaven.

RocketingRotars via Twitter: "It was Mrs Peacock, with the revolver in the study." Not Mrs White? I always thought she was a sly one.

Himesh Patel - the jester

19:10: *Hyperventilating* Under one hour to go! Don't forget to watch EASTENDERS LIVE: THE AFTERMATH which starts straight after the programme for a whole hour on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three. George Lamb will be capturing all the drama and excitement behind the scenes. Larry's son will be grilling the cast and gauging their reactions on who the murderer is.

Eastendersforever from this blog: "IT WAS TAMWAR!!!!!!!!!!!" Hmmm. Not sure on that one. Perhaps he used his comedy act on him... the wit on that lad.


18:49: Just seen only one of the longest-running extras in EastEnders' history... WINSTON! He just said hello to me with a big grin... and looking very dapper I may add. We LOVE Winston!

18:20: What's happened!? The stomping of footsteps has severely reduced. The microphone calling has stopped... and the rainbow of party outfits rushing to and fro on various cast members have vanished. One crew member sings whilst chomping on an apple; "It's all sooo quiet..". Tis great, but slightly eerie.

The cast are going through their final rehearsal... and I can't see any of it. Damn it. Roll on 20:00!!

Jane Slaughter plays innocentCupcake_77 from : Getting very excited for tonight. I think it was Ronnie... can't wait to find out!

Alberta Nika disagrees on Facebook: "Honestly, I don't have a clue however its going to be someone so obvious, or someone who you won't expect it to be :), but I have a feeling it's Jack or Tracy."

Only two hours to goÌýuntil we allÌýfind out! *starts getting delirious*. Put us out of our misery.

17:32: The whole of the cast and crew have just posed happily in the studio where the Vic is built. Diederick said a few lines too - he's "very excited!" That's an understatement. I'm ready to collapse! They're now calling the cast for a "company call". Brilliant. (This is the part of the ride where you get giddy and feel a bit sick).


Barbara Windsor poses16:40: Legend, Barbara Windsor (Peggy) is in da hooouuuse! She reveals that she isn't nervous... she's petrifiedÌý(WHAT?!!!). She explains that it's nothing like doing theatre. She's also so glad to be a part of the 25th anniversary.



Wanna know what she got up to last night when she got in? Her old man asked her to sit down, have a cuppa and watch last night's episode. She did, and she got emotional - she says she can't believe she's a part of the show. Well, she is and she's fabulous! Don't leave, Babs. And "Stacey" is her choice on whodunnit... she doesn't think Peggy did it.

16:26: Diederick, the Exec Producer is strolling about. He's so calm. Does he not know that there's a LIVE episode tonight? Someone tell him.

16:20: The lovely Jane Slaughter who plays Tracy the barmaid reckons that if she'd 'dunnit' she may have knocked the bust off of the bar and onto Archie's bonce by dusting. That's some vigorous hand-action, gal! She'd also like to go on a night out on the town with Sharon Watts. 'Oh whatta niiight!'

16:08: Aaaawww. Jamie B just told us how he watched his video last night and really liked it. If you haven't see it - check it out on our 25th anniversary page.

From louise_g_x on : "My money's on baby George!!!! But I think it could be Ryan."Ìý

15:36: Diane Parish (Denise)Ìýand Tiana (Chelsea) have been browsing through our fetching snaps of faaaaamilies over the years. Both of them are looking very pretty. Diane points out she has no make-up on yet. But, you look fab to me, love.

15:20: Cliff Parisi (Minty) is in good spirits and keeps popping in to say hello. He's also rounding the troops to come into the diary room... we love 'im.

14:59: Ooooh Charlie Jones (latest suspect, Ben) has just sat himself into our comfy chair - if he was to play any other character apart from Ben... it would be Dirty Den! Rock on.

Neil McDermott pulls his best shocked expression14:25: Neil McDermott (Ryan) has just walked into the diary room to share his thoughts. He says he's not nervous. What!!?? And what three words describe EastEnders to him? "Cockney, shouting and geezers."

14:10: Crew with head microphones are pacing the corridors. Perry Fenwick meanwhile is chilling in front of the box. Glad to know he's not letting this live lark get to him.

