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(Christmas) Episode discussion for week starting 25 December

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Nickie | 00:01 UK time, Sunday, 25 December 2011

Zainab and Yusef - the explosive conclusion

Things come to a head between Zainab and Yusef. We always knew that someone was going to get hurt. But were you expecting this outcome? And what happens next??


Merry Christmas, Walford!

Meanwhile, here's how other residents of Albert Square are spending the big day... Who do you think most deserves to have a happy Christmas?Ìý

Give it up, Janine!

Some things can always be relied upon - that old friends will be true, and old foes like Janine relied upon to make life as difficult as possible. Should someone break Pat's confidence and tell Janine about Pat's failing health? Would it even make a difference?Ìý This is Janine, we're talking about...



Michael v Derek

While Derek is making alliances with Janine, and roping into dodgy business, is trying to enlist allies against his newest foe. Is Michael a match for Derek?


Happy Birthday Tommy!

The horrible events of last year seem like a nightmare now. Wonder what kind of Christmas having behind bars. For her, the nightmare is still real.

Discuss these festive hot topics, and anything else relating to this week's eps, in the comments section below. And Merry Christmas!!


  • Comment number 1.

    I want Janine to have a happy Christmas. She makes mistakes but it seems she'd love to be part of her family again. It's sad seeing her feel lonely or unloved.

  • Comment number 2.

    I hope zainab escapes yusefs evilness

  • Comment number 3.

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  • Comment number 4.

    i think derek is phils stalker

  • Comment number 5.

    I think the writer of east enders hate females we always made out to be the worlds worst ! and one topic after the others more shocking than the previous I been a vitim of an abusive husband and all that bad stuff came flooding back not that the writer obviously care how much damage is done else where ! why can it not at times have some things go right ? and the bad ones illiminated ?

  • Comment number 6.

    Who didn't know the stalker was going to be Ben, I knew it deep down, but just didn't want it to be him. It was a complete letdown sorry. BK needs to leave immediately

  • Comment number 7.

    Wow! Best Christmas episode since 2009, and much better than last years! Well done! :)

  • Comment number 8.

    sorry I don't agree with wellard1 this years was disappointing last years wasn't grate either but better than this years. last years I would say 7/10 and this years only a 5/10 just about .Christmas 2009 I would give 9/10 that's when Bryan wasn't the producer of the show so maybe he needs to look back at some older Christmas episodes and get some ideas because the last to Christmas episodes have been so disappointing.The reason I don't think tonight's was that good was you could of split the episode in to two half's and put them on any night of any week at any time of the year [if you had taken the fact it was Christmas away ] and you would of thought the episodes were just a bit better than normal nothing special plus there was no snow witch I understand it cant snow every year but it didn't last year so thought they would have it this year there was know scene in the Vic of everybody going in at lunch time for a Christmas drink and I thought it was predictable when masood was calling zainab saying he has Camile I knew yusef was going to grab her from behind and at the end it was obvious when masood was going to his room that yusef would be waiting in there.It would of been so much better if the Kat , Ronnie baby storyline was saved until Christmas day I think that could of maybe been the best Christmas episode ever. sorry Eastenders I know you plan quite early a head of story lines so you better get thinking now if you wanna make next years an episode to remember as I think this will be one many forget I just hope new year will be better as I heard Bryan say on this morning months back that there is a grate new year planned ???

  • Comment number 9.

    I think Yusef has been a good baddie over the last few weeks. But he cracked too easily in the xmas day episode. On past form, being a doctor et al he would of made sure Zainab took the pills. It is a shame months of a good story are brought to an end so weakly.

  • Comment number 10.

    OMG! Eastenders is soooooo good and exciting!
    I hate Yusaf soooo much!!! (I'm sure everyone does) LOL!
    He's going to put the whole of Albert square in danger just because, of his jealousy!
    It's a shame because, Tanya is going to die of cancer this christmas!
    I can't wait to watch the rest of Eastenders today!
    So glad Zainab and Masood are back together again!
    But Masood might die because of the fire!

