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Pat Evans to leave EastEnders

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Guest Insider | 00:01 UK time, Friday, 8 July 2011

Later this year, EastEnders' much treasured leading lady Pam St Clement will hang up those uniquely crafted earrings for the final time when she waves a fond farewell to iconic matriarch Pat Evans.

Pat Evans in the Queen Vic

Pam has certainly not been shy of a few dramatic storylines during her time on Albert Square. From her EastEnders debut in 1986, it was quite clear this firey female wouldn't take any prisoners. Her first duty as Pat 'Wicks' was to inform Pete Beale he wasn't the father of her son Simon.

Frank and Pat on their wedding day

Pat went on to marry the love of her life Frank in a big East End wedding bash and became Pat 'Butcher' in 1989 but later moved on to become Pat 'Evans' when she wed the ever dependable Roy in 1996.

It was always clear that Frank was the love of her life. Even when he married Peggy in 1999, Pat couldn't resist his masculine charms which resulted in the infamous double-slap scene behind the bar at The Queen Vic.

Pat, Frank and Peggy sit round a table

In between the marriages, spats with Peggy Mitchell and out living numerous husbands, Pat has also survived a heart attack, done time in prison for a drunken hit and run, become land lady of The Vic and lived to tell the tale of a vicious encounter with the Walford attacker in 1987.

Pat after being stopped by the police

Pam has said that she has "Leaving the EastEnders 'family' will be a kin to a bereavement but I'm looking forward to the other work and life opportunities that I will have the time to pursue".

Bryan Kirkwood, EastEnders Executive Producer adds: "In Pat Harris-Beale-Wicks-Butcher-Evans, Pam St Clement has created one of the most iconic and loved characters in British TV history...Although it's too early to talk about how Pat will leave the Square, we can assure viewers it will culminate in a fitting storyline, not to be missed"

What Pam's co-stars had to say about her departure...

Barbara Windsor

"Pam St Clement created a truly iconic character in Pat. I was privileged enough to be a part of her journey, as Peggy and Pat fought, laughed and cried together. Pam will be greatly missed by the company and the viewers. I personally adore Pam and I can't wait to start having all those lunches we promised each other."

Steve McFadden

"I always loved the on-screen relationship between Pam St Clement and Mike Reid especially when they worked behind the bar in the Queen Vic. This was one of the golden eras for me and I learnt a lot from both of them. Pam is full of integrity and I have always admired her. She is never one to shy away from speaking her mind about the programme as she has so much love for the show. EastEnders will be a strange place without Pam, she is a lovely woman and I will truly miss her at EastEnders as I am sure all the viewers will."

Patsy Palmer

"Pam St Clement is the most professional person I have ever worked with. She is an amazing actress who never fails to make me cry when we do scenes together. She will be missed by everyone at EastEnders but I feel really priveledged that I have had this wonderful lady playing my nan for many years."

Charlie Brooks

"I'm devastated, Pam is one of my favourite people to work with and is also a close friend, I will miss her dearly".

Sid Owen:

"I'm very sad to see Pam go, we've had a really close working relationship over the years. She's such an icon and I will miss her a great deal".


  • Comment number 1.

    OMG!!! First Peggy and now Pat, she is lengendary. She is the thrid longest character iin EE after Ian and Dot. Does she really have to leave. All these iconic characters are suddenly just leaving - Peggy, Stacey, Ronnie etc. EE won't be the same with Pat one of the first tart with a heart characters in EE

  • Comment number 2.

    I agree! I know things have to move on but it is the long standing characters that hold everything together in a way. That said, Stacey was a great character too so it's a shame there is such a fast turnover of some of the stronger characters. It's almost as if the writers are more easily bored these days and can't be bothered to think of storylines once something big happens to a character. It's a pity!

  • Comment number 3.


  • Comment number 4.

    I hope that she won't be killed off and that she'll walk away into the sunset like Peggy did.

  • Comment number 5.

    Peggy should pick Pat up in a convertible and they should drive off to a never-ending vacation to molest statues and wear outrageous sun hats.

    Pat will be missed just like Pauline and others. She's made a mark on the square and it's a shame to lose another matriarch but hopefully her and her earrings will have a happy end.

  • Comment number 6.

    pat will be truly missed what a legend. I will definitely miss the Janine and pat moments the best. All the legendary characters are going so sad first peggy stacey ronnie i wonder who will go next

  • Comment number 7.

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!! This is horrible news! Pat Evans is such a lynchpin for the show because she is related to virtually everyone, and because Pam StClement has created such a fabulous character. This is a terrible loss for the show. So much history gone.