13:51: Wowsers. It seems like a lot of you on think it could have been wayward Sean Slater who did the dirty deed. The plot thickens.

Adam Beale on : It was Sean!! He was hiding behind a curtain in the Vic during the Christmas episode."

13:36: So the sun may have his hat on, but it's freeeeeeeezing here in Elstree. You may well be seeing some chattering teeth later.

Sam and Cheryl show their whodunnit expressionKarl D on says: "I think Archie accidentally killed himself." Hhmm. Was he not holding the snow globe at the same time? Perhaps he has four hands. Crafty.

13:00: Make-up and costume will be applied and worn from 15:00. That's when butterflies may be kicking in. I'll be finding out how nervous they all are and will let you know.

12:44: I'll be mixing wih the cast and crew today to bring you all pics and informations on what's happening. Oooh, it will be like a rollercoaster ride. Or, perhaps just a drive out with Janine at the wheel. Seatbelts on please.

12:00: It's all go here already. interviewed past cast members Gillian Taylforth (Kathy Mitchell) and Martin Kemp (Steve Owen) earlier. Both of them re-lived their experiences of being on the soap and Steve said: " When I was here it was a competition to see who could get that doof doof moment." Well, who's going to win that competition tonight, eh? Ooooh, the excitement.

From Aiysha319 on : "I think Tracy killed Archie! I'm probably gonna change my mind soon. :)"

11:50: Guess what? The sun has popped out from the dull, ashen clouds here at Elstree. Let's hope it stays that way for EastEnders' 25th birthday. No rain dances please.


11:30: Today's the day of the LIVE episode! Hooray! And... OMG. Today's also the day we hear the doof doof of all doof doofs... who the hell killed Archie Mitchell!!??

Send in your whodunnit thoughts, questions and queriesÌýto us throughout the day. We'll be adding some of the best comments on here. Send 'em viaÌýthis blog, or .ÌýAll you need to do is put #whokilledarchie (no queston marks 'ere, guv) and #eastenders in your tweets. Thanking you.


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  • Comment number 1.

    EEEEEEK! Extremely excited for tonight! Bought icecream and everything! Me and my mates all going down to the bookies to put a bet on who killed Archie! Tracey is who i am putting my money on tonight! x

  • Comment number 2.

    Okay, i personally think Sean Slater killed archie!
    Who said he wasn't coming back, and archie did almost destroy seans dreams of having a family with roxy, therefore he might want revenge!
    He could have easily came back whilst any other the others were away, and killed archie.
    Also, he had a key to Janines flat, as he used to live there, so he could have got in and planted the key in Janines flat.
    It all fits together, its somebody unexpected and Janine was going round accusing everybody, but Sean isn't there to be accused! He could be making a special appearence? OR:
    The police could come round and say that none have them have been found guilty from the DNA results, showing that it was somebody else, who didnt go into the Vic that night?

    This is what i think anyway :)

  • Comment number 3.

    ronniefan... what flavour ice cream? I have popcorn... except I've started eating it already. May have to eat the softened apple on my desk later. Groan.

  • Comment number 4.

    i think ronnie killed archie and set up janine with the ring. As she didn't answer janie when they had their little scat in the vic and then later threw red paint over archies poster

  • Comment number 5.

    a reply to alex richards comment ^^^
    it isn't sean slater because he is dead

    and it has to be one of the current eastenders characters because the write up's specifacily state that in tonights episode we finally find out who murdered archie

  • Comment number 6.

    Sean slater isn't dead, at his final episode you see him turn his back on Roxy and run away.

  • Comment number 7.

    Lou, i bought the most expensive icecream going! Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ;)!!! aww theres nothing worst then a squishy apple haha who do you think killed archie? :P

  • Comment number 8.

    Reply to johnny escott:
    Didn't you see him climb out of the icy lake? I think he killed Archie, because he ruined his chances with Roxy and he might have overheard something to do with Bradley and Stacey talking about how it might be Archie Mitchell's baby.

  • Comment number 9.

    I think it was ben. He said to peggy did archie do this to us and peggy said yes darlin' then ben wald out the room. Peggy, Phils Ron and Rxy, Jack, Janine, Sean, and people would have said smtn. Ben, Bradders, Billy, ( haha 3 b's) and dot (!?!) would have just dunnit n run!!

    doof doof doof doofdoofdoofdoff


    The excitement is KILLIN' me ! lol xoxoxoxoxoxox, poor archie, u broken old man. who is dead. !?! xox

    what font does eastenders use?????

