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Amira Masood is back!

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Guest Insider | 13:10 UK time, Friday, 2 September 2011

Update: Episodes 1 and 2 of Amira's Secret - the exclusive special scenes - will be on red button on Tues 6 September from 8pm and Thursday 8 September from 8pm i.e. after the regular episodes on Ö÷²¥´óÐã One. They will also be online at the same time here on bbc.co.uk/eastenders




EastEnders viewers are in for a special treat in September. As a prelude to Amira's return to Albert Square special scenes have been filmed for the Red Button that will begin to answer some of the questions posed by her dramatic exit from Walford in 2010.


Amira Masood is back in EastEnders


As he plans his life together with Christian, Syed's frustrations begin to grow as his attempts to re-connect with Amira and seek a divorce meet with no success. It is only with help from an unexpected source that his hopes are revived and Amira's controlling father Qadim is left with the decision as to whether he brings Syed back into his daughter's life once more.

Before viewers discover the full impact of Amira's return, two mini red button episodes will disclose Amira's world away from the Square and the repercussions that these events might bring to Syed and Christian's relationship. Caged in her father's home, hidden in disgrace...what secret will she reveal?

These special scenes can be seen directly after EastEnders on the red button on the 6th and 8th September.


  • Comment number 1.

    This is going to be an emotional roller coaster for all involved especially for Syed when he finds out he is a father and meets his child for the first time. I just hope Christian & Syed remain strong and united and that they will eventually get married.

  • Comment number 2.

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  • Comment number 3.

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  • Comment number 4.

    So glad Amira is returning! I think Qadim is only going to allow Syed
    to meet Amira IF he goes back to her to continue the marriage.

    I also think Massood and Zainab will pressure Syed to go back to Amira
    to look after her and the baby, leaving Christian left alone once again.

  • Comment number 5.

    You can tell Qadim has some ulterior motive, don't expect things to go smoothly aha.

  • Comment number 6.

    Im glad Amria is coming back .. i think Syed is better with Ameria than Christian as they have kept secrets and argue quite alot ... I think Zainab will make Syed get with amria to help look after her and the baby ,,, Lets Find out !!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Was she pregant with Syed's baby???????????????????

  • Comment number 8.

    Should be good, it'll be great to finally get some closure on Syed and Amira's sham marriage so that he can move on with his life with Christian and she can find someone who will treat her with the love and respect she deserves :) I fear there'll be some heartbreak for Christian though when he realises that Amira's given Syed the one thing he can't (a baby), especially given how desperate he is to start a family with him! :( I also think Syed will be put under loads of pressure from his parents that he can't be gay and be a dad! :( Should be a good storyline though with lots of drama, just hope that Christian and Syed remain strong and united by the end, and really hope that Amira will get a happy ending too :)

  • Comment number 9.

    i hope he goes with amira and not christian cuz i think it will be better so it is going to be a good eastenders

  • Comment number 10.

    Exactly what part of 'Syed. Is. Gay.' do people still not understand? He's with Christian now, and no matter what happens when Amira arrives he'll still be with Christian when she leaves. Again.

  • Comment number 11.

    Great post Laura, i really hope Christian & Syed despite the inevitable angst will come out of this even stronger.

  • Comment number 12.

    Hey!!!!!!! wasn't she pregnant when she left?????? im glad she's coming back.

  • Comment number 13.

    I'm Glad that Amira coming back

  • Comment number 14.

    OMG! She is the good one in EastEnders But I wonder What The Secret is??

  • Comment number 15.

    Yay! Amira is coming back with her baby. I have a feeling the baby is a girl... Anyway, Eastenders, where is Shabnam???? She wasn't at Syed's AND Tamwar's weddings. She needs to come back - even if it's just for visits. But great storyline. I

  • Comment number 16.

    i agree with shining east i hope shabnam comes bk and i also want more of the yusef story 2 happen

  • Comment number 17.

    I can't wait for this storyline! The more Chryed the better, as fas as I'm concerned! I just hope that Christian and Syed manage to stay together through this, and come out stronger than ever before. But, this is soapland, so I'm also preparing myself for their potential break-up (unfortunately)

  • Comment number 18.

    Who thinks the might be a boy?
    Who thinks the might be a girl?
    Tell me yuor answers.

  • Comment number 19.

    Who thinks the baby might be a girl?
    Who thinks the baby might be a boy?
    Did you know its Danny Mitchell's(Roxy and Ronnie's brother) baby.
    So its Christian + Syed + Amira + Danny

  • Comment number 20.