    This truly is the end of an era. But I hope that, if she has to go, they don't kill her. Leave her a way to return in the future.

  • Comment number 8.

    I really don't know what is happening to EastEnders over the years wonderful actresses and actors have left leaving the show with a massive gap to fill. The cast of EastEnders used to be one big massive family now these days it is like the next step up from stage school where they are getting younger actors in that only sign short term contacts and move on.
    Pam will be sorely missed she is such a great talent to lose.
    The next wonderful actress to go next year will be June Brown really don't see her sticking around now all her friends are leaving and all these boring young so called talent is coming in.

  • Comment number 9.

    I will mourn Pat leaving much in the same way as a relative.

  • Comment number 10.

    its a shame she is leaving another one of the remaining classic characters gone.I think she probably decided to go because she wasn't ever getting any storyline's i think its unfair the fact that all the new characters on the show seem to get storyline after storyline yet pat a classic character gets shoved in the back ground. I hope that Brian kirkwood makes her have a better exit than Peggy's I watched the greatest exits on bbc three last nite and Brian was saying how good Peggy's was and it wasn't they should of had her leave the night the Vic was still going up in flames with out telling anybody and just have her walk off with the vic on fire in the background.So I hope they really do think more about this one and send her off with a brilliant story one thing I think eastenders go wrong sometimes is they have a good storyline going for a while and the end of it is so disappointing when Ronnie confessed to Kat about the baby swap what a disappointment to an end of a grate storyline.now pats going they need to bring back some old favorites I know times change but I am sure I speak on behalf of every eastenders fan that if the show doesn't have some past characters brought back in the show wont be the same there's only dot, Ian and phil left the shows main family when it first started was the fowlers and there's not one left in the square they should bring back Michelle and martin and Sonia and Sharon and grant

  • Comment number 11.

    I hate it when well loved characters leave, but good luck to Pam for the future. I can understand that she would want to have a change now. I hope it is a happy exit storyline for her. Maybe going to live with Simon in New Zealand?

  • Comment number 12.

    I will be sad to see Pam (Pat) leave, but I wish her all the best. I agree with many of the comments calling for an iconic exit. Something big, bold, completely different and fitting for the character. Maybe instead of a taxi, she could leave in a limousine with a bottle of champagne, or a horse and carriage like the one Frank got her for the wedding.
    Like others, I just pray that the scriptwriters do not kill her off. This is the perfect opportunity for a golden moment, as Pam St Clement deserves for her pearly queen character. Lets all join hands and wish for a happy ending. If we wish hard enough.... maybe the producers will hear!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Bye Pam! We'll miss you!!!!!!!!!!! xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Pat leaving is indeed tragic news! And yeah, for sure, it will be Dot next.

    I did think a good way for Pat to leave would be to go to New Zealand but surely there must be a more feisty way for her, to match her character! I'm sure she won't she won't be killed off. That would be a travesty.

  • Comment number 15.

    Pam StClements will be deeply missed by all of her veiwers, this will be the second most legendry leading lady to leave first there was peggy and now pat it just wont be the same. Pat Evans is such an iconic and legendry character i really hope that they dont kill her off and leave room for her to return but there is no doubt that i will cry when she leaves.

  • Comment number 16.

    Wow Pat will be very missed. Even though I live in the States our PBS does show EastEnders, but very behind the show in England. I am enjoying what I have missed, but wished we were more up to date with EastEnders. I think Pat should just go into incognito leave her spot in the show do not kill her off...I really admire her and she play a very strong lady and gave so much support to the show.

  • Comment number 17.

    We are in 2004 in terms of Albert Square - we only get an hour of Eastenders a week- so we'll be seeing Pat and Peggy for a long time.

  • Comment number 18.

    There getting rid of all of the good characters! Good Luck for Pam though :)

  • Comment number 19.

    Oh i can't believe Pat is leaving, she has been one of my favourite characters over the years. I grow up with Pat, always loved her sarcasm & sharp wit played brilliantly by Pam St Clement.Eastenders wont be the same without Pat. It hasn't been the same without Pauline,Peggy or Stacey.It will be a sad day when she leaves at the end of the year.Good luck to Pam St Clement in what roles she pursues next.

  • Comment number 20.

    How about a spin-off series with Pat and Peggy?

  • Comment number 21.

    I know... Pat and Janine willl leave together! That's the way it's got to be. It's perfect.

  • Comment number 22.

