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Photo spoilers: 主播大秀ward bound for Sharon!

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Katy R | 00:00 UK time, Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Help me...

Sharon turns up on Phil's doorstep and begs for help. Shirley's not best pleased to meet Phil's ex on the day of their engagement party! Phil turns all 鈥榢night in shining armour鈥 and goes off to help Sharon find her son - little Dennis!

Sharon, Ben, Jay, Sharon and Shirley

For love nor money

Janine decides once and for all that Michael is only with her for her money, and doesn't love her at all. Which little birdie's been putting ideas in her听 head?

Michael and Janine

Sparks fly

Once Sharon and Dennis have been safely returned to The Square, it's not long before the men start flocking. First in line - Mr Jack Branning! What will she think of him?

Sharon and Jack

Old friends

Sharon's shocked to see her old pal Ian in such a state. In true Sharon style she wants to fix him. She takes him to see Lucy in the hope that she can reunite the Beales. Can Lucy forgive and forget?

Ian, Sharon and Lucy

In the frame

Shirley finds the murder weapon at the B&B and decides to hunt down Heather's killer herself. How quickly does she realise that the frame came from her own house?

Kim, Denise and Shirley

The truth will out!

Shirley thinks she's cracked the case. She tells Ben that she thinks the murderer is her new fianc茅 -听 Phil! What will Ben have to say about that?

Ben and Shirley

It never rains but it pours

While Phil tries to calm Shirley down, Ben sneaks out of the Mitchell's. A frantic Phil tries to find him, but where has the little tyke got to this time?




  • Comment number 1.

    Omg .....What a fiery week and very emotional...Poor Phil and Shirley...SHARON WELCOME BACK GIRL THIS IS UR PLACE LOVE...Yayyyyyyyyyyyy my first coment finaly.

  • Comment number 2.

    Welcome Back Sharon!!:)鉂も潳鉂も潳 Will Always Be A Soap Legend!:)鉂も潳鉂も潳

  • Comment number 3.

    poor phil? if he stops her from going to the police he is an arse and if he's just begging shirley to marry him cos of sharon then this is a repeat of old storylines.

  • Comment number 4.

    This looks like a brill week.Hopefully ben gets found out.

  • Comment number 5.

    I feel really sorry for ian but then again he left lucy and bobby. I think that lucy dosen't want him because she will lose joey! By the way joey is well hot and fit i wanna marry him i love his character totally suits him the badboy.I hate derek he looks like a pig i despise him he is the worst chrarcter ohh and Jack is fit but not as fit as JOEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Joey is hot and fit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO MARRY HIM

  • Comment number 7.

    inooo i wanna marry him as wekk naf xxx and this is going to be a EPIC week i think welcome bk princess xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Cant wait for this EPIC WEEK!! looks so exciting!!! I hope ben finally gets figured out!!! and i feel so sorry for shirley and phil. I also hope Lucy lets her dad back in to her life:(

  • Comment number 9.

    Nice to have Sharon back for sure, but I'm still hooked on the Kat affair. I hope for once that it's not Ray, as I would hope Eastenders will try and have a positive young black man on the show, rather than being shown as an absent Father, and also a cheat! Please lets get rid of the typical stereotype :)

  • Comment number 10.

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  • Comment number 11.


  • Comment number 12.

    So, Kat's bit on a side is not Ray. I knew it. Way out of her league. It's not one of the Branning brothers either. It's just not. But as it's really obvious now that it's probably Michael, it's probably not him after all. Could it be Anthony? Ewwwwww:( Am I the only one who is not excited about Sharon's return? If Kat and Alfie are anything to go by, EE writers/producers just get the good characters from the past back on a show, then give them really rubbish story lines and mess them up.

  • Comment number 13.

    Im really curios who is the msitery man ,but im 1005 sure that is Michael....he is the band one there...Jack is out of question,Max love tanya to much,Ray is more worried for his girl then having affairs with Kat,Derek not even in mills years But the big surprise could be even Tyler....they gave us 5 suspects Max,Jack,Ray,Derek and Michael...Im absolutly sure is Tyler and none of them 5 mentioned in this plot.

  • Comment number 14.