    Wow, another negative Eastenders story playing on negative stereotypes focussing on the only muslim family in Eastenders.

  • Comment number 21.

    No to the red button part of the story. I live in an area where digital isn`t available so I won`t be able to see it. I pay a TV licence so why should I miss out on a vital part of the story? I won`t have Sky because of the Murdoch connection & have held this view for many years not just because of the recent hacking. Show this on part online, although those without internet still won`t be able to see it. The Ö÷²¥´óÐã should be ashamed of themselves for restricting access to the 25% of the country who can`t access the red button.

  • Comment number 22.

    well i just hope allmera is ok and that the child is ok.I can't wait for syed to find out hes got a son. i think its a boy. cant wait for the masoods to find out that should be an interesting one the first grandchild mmmmm

  • Comment number 23.

    I agree that this a bit of a muslim stereotype but then again, the Masood family are not stereotypical so I guess it's not so bad that Quadim fits the stereotype. I mean, there are father's like Quadim around in real life.

    Amira only kissed Danny once, not sleep with him so the baby is Syed's

  • Comment number 24.

    "I mean, there are father's like Quadim around in real life."

    yes they do, but Look at the number of eastenders stories focussing on the Masood Family over the past 3 years.Eastenders is obsessed with promoting every single negative stereotype about muslims.

  • Comment number 25.

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  • Comment number 26.

    I can't understand people who want Syed and Amira to get back together. He is gay, always has been and always will be, it's not something he can switch on and off and Amira turning up with his baby isn't going to change that. I'm a Chryed fan and want Amira to find happiness but she's never going to find it with Syed. She needs to learn to stand on her own two feet and not rely on a man to look after her, and then find herself a nice STRAIGHT man to have a relationship with.

  • Comment number 27.

    This should be dramatic...

  • Comment number 28.

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  • Comment number 29.

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  • Comment number 30.

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  • Comment number 31.

    does anybody even know if she has a baby you all say it and i was thinking that but we dont know for sure do we ?

  • Comment number 32.

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  • Comment number 33.

    this story line is SICK !

  • Comment number 34.

    mickiemouse - I know, right! Christian and Syed deserve all the happiness they can get, and yet EE insists on storylines that threaten that happiness. I find it sickening that such a loving, beautiful couple is being threatened by outside forces. But never fear - I believe they will come through it unified and together, having become stronger as a result.

  • Comment number 35.

    cool! i thought that she would come back pregnant, and then syed and christian could like look after the baby or syed might fall for both of them :O

  • Comment number 36.

    I actually can't believe that some people are still having difficulty grasping the shocking concept that Syed is GAY and IN LOVE WITH Christian. Even if Amira was to have a sex change, Syed still wouldn't want to be with her! Not gonna happen, not ever - sorry :o

  • Comment number 37.

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  • Comment number 38.

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  • Comment number 39.

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  • Comment number 40.

    Thankfully, I, unlike you, am an open minded person and if I had children, I'd bring them up in the same manner, and wouldn't care a jot if they turned out to he gay.

    Love is love, regardless of gender. It's a shame you are too narrow-minded to see this, although your obvious fear of homosexuality says a lot about you....

  • Comment number 41.

    Well said, Laura :) It wouldn't bother me at all if my daughter turns out to be gay when she grows up, as long as she's happy and is a good, kind person who treats others with respect. However, if she turned out to be a homophobic bigot like some people are, I'd be very upset and disappointed in her.

  • Comment number 42.

    mickiemouse - I'd have no problem. One of my friends recently turned round and told me he was gay. I just hugged him and nothing more happened. My cousin came out as gay. He's still the only cousin whose paid me any attention or affection. I turned around and told my mother that I'm bisexual, and she is happy that I am open, no longer lying and happy with who I am. In fact, she recently told me she was proud of me. Because, honey, that's called 'love'.

  • Comment number 43.

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  • Comment number 44.

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  • Comment number 45.

    i think she making it up she is not with a child shes do it to get the attention of syed and christian but at the end of the day syed is gonna have pick between the one he love or the one he has to be with and he is gonna go with his heart its gonna be christian and his is probably gonna disown him but what they haye amria dad might kill him

  • Comment number 46.

    it gonna be awesome

  • Comment number 47.