    Latest Spoilers LOL!

    Reguards Jumaimah xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    this years xmas episode was lame! I expect better from Eastenders, it was so obviously ben who was phil's stalker and the yousef story line is boring now! how dumb is zainab to stay with the weirdo for so long? she could've asked afia for the girls address long ago! eastenders i watch you religiously, start some good story lines or bring back Bryan!

  • Comment number 12.

    wow eastenders was soo good (in my opinion) yousaf seriously needz to learn his lesson im soo happy that zainab was brave enough to stand up for hersellf and i can't belive phil'z own son was stalking phil i mean whats that all about im soo happy for roxy because it was about time she'd seen her daughter i just wish they all go back together as a family and i also wish tanya don't die...good work eastenders xx :)

  • Comment number 13.

    I really hate Yusef he should be happy because his daughter is married he "was" going out with Zainab but no he has ruin it :( i hope everyone survives the fire ad its Yuesf who dies :) good riddance 2 him!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    everybody, TANYA DOESNNT DIE YET!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    I hate Yuesef he is such a meanie,also it is a rumor that Tanyas cancer gets the better of her but...


    Max pre-propes 2 her exciting stuff.
    Love Sam
    (If you would like more things dont hesitate just put your name underneath)

  • Comment number 16.

    cant believe it was ben! so disapointing, thought it was going to be really suprising!

  • Comment number 17.

    Tonight's episode was good they should of made this episode happen on Christmas day tho as that was so disappointing.The explosion was really good and I thought the actresses who play Kim fox and zainab were excellent when the explosion happened.REALLY REALLY REALLY STUPID that know body else who lives on the square came out there houses to have a look what was going on apart from Alfie.Massod shouldn't of tried to save yuesef and there is defiantly somebody in with Ben to help him.At lest the b & b will finally get decorated after all these years about time it had a makeover.I take it yuesef is dead don't think they should kill him off but he should leave the square

  • Comment number 18.

    Wow wow wow that ep was so a flipping amazing i was jumping up and down in excitement so epic poor tamwar what's he gonna look like? yay plz let yusef b dead!poor Z gets over 1 thing and then they shove sommat else in her face! OMG omg jay looked relly fit
    and ben tut tut he's a nut case

  • Comment number 19.

    yay yusef might dead omg tamwar please please please please dont kill him off i love him he is so funny

  • Comment number 20.

    I think yuesef deserved to go like that ! Or does he ? Lets hope tam is ok :(

  • Comment number 21.

    Just Want to say a massive well done to the cast and crew for tonights episode, it was amazing. That was the best episode this year, by far. But that might change when it comes to Pats farewell.. :(

    No more yusef Khan yay!! Great Acting - (Ace Bhatti)

  • Comment number 22.

    Is yusef dead? I think acting from every1 in the episode was brilliant tonight :)

  • Comment number 23.

    Yes, Yusef is dead. He deserves it, but it's upsetting at the same time. I know he was mean, abusive and evil, but it's sad to see him go like that. I bet Ace Bhatti is a really nice man in real life and he will be known as the evil Yusef forever. By the way, are Masood and Zainab back together now? I prefer Jane and Masood to be honest and Tamwar will get burns on his face aswell. Great episode tonight! Keep up the good work Eastenders ;)

  • Comment number 24.

    I am and EastEnders Fun love the fire scenes but that should happen on Christmas Day Not Boxing Day but Maybe they did not have that plan the fire scenes could been Christmas Day episode maybe EastEnders Going to be on wednesday 21st December but bbc said that they can't have that extra episode but they had to show the fire on Boxing Day or the bbc might told them the EastEnders going to be bill for 3 episode on Christmas Day It was a good episode that what i can't undress why it happen on Boxing Day.

  • Comment number 25.