  • Comment number 10.

    Archies dead.

    Who dunnit?

    Find out live February 19th
    Eastenders 25th


  • Comment number 11.

    OMG it was Carol!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Reply to Emma:

    OMG UR AMAZIN!!! U GOT IT but it was Dennis Rickman, back from the dead hehehe

  • Comment number 13.

    ahh too excited!!!

  • Comment number 14.


  • Comment number 15.

    I can't WAIT 4 tonight sean is the killer!!!! X

  • Comment number 16.

    what's this, what's this? is there something special about today? who's archie?


  • Comment number 17.

    You know what... my mind keeps changing all the time ronniefan!

  • Comment number 18.

    theres proberbly a simple explanation for this question,but how come ronnie got the snow globe as a present off archie which she opened well after christmas when he was holding it when he died ??? any ideas

  • Comment number 19.

    it was a different snow globe :)

  • Comment number 20.

    the snow glob he was holding on xmas day got smashed when ronie got arestead in the vic

  • Comment number 21.

    I have no idea who it is but think it's too obvious to be Bradley. Unless they reveal the real killer tonight but Bradley gets framed for it?

    Still not sure what Dot was upset about last night and what she wanted to talk to Ian about??? Any ideas

  • Comment number 22.

    Im so excited for tonights episode. I really dont know who could of killed Archie,my mind keeps changing but my top suspect at the moment is Bradley.

  • Comment number 23.

    i reckon it was the original owner of the snowglobe...people collect them you know!!

  • Comment number 24.

    I think it was not someone obvious, but someone outside the box that the writers have created ( by box i mean ppl that the residents of the square have claimed are suspects, bradley, ronnie, janine etc...)

    My top 3.

    1. Ryan - Janines flatmate was always jealous of Archie and Janine and i think that is a big motive as he would have been able to have planted the ring and he has been very quiet through out the investigation, probabley the only character with such a big motive on the square which no one knows about.

    2. Pat - She has been recently quoted as saying her and peggy are best friends, she had seen what archie was doing to peggy and a few times she tried to tell peggy what he was like, i mean she was quick to leave when archie was murdered, maybe waiting for the dust to settle.. bit of a long shot, but it is a possibility.

    3. Becca - Staceys friend, she seems unstable and seems to have a weird attachment to stacey, she seems as though she would do anything for her, perhaps she was trying to protect stacey for what archie had done to her, and by phoning the police on bradley she could have killed two birds with one stone... getting stacey to herself and getting away with archies murder.

  • Comment number 25.

    I'm sooo excited for tonight episode! But i'm gutted i'm going to miss it live as i'm working until 8:30pm!!
    However, i've put my friday night plans on hold until i've watched the episode! and NO-ONE is going to ruin this for me while i'm at work by telling me!!
    x x

  • Comment number 26.

    thanks for that danni,,

  • Comment number 27.

    I think it could be Tanya Branning,she came to the square xmas day to pick up abi?

  • Comment number 28.

    also I think that becca runs Bradley over and kills him just a thought

  • Comment number 29.

    i read that bradley falls of a building and dies in tonights episode,we shall soon see ooooo the suspense is killing me!

  • Comment number 30.

    dot went to ian about dotty's mother. should she or shouldn't she let dotty's mother know she's got dot.

  • Comment number 31.

    think it's peggy. she was well and truly angry with archie, talking about old eastend, etc... then she pretended to be really in love with him a little while later and when she heard he'd died

  • Comment number 32.

    i personally think it was Janine becuase she is asking for all her stuff relating to Archie back which makes me suspicious

  • Comment number 33.

    i think that it was bradley who killed archie as although he had already hit him he wanted to kill him as he knew he had hurt stacey.

  • Comment number 34.

    becca all the way-and bradley gets killed thinking he should be escaping-poor thing

  • Comment number 35.

    do you mean kirsty ie dotty

  • Comment number 36.