    I’m absolutely devastated that the wonderful and truly iconic Pam St. Clement is leaving EastEnders after just over a quarter of a century playing my all-time favourite soap character Pat Butcher. Pam’s portrayal of Pat has always been breath-taking and I truly love and will miss her when she departs Walford later this year. I don’t think the on-screen chemistry between Pam and Mike Reid will ever be beaten – it was truly sensational. Since Pat’s arrival in the summer of 1986, Pat's storylines have included the paternity of her son Simon, her turn to prostitution, surviving the Walford attacker in 1987, the death of a teenage girl she knocked down, her on-going battle against step-daughter Janine and her affair with Patrick Trueman. And not forgetting Frank showing up on Pat’s doorstep in a bowtie! The Pat and Peggy relationship needs to be mentioned. It will be strange that soon neither of these will be in the show. I will always have fond memories of Pat and Pam is such a wonderful person and fantastic actress. I’m dreading watching her exit, because regardless of how she leaves, I’ll shed a tear. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Pam for all her wonderful work over the years and 25 years’ service to the show. Both Pat as a character and her earrings will be missed by both cast and crew and millions of viewers. Best of luck on what comes next Pam, whatever that may be – you are a true soap icon and will be sadly missed by many. I’m going to cherish and appreciate every single scene that comes between now and her departure. Pat is a legend.

  • Comment number 23.

    I was looking at the history of Characters in Eastenders. I would hate to see Pam go. I agree the turnover of strongest characters is too high. However that said I was reading up on Punk Mary and Rod Normans characters. It would be great to see them back again and come to put the past to rest. After all it was Pat who got Mary into prostitution as Pat was on the game herself. If the internet can be trusted. I would like to see a character overcome the past and be strong and together. they all seem to run out or get killed. Could Pats departure be another Janine special? or will Lacey turner come back for the funeral and cap Janine for Pats murder? I am finding Michael Moons mental health unraveling an interesting and underated story. He is twisted in a subtle way. Can't wait to see his exit.

  • Comment number 24.

    goodbye pam (pat) you will be missed so much eastenders aint gonna be the same no more all the best characters are leaving :-(

  • Comment number 25.

    OMG!!! Pam St. Clement is leaving! She is one of my fav characters! First Pauline then Peggy and now Pat, jesus whats the world comming to! Everyone will miss you Pam lets just hope this isnt the last we see of you! :) Good luck

  • Comment number 26.

    I, Like all the others are sad to see you go Pam (Pat) You are a great actor. Sadly there are not many of the old cast left :(( But I understand that everybody want to move on eventually. All the best for the for the future Pam. :))

  • Comment number 27.

    I am sort of glad for this. I felt sorry for Janine.

  • Comment number 28.

    A truly memorable and all time great characters. The chemistry between Pam St Clement and Mike Reid was superb. I wish her well and hope she goes out in a big storyline.

  • Comment number 29.

    I love pat and her earings why is ee doing this ronnie goes now pat! i think they still need the old good charecters in either way i love the show and i voted everything eastenders 4 the soap awards x

  • Comment number 30.

    First Peggy... and now Pat?! Tell me it isn't so! Oh the humanity...

    (Pardon me while I cry).

  • Comment number 31.

    Did EE management want Pam/Pat to leave the show? They have been giving her nothing but (close to) walkon bits since Peggy left.

    Brian Kirkwood, what are you doing to our beloved show?! The fans are not happy. Please listen to us for a change.

  • Comment number 32.

    First Peggy leaves and Pat is going too!! Pat can't leave she is awesomee!! i loved how her and lydia hated each other and were always arguing!! I felt sorry for Dot when she was having a really hard time with Jim leaving and Lydia has a right go at her.
    In the first photo who is that behind pat?
    Also i think lauren should give up on ryan cos he is never going to love her like he loved stacey or anyone else. speaking of stacey her and lily should come back cos they are legendary!! Rock on EE!! X

  • Comment number 33.

    All of the best characters are leaving! Peggy, Stacey, Ronnie and now Pat! I'm a teenager and even I'M sick of the younger characters (except Whitney)! I think June Brown will leave next. When pat does leave I hope Peggy comes back to whisk her away in a convertable. I realy don't wnat to watch the show now I know what's coming! Eastenders has gone to the dogs!

  • Comment number 34.

    All I can say is that it's the end of an era. Pam St. Clemement is an amazing actress, and as Pat Butcher(then later Evans) was a truely iconic character, Eastenders will be a poorer place without her[Pam] around. Though she has decided to move onto projects, and I wish her all the best for the future in what ever she decides to do. Please give her character the send off that she deserves!!

  • Comment number 35.

    As an American I can say that Eastender's is by far the best serial drama I have ever watched..Pat is the original Eastender., I cannot imagine the show without her..as corny as it sounds I have come to love her. I will miss both Pat and her portrayer Pam St. Clement deeply! It is definately time to bring back Sharon/Letitia, to add that great flavor back in the square..thank you Miss Pam..u gave EE its reality, tragedy, and comedy..I will always be your fan.

