
Archives for June 2010

Ooh what a lovely knit!

Nickie | 08:40 UK time, Wednesday, 30 June 2010

We're all about the vintage fashions on this blog.

So you can imagine our delight when we happened across thisÌýeyewateringÌýselection of knitwear in a book of EastEnders knitting patterns.ÌýThe only trouble is, we'll have to wait til the long, hot Summer's over to wear em. *Shame*ÌýÌý


You too could look every inch the Princess, just like Sharon, in this sky-blue creation. Now if only we could find a pattern for a knitted tiara and wand to complete the look...


Actually, this one isn't that bad... comparably. Which modern-day moody teen could wear this in the style that Mary the Punk? Zsa-Zsa? Teamed with denim cut-offs? With baby George?


In his day, Pat's son Wicksy was the Square's hottest heart throb and it's no surprise in this... sorry, I can't finish this. The geometric patterns are making my eyes go out of focus.


Ian's gran Lou was described as a battleaxe by some but she couldn't half wear a lilac cardie with style. I wonder if she passed this heirloom on to Lucy...some fashions are timeless.

Picture gallery: w/c 05 July 2010

Rob Francis | 00:00 UK time, Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Get ready for a week of musical Mitchells, World Cup woes and a baptism of fire for Denise. Plus, Peggy's in the picture and Jack's all souped-up and ready to go...

All washed up

Glenda's grateful to Phil for sorting out her washing machine, and treats him to a drink in the Vic. We hope she doesn't push her luck and ask him to do the ironing too.


Own goal?

Darren wants to know the score about his missing World Cup tickets, and cries foul at Jodie. Will he pay the penalty when the truth comes out though?


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This week on EastEnders: Stacey's a mummy. Awwww!

Nickie | 20:26 UK time, Friday, 25 June 2010

... But should she have revealed the daddy?

Ryan and Stacey

Mo suggested she have the baby live on the internet. So we had our cameras at the ready for the most sensational post that this blog has ever had: STACEY'S LIVE BIRTH ONLY ON THE INSIDER BLOG WITH NURSE NICKIE ASKING HER QUESTIONS FROM THE VIEWING PUBLIC WHILE SHE POPPED!! But... in the end... we watched it on the telly just like everyone else.

Question 1: Did you want Stacey to tell Ryan that he's the daddy?
Question 2: Has Stacey seen the mammoth list of potential names provided by your lovely selves? There's enough there to name the next century of babies in Albert Square. Good work, team!
Question 3: How cute is Stacey's baby!!?? Hooray!

Too-much-information quote of the week


Liz to Patrick. "You've got a heart of gold and a bum I can bounce a penny off." Thanks for that, Liz. We weren't planning on sleeping tonight anyway.

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Schedule changes!

Nickie | 14:26 UK time, Friday, 25 June 2010

Here's the latest news on schedule changes for EastEnders. Take note! Don't miss the drama!

Monday 28 June: No episode

Tuesday 29 June: No episode

Wednesday 30 June:Ìý60 minuteÌýepisode (Ö÷²¥´óÐã One - 8pm. Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three - 10pm)

Thursday 1 July: 30 minute episode (Ö÷²¥´óÐã One - 7.30pm. Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three - 10pm)

Friday 2 July: No episode

See previous schedule changes here

Pick your Walford five-a-side

Nickie | 20:00 UK time, Tuesday, 22 June 2010

If you think that football and Albert Square are incompatible, then think again!

Who would you choose for your Walford five-a-side? We've picked: Phil 'the hardnut' Mitchell (goal), Minty 'golden balls' Peterson, Lucy Beale (her tackles are legendary), Darren Miller (tasty up the wing) and Janine Butcher (she'll accept nothing but a win... when she's not nipping into the changing rooms to rifle through the rival team's bags)

football-five.jpgWho would be on your team? Billy? Ronnie? And who would manage them? Tell us who you'd pick and why...

And if you're a footie fan - flick through the Ìýof footballers and fans...Ìý

Picture gallery: w/c 28 June 2010

Rob Francis | 00:01 UK time, Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Everyone's making moves this week - on other people's loved ones, on the dancefloor and beyond. But who will get hurt the most?

Run, Fatboy, run!

Looks like Lucas has got his eye on Fatboy, as he kisses the missus in the Community Centre. Another one to be added to his hit-list?


It ain't what you do...

... it's the way that you do it. We heard a rumour that Roxy, Glenda and Ronnie were swinging their hips down at the Vic. But to which classic hit are they bopping?