    Im so excited can't wait for tonight i'm 15 and think that Eastenders is the best drama on television you never fail to give gripping story lines that happen in peoples day-day life it would be my dream to meet all the cast members and the set as i've watched every episode since the age of 5 and also watch the omnibuses and anything related to eastenders

    Welldone eastenders Happy Birthday and hope you all do well in the live episode (You will because as usual you never fail to impress) goodluck

    Eastenders Biggest Fan x

  • Comment number 37.

    The writers in todays eposides are gonna bring someone who we never thought 4 example Tracey ive read it on the internet dat it was Tracey but really i think it is Becca there is many reasons

    1.shes got something wrong wit her thats why shes was at a mental hospital.

    2.she looks guilty

    3.she wants 2 blame it on bradley so she doesnt get the blame just bcuz he hit him thats a way of blaming him of murder.

  • Comment number 38.

    Are people forgetting that Becca was in hospital over Christmas? She didn't move in with Stacey until January. Hospital staff would have stopped her from trying to leave. I think Stacey did it. Anyway, there are 10 official suspects so it can't be Becca or even Sean. Which I'm really pleased about.

  • Comment number 39.

    Well am thinking it could be Peggy. Phil knows and is covering up for her....

  • Comment number 40.

    Kymr - response to your comment..

    Yeah i heard bradley falls off a building and dies..

    The theory is that he is chased and ends up at the edge of a building, the police and residents try to talk him down, and eventually succeed, but stacey arrives on the scene, he turns round and falls, dying in stacey's arms..

    I think that if that is the case then maybe jack would turn to the killer and say let bradley take the blame...

    However my money is still on Ryan..

  • Comment number 41.

    Im also looking forward to the aftermath programme after the live epi :D george lamb *drools haha and then the eastenders weakest link :D all good (Y)

  • Comment number 42.

    Cant wait till the live show!! I reckon Bradley or Becca Killed Archie

  • Comment number 43.

    Then again my next fav is Ryan, remember Janine saying she knows Ian never killed Archie, well does that mean she knows who did????? Shes tried to frame everyone but has kept very quiet about Ryan, and how nervous did he look when the police raided their flat the other night????

  • Comment number 44.

    Yeah i think Ryan has to have been the killer, on reflect he has all the motives and opportunity and i like the idea that janine did know, however i dont personally think that she did... i think that it will be a shock to everyone including her..

    but it is said that the cast have rehearst 10 endings , meaning they have 10 differant ideas for the killer, maybe the producers are keeping tabs on forums etc and are finding out the favourites for the murderer so that either way they can provide a shock, as they have 10 possibilites maybe we havent named every1 of them....

  • Comment number 45.

    I don't understand how the cast don't know who it is. If they've filmed episodes for after tonight's live episode, aren't they going to know what happens next??

  • Comment number 46.

    Cheryl Fergison is such a star XD can't wait for the ep tonight :) Good luck everyone :D

  • Comment number 47.


    That is a really good point, episodes are filmed well in advance so surley if bradley wasnt there and ( for example) peggy was in jail the cast members would hae noticed this

  • Comment number 48.

    Its definitely Stacey !! I guessed it from the start. Do you remember when Bradley punched Archie and he came back to Stacey and said 'I didnt kill him' and she replied 'I believe you'
    Why would she believe him straightaway without question ? because she done it.

  • Comment number 49.

    Im torn between Ryan and Sean, Bradly is just too obvious!!!
    I cant wait for tonite i have been on the edge of my seat scince christmas waiting to find out who killed archie and the clock has nearly finished ticking!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    I Personally think it was little dotty ,
    Like father like daughter?

    Or maybe it was Ricky .. Sticking up for his sister.

    Mabye Ronny - She was reminded of her Daughters death.

  • Comment number 51.


  • Comment number 52.

    Mmm Maybe Shirley's niece and crew?

  • Comment number 53.

    I really think it,s Ronnie but it could be anybody in the square cant wait for tonight me my mum and my brother have a bet hope i win!! Hannah xx

  • Comment number 54.

    just cant wait till tonite anything could happen the killer could be someone who we have never seen before for all we know it could have been baby george lol anyway i have my ice cream in the freezer and my remider and alarm clock set for tonite so i dont miss it !!!

  • Comment number 55.

    Judy :-

    I Was thinking the same,
    But i didnt think Stacy would have it in her.