    @Scaredface: QUOTE "I been a vitim of an abusive husband and all that bad stuff came flooding back not that the writer obviously care how much damage is done else where"

    I've been through the same also but I don't think they're doing it to be evil to abused females! The show regularly highlights real life issues, and lets face it.....real life isnt pretty. It is extremely hard to help or even notice someone is in an abusive relationship. The victim covers it up and views it as shameful and they don't just undergo physical abuse, the mental abuse is usually a bigger part. Its a common misconception that abused females are weak. They are often strong loving women.

    Likewise for people who think they'd never allow themselves to get in that situation. Its not as if its a lovey dovey relationship and then bam, they smack you around. The mental abuse starts first. They manipulate you over time into thinking irrationally. Such as, they're only doing it because they love you/if they didnt love you so much, they wouldnt get that angry, that its your fault because your behaviour MADE them do it, that no one else will want you etc.

    I recognise the signs of a manipulator now, but only because I've had personal experience. So I would ask anyone who hasnt been in that situation themselves not to be too quick to judge those that are.

    I think they chose the character for this storyline perfectly. Z is a strong, opinionated woman. A bit annoying and overbearing at times yes but she's still a strong female, not weak. Perhaps not everything was 100% realistic but given people complain they drag storylines out......I think they did rather well given the circumstances.

  • Comment number 26.

    see now finally last nights episode made eastenders worth watching again!

  • Comment number 27.

    TOLD YOU IT WAS BEN! lol Phil is now going to get into trouble, and so he should, because the list of his crimes is too long and I think Shirley is the only person who still cares about him and loves him, all the rest hate him. Even his own mother just left him when he became hooked on drugs (aged 50!) and started the fire in the Queen Vic. Yusef is gone at long last, he got the death he deserved, but Tamwar was badly hurt as well and Kim has lost everything, because B&B was her business as well as the place where she lived. Anyway, yesterdays episode was quite good, IMHO.

  • Comment number 28.

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  • Comment number 29.

    Well Done for last night's episode, it was sensational!!.. The phil/Denise twist at the end was cleverly included.. But O.M.G the Masood's were absolutely brilliant!!! Hope Tamwar gets better! and congratulations on creating an absolute monster with Yusef. (brilliant actor) Definitely gripped your audience xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Well Done to the EastEnders Cast and Crew for putting on a great episode last night. Well Done to Ace Bhatti for potraying Yusef Khan, you've done a great job at playing a villain more creepier than Archie Mitchell. Well Done and all the best for the future!

  • Comment number 31.

    I watched the episode where the fire occurred, but, feel that the fire brigade would have gone in with their water syphons a lot sooner than they did rather than just stand around for a bit. it was a brilliant episode but my son aged 45 said it was not realistic as everyone was standing around, including police not doing anything for such a long time before taking any action at all. Then when the policeman was informed that a murder had been committed he just said nothing and put his hand up and walked away. Anyway all in all an excited episode to bring christmas to a high. thanks anna

  • Comment number 32.

    I have watched the whole episode off eastenders over the christmas and i think some of it was good and some of it was really poor acting. The story line off zainab was really good, where she put her passport in the bin.When Phil got took in to hospital when he was on the stretcher i recon that was poor acting. And i am actually happy that yuself will no longer be in the episode because he was really nasty to his wife but therefore she didn't have to put up with his behavior. i am so glad that they have there child back and i hope they get back together again as a family and also i hope that tam is okay to. Cant wait to see the next part of what happens next :)

  • Comment number 33.

    i wonder if tamwar dies, and the fire brigade should have been there alot quicker

  • Comment number 34.

    The Ö÷²¥´óÐã obviously don't like to hear the truth about there programs as they decided to delete what I said about Eastenders being a load of rubbish no swear words had been used but the truth must hurt if this gets deleted I will be writing to the papers with a copy of what I had said.

  • Comment number 35.

    I agree with blog123, that's very true I think last years was better than this years, the b&b fire was so far fetched!!! Eastenders, not as good sorry. Hopefully next years will be more better. Brew, eastenders ain't a load of rubbish, it's brill, it's just this years Xmas episode wasn't as good. :)

  • Comment number 36.

    i do hope tamwar is ok

  • Comment number 37.