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Stacey's baby - guess the name!

Nickie | 10:25 UK time, Monday, 21 June 2010

Duff duff duff!!!! The birth of Stacey's baby is imminent and soon it'll be all nappies and cuddles and err sleepless nights and possets...

Stacey's baby










The question is: what will the baby be called? Bradlina? Charlie Slater II? Ryanette? What do you think she should call her? Whoever guesses the right name wins no prize, unless you count our eternal admiration and respect.

Ricky Norwood up in da building with Westwood

Nickie | 17:00 UK time, Thursday, 17 June 2010

*This radio show expires on Wednesday 23 June*

We on the Enders blog have gotÌýNUFF LOVE for Ricky Norwood aka Fatboy so we were all err up in da house and ting when Ricky droppedÌýby Westwood's studio on 1Xtra.

Man's gotta plan! And that plan is to chew the fat on music, East End life, love, and his acting past as well as dropping some seriousÌýFatboyisms...

We tagged along and took some pics

Jump on it!

Ricky and Westwood

Ricky Norwood

Ricky Norwood

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Schedule change alert!

Nickie | 16:02 UK time, Thursday, 17 June 2010

Another schedule update to ensure that you don't miss a minute of Square shenanigans! There's an extra half hour this week to make up for the missing 30 minutes from last week. Phew!

MondayÌý21 June:Ìý60 minute episode

Wednesday 23 June:Ìý60 minuteÌýepisode (Ö÷²¥´óÐã One - 7pm, Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three - 10pm)

Thursday 24 JuneÌýJune: No episode

FridayÌý25 June: 30 minute episode (Ö÷²¥´óÐã One -7pm in Scotland, 7.30pm everywhere else. Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three - 10pm)

See previous schedule changes here

Picture gallery: w/c 21 June 2010

Joe Harper | 11:47 UK time, Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Behind bars

ÌýAs Ryan makes preparations for Stacey's new baby, Jean wonders how they are ever going to get out?


ÌýBack alley shenanigans

ÌýLucy plants a smacker on Adam as down payment for getting her the exam paper. But who's been watching?


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Jake Wood's bedtime stories. Awwww...

Nickie | 10:59 UK time, Monday, 14 June 2010

*These videos were online forÌý 7 days and are now alas! no longer available*

If, like me, you'reÌýfinding that whenever you close your eyes, you seeÌýLucas towering over you, incanting biblical passages... you'll be looking for something to soothe yer nerves of an evening. But what!? WHAT WILL QUELL YOUR FEARS THAT EVERYONE IN THE SQUARE IS IN IMMINENT DANGER?

Fortunately, we've found these bedtime stories thatÌýJake Wood's (Max Branning) beenÌýreading on children's telly. Grab some warm milk and some biccies and choose between The Little Star Who WishedÌýor the grippingÌýWhat Pet To GetÌýand more. There we go, all better... Zzzz....

Jake Wood

Schedule changes!

Nickie | 16:15 UK time, Friday, 11 June 2010

Just a quick alert so that you don't miss a single precious moment of EastEnders...

Monday 14 June: No episode

Tuesday 15 June:Ìý60 minuteÌýepisode

Wed/Thurs 16/17 June: No episode

Friday 18 June: 30 minute episode

This week on EastEnders: Is Lucas about to 'fess up?

Nickie | 12:46 UK time, Friday, 11 June 2010

Is Lucas about to 'fess up to Denise?

Denise"You wanna know what I've done? Everything? You really wanna know? Let's go for a little ride. I'll show you."

Denise. Do not get in that car.

So,ÌýLucas is promising toÌýexplain all. After the events of this week (luring a girl into the wilderness to 'save her') we're worrying that Denise might be wishing that it really was an affair that Lucas had been having all these months...

Vanessa compares Max to... a pot noodle?

Max and Vanessa"Shall I compare thee to a Summer's Day?" wittered Shakespeare once. Yeah, that's kinda romantic, I suppose. But... methinks Vanessa Gold could do better. Now to what would she compare her new love Max Branning? To a rugged mountain? To a powerful mountain lion? Or... to a pot noodle? ["Just because I've got a fillet steak at home doesn't mean I don't enjoy munching a pot noodle"] Hmm... Max. Think you might have to work harder to impress this one.