    I AM ABSOLUTELY RAGING .............I have watched eastenders from day one and have often thought about stopping because some of the story lines are a bit over the top, but I have stuck it out UNTIL TONIGHT when Tyler and Jean had the conversation about the 0lympics and mentioned all the Gold medals team GB have won and only mentioned English competitors and not one mention of any of the Scots who have (more than) contributed eg Chris Hoy, Andy Murray to mention only 2 I find this very ANTI SCOTTISH and may never watch this programme again :(

  • Comment number 15.

    ^oh my god? over that? the show is set in the UK! scotland is not part of the uk. your obviously not a very big fan if that stops you watching lol

    im not happy shirley is going to look like a complete idiot next week when she doesnt know phil covered up the murder.

  • Comment number 16.

    Good to see Sharon back, but strong characters like her need strong men in their lives - like Grant. If my memory serves me right, there was a time when she had Grant and Phil going at once?? Which character can handle her on their own at the moment? As for Kat - I'm putting her with Derek!! Seems the least likely - which is always what the scriptwriters want - maybe he's blackmailing her?

  • Comment number 17.

    ADRIANAGABRIELA: No, Kat's lover is 100% not Ray. Did you see the last episode? She was on the phone to her lover when Ray entered the room.
    Monalisa: After finding the photo frame and a having done a little investigation, Shirley will actually suspect Phil, not Ben. That's what I've heard. But it looks like Ben will do the runner instead of going to jail. Boooooooooooooo!:(

  • Comment number 18.

    Looking forward to Sharon's return :-)

    @cathiea - this isn't a live show - they mentioned the people most in the news at the time of shooting for about 10 seconds of the show - it's not anti Scottish, that's just daft. It is, however, about E London so it's not necessarily going to be focusing on Scotland. I'm sure a Scottish based soap would have focused on the Scottish team GB members, whether they had won at that point or not, and rightly so!

    @monalisa of course Scotland is part of the UK - it is also part of Great Britain. UK=England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.

    RE the Olympics part of the show the other day, i thought it was a bit tongue in cheek and didn't take it seriously anyway.

    Happy to see some more interesting story-lines appearing, getting sick of the 'who is Kat doing' story though. Why do they use any excuse to get her messing around? It's so annoying and clich茅d.

  • Comment number 19.

    @uzume thats what i meant lol that ee is based in london so why would they mention scotland l

    @bigsmilie i dont think ben will get away with it. There are a lot of spoilers heavily embargoed so theres going to be quite a few twists. Shirley better know phil covered it up theres a spoiler in a mag that says she doesnt

  • Comment number 20.

    I think Ben will get found out because i think when phil is arrested phil will say it's Ben.

  • Comment number 21.

    Bigsmile76 ...yes i saw the last episode ,maybe my grammar isnt that good then urs and u missunderstood me ...u right it isnt Ray ,like i said in my prewous coment is not the other 4 either ...I think is Tyler and if im wrong with Tyler then im going for Michael ..But ur perfect right is not Ray at all and im glad because i like Ray and i do not wish to see him messing with Kat and specially Kim being so fiery i dont think is good idea either xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Derek is wonderful. Best character since Larry (Archie Mitchell)
    Regarding UK comment: Great Britain is England & Wales, Sotland, N.I., IOM, Channel Islands.
    United Kingdom is as above plus Canada,Australia, N.Z., Falkland Is.,
    Jamaica, Barbados, St.Lucia, St.Vincent, British Virgin Is., Bermuda and several more dependencies + dominions.
    Nice to see Lovely Letitia again.
    ^^^ has to be right. Thought Jack for a while but agree with ^^^ only Michael makes sense.
    More interested in Cora storyline; is that just going to disappear now ?

  • Comment number 23.

    i think it is ray or jack kats mystery man i want joey to be in every episode i love him but then again i get jeaulous when ... he kisses lucy

  • Comment number 24.

    I am really excited about Sharon returning but unless the story-lines get back down to earth it will not help the show. The last Sharon storyline was gripping, Little Den was a great character and bringing back Grant at the end of that story line was awesome but Eastenders' insistence on having weird, corrupt baddies and murder mysteries that go on for ever has spoilt it for last couple of years.

  • Comment number 25.

    Eastenders is getting better and better! I havent seen Sharon because she left Eastenders when I was only young, I cant remember her that much! Im really excited! :)

  • Comment number 26.

    Great to see Sharon back. Hope she turns out to be Cora's daughter and Tanya's Sister! That would be such a great story. She was adopted, and Cora could have lied last week about her baby dying.