    I didnt think they would bring Amira back thought this would be left for years not the most exciting storyline to look forward to it will most probably be one good episode and then rubbish and boring thats what Eastenders does now out of every storyline there is one big episode [well I wouldnt even say big ] and thats it why cant they continue the big storyline reveals in to the next episode instead of you having to wait months to see only to be over in half an hour

  • Comment number 48.

    Yeeess! I felt bad for her when she left. Hopefully she will stay for long

  • Comment number 49.

    I think it's a real shame when people like Mickiemouse and Ajmal are so narrow minded against homosexuals. They are just people, like you and I. They don't choose to be gay, they just are. I would hurt for my child if they turned out to be gay because they'd have to tolerate all the hate and ignorance from people such as you. Other than that as long as my kids are happy and safe I wouldn't mind either way.
    Good Luck to Christian and Syed. I really hope Eastenders show their relationship in a positive light and keep them together and solid. I do feel terribly sorry for Amira but there's nothing she can do to change her husband's sexuality and surely she's known that from the minute she found out?

  • Comment number 50.

    @queenarumlily - the red button episodes will also be able to view online here so you won't miss out on this part of the story.


  • Comment number 51.

    Syed is gay so why on earth would he go back to Amira? Why do some people think that being gay is something that can be switched on and off? Syed loves Christian and Christian loves him. The return of Amira will cause them problems no doubt but Syed didn't want to be with Amira before so why would he now, baby or no baby?

  • Comment number 52.

    ( Biddy Claire ) even now he isent realy into him he wants evey thing for him self but he cant so him Mum and dad are gnna say to him rite if your not gnna listen to us Do1 which he wont do he is bound to listen because he wil also have presure by the baby and amira her dad and his family

  • Comment number 53.

    Poor Amira!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Woohoooo!!! I'vee Been Waitingg Forr Thiss:D I Loveed Amira..Wass Upset When Shee Leftt..Welcomee Some New Drama. Guess What Would Be Good? If Max+Tanya Get Married Same Time As All This Happens..Omg:') I'vee Been Watching This Since I Wass 7 + A Halff..Favourite Soap+LoveIt:)

  • Comment number 55.

    Breaking news SYED IS GAY!!!!! and that will never change. He has said it enough times on screen and In his own words to Tmawar he loved Amria as a sister. He even told his mum that the thought of being physically intimate with Amira made him fee physically sick. I just hope Amira becomes a strong independant woman who finds someone who can love her in the fullest sense of the word.

  • Comment number 56.

    Ohhh this is going to be so good. It's pretty obvious Amira's going to come back and tell Syed he's got a son/daughter. I personally think Amira may just give the baby to Syed and Christian for them to raise. I think that's part of the reason why she's came back, becuase she's not coping. But we'll just have to wait and see! :-)

  • Comment number 57.

    Yaay Amira's Coming Back I Actually Prefer Syed To Be With Amira Instead Of Christian Because They Were Sooo Sweet Together And Now Syed Is Always Arguing, However I'd Feel Sorry For Christian Because He'd Probably Get Left Out In The Cold Again :L

  • Comment number 58.

    Thanks for that Matt, The Masoods & Christian are my favourites. I`d hate to miss out on any of their storylines. Unfortunately they seem to have gone missing recently, I thought that Yusef had murdered them! Was going to report them as missing persons to the police. They are the only reason that I watch EE now as the rest is rubbish.

  • Comment number 59.

    Please Stop Focousing on Syed and Christian theres 3 reasons why you shouldn't. 1. Their the worst Charecters on EastEnders. 2. It's not about them it might not even be Syed's. 3. Just because their gay that's the only thing everyone talks about. I rest my case.

  • Comment number 60.

    Greenlight 711and Laura, I have to agree with our sentiments, it should not matter whether your child is straight or gay it is whether you love them or not. Syed is as able to deny his love for Christian as a heterosexual person is able to deny their love for a member of the opposite sex. I have two children and if either of them told me that they were gay I would not love them any less. You love the person, not their gender which is a tiny bit of what makes them who they are. Mickiemouse needs to step out of the stone age and learn to accept people for who they are and not what they are, Amira will come round and so should he!

  • Comment number 61.

    whats her secret???

  • Comment number 62.

    did amira leave when she was pregnant ?

  • Comment number 63.

    The big secret is that SHE HAS SYED'S BABY! she was pregnent when she left, she's bound to have had it by now!

  • Comment number 64.