    I`m really wondering why Yusef had a great big smirk on his face when he went to search inside Kimberly`s Palace for Afia and he knew he was going to die there and then. I think he was either Happy to see Afia or that he wanted to make the Masood Family guilty of his death. Nice catch phrase ` AFIA!!! AFIA!!!!!!. Also Tamwar went in for the search of Afia. It is Zainab`s fault that her son (Tamwar) suffered souvier burns when he went for the search of his wife. It is that Zainab tricked Yusef when he grabbed her and said that Masood was going to die in the B&B. I don`t blame her, but she should feel guilty. Also I cannot belive that Ben would blackmail his own father ( Phil Mitchell ). I am satisfied with this years Xmas special. I`m not looking forward to Pat Butchers departure. She will go down in Eastenders history. I also want Peggy back, i`m missing the famous ` Get outta ma pub`. It won`t be happening no more , cos` Kat and Alfie own the Queen Victoria. I`ve also heard in real life Ace Bhatti is a really nice guy. I really want to meet him ( Not a dead Yusef though ) :).
    - Shadowster

  • Comment number 38.

    Im so happy that yusef is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! serves him right to die in the most painful way ever, being perished alive.
    i feel sorry for afia as she is now an orphan but at least she has tamwar.
    zainab and masood should now try and work things out and start again.

  • Comment number 39.

    Is it all forgiven that Zainab has caused so much grief!? She treated Mas so badly then forced him to divorce her, shes moany and disloyal and then marries a man that does all this to her family. I dont get her character at all she is always forgiven no matter how much is her fault and how rude she is to her friends and anyone who is kind to her. Will she ever start to be a decent happy person.. ??? Totally fed up of Zainab wish Jane and Mas were together..

  • Comment number 40.

    I absolutely loved the christmas and boxing day episodes! i think the massood yusef story had been brilliant, and Ace Bhatti is an amazing actor! I will be sad to see his character go as his cool calm scheming was very intriguing! Poor Afia without a day, and poor Tamwar, also will zainab come clean to the rest of the family about lying that Afia was in there? And Please dont kill of Tanya, shes a brilliant character, its bad enough losing pat, let Tanya battle the cancer!

  • Comment number 41.

    i agree with Kate, pls don't kill Tanya off she's one of the best characters, her and max are like the romeo + juliet of walford lol

  • Comment number 42.

    congrats to everybody concerned with the eps over christmas, tremendous. well done. heres to a splendid 2012. :-)

  • Comment number 43.

    Why is everyone in the square leaving?Yusef has died, Pat is going to die, Heather is going and people are saying that Tanya is going to die from her cancer. The sqaure is going to end up empty at this rate. And Zainab is annoying me. It's her fault for Yusef's death for lieing to him saying that Afia was in there ( It's also Yusef's fault as he caused the fire ) and Tamwar went in aswell, thanks to Zainab's lies. Also, she dosen't deserve Masood back. She kicked him out and the whole divorce thing aswell and when Yusef died, she thinks that Masood is going to accept her in his arms after all of that trouble she caused! Jane has been so good to Masood, she deserves him way more than Zainab. Also, I don't want Pat to die, she is one of the best characters! Im going to cry when she goes. And i hope this Tanya dieing thing is not true because we are beggining to have too many leaves and deaths now. But, apart from that, i hope everyone has a happy new year and i have enjoyed this year of Eastenders a lot. Can't wait till next year ;)

  • Comment number 44.

    Haha theres a fair few comments here, firstly, peggy could come back to the queen vic as Phil is the owner ( hence alfie paying him rent money) . Secondly Patrick owns the B and B, he took denise and kim in.
    Mas and Zee belong together......................ok she may be moany and naggy but i think this "episode" with yusef has maybe made her a more humble woman. Ace
    Bhatti is a wonderful actor and well done for him in getting the eastenders nation to hate him so convincingly!! Roll on next year.

  • Comment number 45.