  • Comment number 56.


    But if we know who the killer is then surley some1 else in the square will know, maybe they will confess to someone i just think that whoever the murderer is would be different, so i think the cast have a stronger idea than they are letting on.

  • Comment number 57.

    Staceys mate did it.

    The mad one with the hair brush!!!

  • Comment number 58.


    Watch DCI Marson's Video Blog #8!!!

    It says they have DNA!

  • Comment number 59.

    OOOOhhh waiting for the live episode is so exciting I cant wait so exited!:)

  • Comment number 60.

    If the cast really don't know, then we find out tonight in the live episode, and then no character even mentions it for the next six(?) weeks of advance filming?? That doesn't work! Unless, the reveal shows just one character making us aware of who did it??

  • Comment number 61.

    IT WAS TAMWAR!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 62.

    Becca new that Archie had forced himself on Stacey and as she has such strong feelings for Stacey just went a little mad!! Poor old Archie

  • Comment number 63.


  • Comment number 64.


  • Comment number 65.


  • Comment number 66.

    The cast know who did it as they film episodes weeks in advance. As if they are suddenly going to do loads of episodes over the weekend so they can show them next week!!!!!!!!

    The person who did it will obviously not have been involved in any of next weeks episodes either!!!!!!

    How silly do thety think the public is?????

  • Comment number 67.

    1Hutton :-

    Becca didnt know at the time.

  • Comment number 68.

    Hmmm i don't think the cast do know, i think the live epi will show the murderer admitting it without anyone else knowing, but if the cast do know they have done a fab job of keeping it quiet anyway!!!!! :D

  • Comment number 69.


  • Comment number 70.

    I really hope its not ryan would be such an anti-climax
    Then I also hope its not bradly- Too obvious

    My moneys on Roxy or shirly....Or billy..hm

  • Comment number 71.

    Maybe the cast dont know, maybe the end of the episode is bradley dying and therefore being the murderer according to the police, but the real murderer admits to themselves that they done it, perhaps saying to themselves that they got away with it...

    That would mean that the cast dont know as the murderer will be acting as normal, untill april/may when the pressure gets to them or someone finds out and then it comes out to the rest of the square, i believe that this would be the on;y plausable way of no-one knowing except writers and producers, because at the moment they are working on the story of this coming out to the rest of the square..

  • Comment number 72.

    My Money is on Sean Slater! I think he came back on christmas day to see roxy and amy after fleein to find archie on the floor and all his anger and frustration came back so he got his revenge on him for ruinin his chances of bein a proper husband and father to roxy n amy!! Robert Kazinsky to reprise his role of sean:D

  • Comment number 73.

    Me & Mum went down the bookies earlier, I betted on Sean Slater and she betted on Ben Mitchell :L
    I've a gut feeling the killer is a Slater,Branning or Mitchell...

  • Comment number 74.

    I think it's Tracy. I've thought this ever since the Christmas Day episode. I love Tracy =]. It could be Ben, though. I hope it's not Sean Slater.
    Does anyone know how Bradley actually dies? Does Becca actually kill him?

  • Comment number 75.

    Fudge :-

    He's running from the cops,
    He goes to the end of a building.

    Everyone tries to convince him to get down,
    He is going to do it.

    Stacy appears, he turns around... Falls and dies in her arms :'(


  • Comment number 76.

    it could b any1 sean cuz sean n archey neva got on cuz he use 2 boss him around n when sean left it was a rubbish endin he jst walked off thas all so it could b him cumin bk 4 revenge o it could b grant tryin 2 frame it on janine cuz he heared bout janine n archey takin tha vic off his family n shes lik tha killin type n janines key was changed 2 tha same as the vics n phil didnt do it n obv ben couldnt o peggy so must ov been grant. the writers doing this story line needs a medal 4 this it will b outstandin defo 4 best story line in soap awards

  • Comment number 77.

    OMG I am so excited about tonight I could burst! I've got to the stage I don't know who it is, just when I think I know I read something else on here that changes my mind!!

    Just hope it's not Bradley, and really don't want them to kill him.......

  • Comment number 78.

    Cant wait for 2nite!!! :D omg.... i think ryan or sean?