  • Comment number 36.

    I loved Pat she was really gud she was like a detective and now when she has gone nobody will be there to figure anything out and also she used to be caring to all the children and put everyone on the right path PAT DON@T LEAVEEEEE!!!!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    I love this show i just feel that it aint up to all it was before because there used to bew more drama and now you can guess what is going to happen i think that they should add more than one drama in at once so it will bring more tension out to the viewers.

  • Comment number 38.

    OMG shes leaving i really wont her to stay because she is wat makes eastenders eastenders along with all the other gr8 charaters she cant leave or eastenders will never be the same ever again!

  • Comment number 39.

    I can't believe she is leaving,Please let it be a happy good-bye,I love Pat and don't want her to go,you will be missed,I hate the changing of the times.Pat don't leave!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    OMG! So sad. Lets hope Pat/Pam gets the exit she deserves. Going to New Zealand or catching up with Peggy where-ever she is ... either would work. Lets not just have her up and leave tho eh? She needs a dramatic exit with a 'gone to lead the high life' style ending. We need flesh blood in the square too! A new family just as destructive and interesting and the Stater's when they first arrived is what's called for I recon! Having Grant come back would be amazing! And Sharon with little Dennis Jr! If only though eh? Just shake thinks up a bit though, plz? EE is starting to go downhill with so many characters leaving, soaps are always centred on their classic characters ppl know and love!

  • Comment number 41.

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  • Comment number 42.


  • Comment number 43.

    I would like to say thank you to Pam ST Clements for the incredible 25 years on the show as Pat Butcher. You have been one of walfords favorite character. We will miss you on our big screens as walfords woman who has fashion for earings.
    We will miss you along side Barbara Windsor ( Peggy Mitchell).
    All the Best for the Future Pam.

  • Comment number 44.

    No one is bigger than the show. Not Peggy. Not Pat. Not Ian. Not Phil.

    The show will go on.

  • Comment number 45.

    Brian Kirkwood is trying to make eastenders like hollyoaks and eastenders is not like hollyoaks he is letting all the good character go why is that. BRIAN KIRKWOOD HOLLYOAKS IS NOT EASTENDERS

  • Comment number 46.

    Pat is my favorite character. EE will not be the same without her.

  • Comment number 47.

    I love this Lady and she has always been my favorite leading Lady .I am from America and My husband has to pay for me to watch Eastenders.I watch the old ones on PBS to catch up to now .I would love to have just one pair of her earrings to treasure .I wish her peace,happpiness and to enjoy her well deserved time at home ..It is like I know her and will miss her Dearly Debbie Bickerdyke From Katy,TX

  • Comment number 48.

    I watch Eastenders for a very very long time now and I really adore Pat.
    I will miss her. Hope she's not going to be killed or something bad will happen to her.
    she simply does'nt deserve that.
    And I also will miss (like a lot of people) her earrings, (lol). Pam, from Holland with love!

  • Comment number 49.

    I guess I don't like "change" sometimes and this is one of those times. Pat was my fave character as I learned to tune-in Eastenders from Moscow as an American Expat wanting English language TV from 1997-2008. Now when I go to Europe and/or the UK, it's the 1st thing I switch on at the hotel. I'll miss her and wish her well!!! All of the cast really; not sure how they do it day after day...but all of them are very very professional and know their craft. May as well be British after all those years watching the Ö÷²¥´óÐã

  • Comment number 50.

    I'll be sad such an iconic character is leaving but recently I've really started to dislike Pat especially with the way she's treating Janine

  • Comment number 51.

    i think its now time to bring back sharon watts too many classics charactors have gone and i think eastenders has lost somthing that only classic charactors give thats why im asking for the return of sharon.

  • Comment number 52.

    awww, no x

  • Comment number 53.

    i love the christian and syed storyline.

  • Comment number 54.

    why cant i post a comment on the webcams section?x

  • Comment number 55.

    Nooooooo! Why are you getting rid of all the legendary characters? Grant, Peggy, Stacey (just to name a few). D'=

  • Comment number 56.

    Like others have said since the major characters are leaving will you PLEASE bring a new family in? A dodgy family like drug dealers and murderers. We haven't had a family like that for ages. Phil Mitchell is getting old for the role of the Eastender gangster (but is still loved), new, young, badboys are needed. A family of five or six should do then there will be more fresh storylines and no more poor quality storylines like "The baby swap" and "The Masood dramas". Thanks!

  • Comment number 57.

    I don't want Pat to leave she a brilliant character and she allways will be

  • Comment number 58.



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