    I don't think pat should have cancer as there is already Tanya who has that there is a lot more medical conditions out there they could of chosen something different.I do hope the last scenes with pat are good but I cant see it myself I think she will just pass away in bed witch is boring to watch.Cant wait for David wicks to come back anybody know if hes staying in the soap ??? . I wrote a few days ago saying how this years Christmas episode wasn't good and gave it a 5/10 [just] I also said last years was disappointing as well and gave it a 7/10 but was suppose to give it a 6/10 that's why I said it was disappointing just wanted to clear that up and also I thought of a grate Christmas episode for next year BRYAN KIRKWOOD you should get in touch [ha] And am I right in thinking that there hasn't been a white Christmas in the square since Pauline Fowler died ??? Bryan there better be one next year.I also noticed that the pat special is only on for half hour ??? should of been an hour.I wonder when zainab is gonna spill the beans that its her fault that Tamwar went in to the fire then affia will blame zainab for her dads death as he had know reason to go in there.I am certain there is somebody helping Ben if there is I hope it comes out in tomorrows episode

  • Comment number 46.

    blog123, exactly. tanya has cancer why does pat have to have it aswell. shes always had heart problems so if she passed away due to a heart attack it would be more genuine. ace bhatti for villan of the year!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    i didnt realy want yusef to die like that i wanted hin to face up to what he has done to the masoods and fell realy bad for what he has done

    what happened to tanya dieing on christmas day ? ? ? ?

  • Comment number 48.

    i wonder how many people like how the writing has been compaired to people who don't? 50 to 1 is my guess

  • Comment number 49.

    THE WORST NEW YEAR EPISODE EVER - Eastenders I am so disappointed in tonight's episode new year is suppose to be the second biggest episode of the year after Christmas day and it was awful.There was know big story that came out or started ??? what happened to the big dramatic scenes when counting down to the new year ??? Its Eastenders tradition Its what all us Eastenders fans look forward to I am starting to think you don't care what the fans want and even if you know are opinions you kind of just brush them under the carpet.Last new year was much better I would have to watch the episode again but a 8-9 out of 10 this years 0/10 it was that bad for a new year episode there has been so many grate new year episodes why would the script writers even think this was good enough ??? and surely Bryan as the producer has a big say in the final script he should not of let this happen if I was the executive producer of Eastenders and somebody handed me that script for the new year episode I would want them sacked.Also I know Bryan must be really busy but I think it would be good if he would answer are comments from time to time.Only realized tonight that the show is on Sunday looking forward to that I just hope it wont be so disappointing like tonight's worst new year episode ever

  • Comment number 50.

    @ blog123 the New Year ep is on Sunday and yesterdays ep wasn't that bad

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Ishtiab Khan when I say new year I mean new years eve I thought maybe it might be on Sunday but if Eastenders was going to show a dramatic story like last year when counting down to new year surely it would be on Fridays episode[as it is not on tonight] and then continued on Sunday as Sunday is new years day ??? I think Sundays episode will just start of on new years day not from new years eve maybe I am wrong I hope I am.Thanks for your comment

  • Comment number 52.

    I was very surprised Ben was Phils stalker, as i thought he would be to obvious. But sometimes its more shocking when its the more obvious characters, because you dont expect it to be them because there too obvious, if that makes sense.

  • Comment number 53.

    @blog123 the new years episode hasnt even been released yet, so what the hell are you on about?

  • Comment number 54.

    I was so disappointed Ben was Phil's stalker. How boring and predictable of Ben 'getting back' at his dad.
    I was hoping it was Suzy Branning coming back for a little revenge on Shirley for burning all that money she was taking. Since Ronnie Mitchell and Sean Slater aren't on the scene anymore there wouldn't have been any hostility between the three of them. Oh well.
    Christmas episode wasn't the best or that gripping. The Yusef/Massod storyline was too tedious and drawn out. But I did tear up with the thought of Tamwar dieing. Gladly he didn't! :)
    I really loved how they did that last shot of Pat on the barstool with the music and her with a smile on her dial on the last episode. That was precious!


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