    From the amount of posts that have had to be deleted for breaking posting rules, it's obvious that homophobia is alive and well amid the British TV audience :-(

    I'm glad to see the return of Amira the Plot Device, only in as much as any ensuing drama will give Johnny and Marc something to get their considerable acting chops around as Christian and Syed face whatever Quadim, Yusef, Amira, Zainab, the World and his wife care to throw at them, courtesy of TPTB at EE.

    I just hope that the writers/producers have the guts to have Christian and Syed be pulled together by the trials and torment that inevitably will face them, rather than allowing it to pull them apart. Once TPTB have squeezed the last drop of (melo)drama out of yet another Soapy Baby Plot they couldn't resist, I hope and pray that they will keep JP and Marc on board for as long as possible and give them and their characters the screentime and prominence their prodigious talents and popularity truly deserve!!!

  • Comment number 65.


  • Comment number 66.


  • Comment number 67.

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  • Comment number 68.

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  • Comment number 69.

    Ruqayyahbesteva, people will not take you seriously if you talk to them LIKE DIS BRUV. Can't wait for Amira to come back!

  • Comment number 70.

    Nobody can help being intellectually challenged, but some people abuse the privelege. That short and pithy enough for you Ruqay-whatever?!

  • Comment number 71.

    Typo ^^^"privilege" That'll teach me to fire off of condescending comment in a hurry! LOL! ;-)

  • Comment number 72.

    I love amira she is sunning!!!! hope she stays for a long time!!!!

  • Comment number 73.

    Secrete Filming-Whats that all about???

  • Comment number 74.

    just been reading some of the comments on here and actually cannot believe that people are saying syed should end up with amira again......what do you not understand about the fact that he is gay?!?! hate to break it to you guys but this means that he's attracted to men, not women.. so regardless of whether he and christian stay together (and they better otherwise this past year has just been pointless for them!!), he won't get back with amira because i think it was safely established that this was not the right choice for him.

    and i don't think eastenders are promoting negative stereotypes through the masood family, surely syed coming to the realisation that he can reconcile his religion with his sexuality was a positive thing?

  • Comment number 75.

    I have a feeling that Yusef is Syeds Father, Because Zainab was married to Yusef when she was very young, before she married Massood, Now that would make a good storyline.......

  • Comment number 76.

    why does everyone keep repeating the same thing on here about other people talking about whether syed is gay and if he will get back with amira. Who cares, its there opinion, get over it and talk about some thing new, Dave Cee that sounds like a good story line pal!

  • Comment number 77.

    Didn't Amira's dad get his head smashed in by corries carla conner. i think it was in Dream Team she was linda Block and he was the Chairman hahahaha

  • Comment number 78.

    I had a feeling that Amira would come back to the show because, when she left we the viewers where made to believe that Amira was pregnant,Now that she is coming back I think that her (secret) is that she has twins a boy and a girl. I am feeling it for Christian,Now thats a good story line.......

  • Comment number 79.

    when amira comes back i want her to get with syed and leave christian because i want christain to turn straight and get with roxy xxxxxxxxx
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx christian

  • Comment number 80.

    "when amira comes back i want her to get with syed and leave christian because i want christain to turn straight and get with roxy"
    I want an end to all wars, poverty and hunger, my numbers to come up on the lottery and Arsenal to win the Treble...but that ain't gonna happen either. Although there's still more chance of all that happening than Syed and Amira or Christian and Roxy getting together. Seriously, do people really have no idea whar being gay means?

  • Comment number 81.

    Wow so here is what i hope for. I wish for Amira and Syed to get back together, i didnt want them to break up in the first place. Christian cannot compete with the bond Amira and Syed now have which is a BABY and plus they still love each other and they are still married so all i just want is Amira to be happy she's been sad, ashamed & lonely for tooo long.

  • Comment number 82.

    Syed is gay but there are real life 'gay people' who have married people of the opposite sex! Jackie Clunes, who acted in EE, was a lesbian but ended up falling in love with a man and is married. Tom Robinson was a gay man who also ended finding his ideal partner - a woman - and is married. Anyway, I don't think this is happening to Syed. He loves Christian. I can understand Amira might get her hopes up because she still loves him and he did choose to marry her in the first place. She didn't have a clue about his sexuality and his love for Christian until that fateful evening so it's understandable that she may get her hopes up.

  • Comment number 83.

    I'd like to see all 3 of them get together and live happily ever after


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