  • Comment number 79.

    i think its jack. i think he planted the ring in janines

  • Comment number 80.

    Reply to OhFudgeCakes...

    Apparantly Bradley dying involves a buiding, rumour had it he jumper, however it may be becca of he may slip... so much will happen tonight..

  • Comment number 81.

    I had a dream lucy beale done it haha.. sad i know..

    but it could have happened lolz... She has an evil manipulative streak, possibly sticking up for her dad ?? Dont think it was her, but it shows you that alot of characters had a motive to do it..

    Ronnie, Roxy, Peggy, Phil, Ben, Glenda, Ian, Jane, Lucy, Janine, Ryan, Pat, Sean, Jack, Stacey, Bradley, Becca, Pat, Grant, Tracey, Sam, Joel, Shirley, Jean...

    That's 24 possible people, all with a motive and there may be more people... the murderer may not even be on that list haha...

  • Comment number 82.

    Sounds very excting down there wish i was there oh well. Hannah xx

  • Comment number 83.

    i think it was sean because he hated archie for what he did a christmas with amy

  • Comment number 84.

    i think ryan killed archie mitchelle because i think he has a motive and somone ppl seem 2 least suspect

  • Comment number 85.

    Am CRAZY excited for tonight!!! Bought choccies and everything!!!!
    8pm - LIVE EPISODE!! EEK!
    8.30 - LIVE AFTERMATH!!!! WOO!
    9.25 - WEAKEST LINK EE SPECIAL Ö÷²¥´óÐã - YAAAAAAAY!! Come on Johnny :p

  • Comment number 86.

    I sooo cant wait for tonights episode!!
    I think it could be sean.. tracey or Ryan :D
    Very tru now one knows if hes coming back, i remember meetin robert kazinsky a few months ago and i knew alot of people was askin him if he was returning to eastenders... he never said yes or no.. ;) so who knows?
    its someone you'd least exspect!!
    ah cant wait!

  • Comment number 87.

    i think it was sean staceys brother cant wait to watch live epiosode it is gonna be great i love eastenders

  • Comment number 88.

    that's an interesting point, becky. who is the person you'd least expect??

  • Comment number 89.


  • Comment number 90.


    Yeah becky i would have least suspected, untill last few episodes where i think that has put her in the frame from the viewers point of view, in a prev comment i put my top 3 as ryan, becky and pat..

    I think Pat i would least suspect, but she does have motive, and was in Janines flat, and peggy did come over to see her ( could she have swaped the key??) She also seemed very keen to leave country ( trying to lie low perhaps)

    What do u think?

  • Comment number 91.

    eeeekkk! its like almost an hour away!!!! Oh man im so excited its unbelievable! I just want to say good luck to EE and i hope everything goes to plan tonight :D xx

  • Comment number 92.

    i can't wait for the live episode to come on

  • Comment number 93.

    Gosh,, :S I'm a mini fan xD I heard rumors about sean,, I want it to be him ): I miss his awesome hair xD But if it wasn't him I'd loooovee for it to be Bradley,, because he's so sweet :3 and his character has kind of turned bad lately ;]

  • Comment number 94.

    max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did itmax did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did itmax did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did itmax did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did itmax did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did itmax did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did itmax did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did it max did itnnnnaaaaattt i think roxy did it

  • Comment number 95.

    only 43 minutes away :3

  • Comment number 96.

    Bookies favourite: Sean Slater at 4/7. Where's me wallet?

  • Comment number 97.

    1 hour to go & I bet its Tracey! or Pat if I'm wrong then im on the floor for 100 push-ups non stop!!!!!

  • Comment number 98.

    I read about the live episode couple months before Archie was killed. And then when I was watching it my dad decided to say,, y'know whats happening in december,, y'know whos going out of it? and I was like who :l then he said archie and I wasn't happy. But since then I've been guessing. My first guess being Bradley,, so he went back to finish the job ;]

  • Comment number 99.

    Listen, sean found out about `the stacey thing` and set out for revenge!! Seans your man folks!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    i think billy killed archie because he is always left out in the mitchell family and he herd archie talking about taking over the vic and also blackmaiing him with a house and useing his children as well but on the other hand it coul be sean because he has not been in the soap for ages and it could be a good story line to bring him back


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