And like daughter like mother. Jodie gets her man

Jodie and Darren"Darren Miller is off women." That was Monday when the World Cup was the all-consuming passion in Darren's life. By Tuesday, he'd given his World Cup fund to Heather for George (aww), and was in hot pursuit of the lovely Jodie Gold, who seems just as keen. Back of the net, Darren!

Exclusive pics: Pat and Peggy go wild in Europe!

Nickie | 11:54 UK time, Thursday, 10 June 2010

People of Europe: Lock up your menfolk! Peggy and Pat have broken out of Walford and are on a girl's tour of the continent. They sent us a couple of snaps of what they've been up to. Hmm... been checking out the local attractions have we ladies??

Plus, tell us which Walford resident you'd like to jet off for a spot of sun, sea and sand with...

Pat and Peggy

Pat and Peggy

Pat and Peggy


Picture gallery: w/c 15 June 2010

Rob Francis | 10:00 UK time, Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Tuesday 15 June:

Glass half empty?

The fizz seems to have gone out of Danny's champagne. What's mommy dearest done to burst his bubbly?

215131.jpgWhat a shower!

Stacey's not feeling the baby love when Jean and Mo throw her a party. What's startled Dot though? She looks like she's sat on a rattle!


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This week on EastEnders: Up West and up the woods

Nickie | 20:25 UK time, Friday, 4 June 2010

Teens in the Woods!

Teens in the WoodsIf you go down to the woods today... you ain't gonna find a teddy bear's picnic. Unless Lucy's got a vendetta against said teds, and has laced their picnic lunch with poison.

And so it was, that LucyÌýwent to the New ForestÌýwith the intention of a. getting jiggy with Leon or b. getting even with Leon. Unfortunately for Lucy, Leon chose option b. Unfortunately for Leon, Lucy left him to wander around the woods on his own while everyone else thought he was dead. Now, Lucy's turned everyone against her, even her twin brother. Oops.

WatchÌýbehind the scenes with the teens

Watch them revealÌýtheir greatest fear?

Pat and Peggy go... up West


review_patpeggysnaps.jpgAnd while the teens were on the loose in the New Forest, Pat and Peggy were painting the town red up West. Then sneaking off to meet their silver-haired fox, two-timing Harvey. Let the cat fight commence!


Pat on Peggy: "The Queen of stale beer and pork scratchings"

Peggy on Pat:Ìý "I'm surprised you're not at Kings Cross at the moment touting for business."
ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý "Talks like a tart and acts like a tart"
ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý "Her bedroom's as busy as Picadilly Circus"

And so Harvey went on to make an indecent proposal and ended up tricked out of his clothes and running out of the Vic in the nude. Ta ta Harvey!Ìý

... And introducing Vanessa GoldÌý

Max and Vanessa10 seconds on screen and she already had Darren hot and bothered. We like! What do you reckon?

Watch her first photoshoot

The times they are a changing!

Rob Francis | 12:09 UK time, Friday, 4 June 2010

The EastEnders schedules are set to be a bit different next week, so we thought we'd give you the heads-up on the changes to our regular Ö÷²¥´óÐã One screenings.

Episodes will be screened as usual at 8pm on Monday 07 June and 7.30pm on Tuesday 08 June and Thursday 10 June. However, instead of an episode at 8pm on Friday 11 June, there will now be an episode at 7.30pm on Wednesday 09 June.

So, to recap, tune in to Ö÷²¥´óÐã One for a first look the latest episodes as follows:

Monday 07 June, 8pm
Tuesday 08 June, 7.30pm
Wednesday 09 June, 7.30pm
Thursday 10 June, 7.30pm

Of course, you'll be able to catch up on any episodes that you miss on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three and the Ö÷²¥´óÐã iPlayer.

Video: Martial Law - The Way Of The Overlord

Rob Francis | 14:25 UK time, Thursday, 3 June 2010

Who would have thought Peter Beale's fancy footwork would save the day earlier this week?

Clearly he's mastered the martial arts - but how? We followed actor Thomas Law as he received some very special training to prepare for his big scene...

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Who is the Overlord?

Picture gallery: w/c 07 June 2010

Rob Francis | 09:20 UK time, Tuesday, 1 June 2010

This week's episodes are mostly about basques, Ben, blood and bad brothers...

Monday 07 June:

Basquing in glory

Things appear to be getting a little fruity at the book club this week. Have they all been reading the Karma Sutra?

Who's the (step) daddy?

Ian and Ben face off over Ben and Louise's future. But will the final decision be out of both their hands?


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