  • Comment number 27.

    GGgggrrr......Star , I hate you; why am I so slow yet you've spotted it first off. Well done + hope you're right on that.
    Been mentally trawling character profiles for a Cora-link + hit on Ray initially as she was a bit wierd around Patrick so thought he reminded her of an ex.
    Never thought of Sharon......but there is a reason she's back in + the Cora aspect could be it. 主播大秀 always beat me on storylines: we all bet on same; all proceeds to charities + of course it's fun speculating in general.

  • Comment number 28.

    Limehouse61:Sorry but it 's sort of old news (I mean, that Sharon might be Cora's long lost daughter), saw that in a magazine a while ago. Also, somehow I am not sure whether it's true, Sharon's biological mother is known, and it's not Cora?

  • Comment number 29.

    I am looking forward to next weeks episodes finally the truth comes out about Heathers death.I just really hope that Eastenders don't let us viewers down and make the reveal really stupid like Ian just comes out with it etc. I will be rating each episode out of 10 next week so lets see how well the show does

  • Comment number 30.

    bigsmilie what did you think of thursdays ep ? was phil being genuine in helping shirley or did he have a motive ? his smile on the vic roof was so nice. i think cos of the romantic setting that his embarrassment of being with her is sort of being lifted and his genuine love has overcome it i think we'll see that tomorrow

  • Comment number 31.

    Sharon and Phil are just meant to be. They are so good together. I am so looking forward to the day Phil leaves Shirley for sexy Sharon.

  • Comment number 32.

    Monalisa, I am sure Shirley is the woman for Phil. Many men are as far from Prince Charming as possible, but all of them want a Princess, and that's Phil's case. However Shirley is the woman for him, she is his soul mate, and deep inside he knows it. He does need her. He respects her for her "you don't mess with me" attitude. And she actually can be a lot of fun, that was the main reason she was friends with Hev (them dancing to "Respectable" or trying to get into "George Michael's" house. Brilliant!). So yes, I think that smile was genuine and he was rather proud of her. The moment was beautiful, and that made her propose to him. But now she is about to find out that he betrayed her - can't wait for fireworks!

  • Comment number 33.

    @neongirl that wont happen.. phils not even interested in sharon and of course its all about looks for other people isnt it phil cant possibly find shirley "sexy" *rolleyes*

    @bigsmilie yep just hope next week doesnt make it look like he dont love her it would be silly

  • Comment number 34.

    also what did you think of his reaction to the proposal ?

  • Comment number 35.

    Can't wait now! Looks like a great week!:)

  • Comment number 36.

    oooh cant wait so exited about evryting

  • Comment number 37.

    Monalisa, I think he is surprised, shocked even, because when he proposed she said no. He will say yes though but I can't wait to see what happens when Shirley finds out that the picture frame that Kim gave to Denise is the very same one that she gave to Heather, and where it was found. I don't think Phil is covering for Ben because he doesn't care about Shirley, it's that he cares about Ben more as Ben is his son.

  • Comment number 38.

    she asked him in march but he turned her down cos she was grieving. it was just his face at the end he looked quite sad and in pictures for mondays ep he looks really down too not happy but he's being more romantic than he was the last time

    i hope there is more to it with sharon cos as it stands it just looks like he would've dropped shirl for sharon had it not been for this murder stuff..remember when shirl asked him what would he do if sharon came....but i like to think he thinks he would but couldn't he calls her when hes with sharon & tells her he loves her etc but it wont come across as genuine with the way he is being with sharon. he even says to shirley about her trusting him but then he's flirting with sharon & making out he wants to be with her rather than shirley so how can he expect shirley to trust him :S

  • Comment number 39.

    I think Phil and Shirley will be splitsville come Christmas and then he can have a hot snog with Sharon under the mistletoe.

  • Comment number 40.

    actually shirley splits with phil shortly after the reveal and again as i repeat he is not interested in sharon she has her own storylines

  • Comment number 41.

    Good to hear if they are split up then he can have Sharon for his Christmas present, Thanks for spoiler ;)

  • Comment number 42.

    @ Monalisa: Totally forgot Shirley proposed to Phil before! It's all got very confusing you see :) Because recently Tanya proposed to Max and he said no as well. Anyway, I still Phil was surprised as Shirley proposed AGAIN :)

  • Comment number 43.

    yes but phils still bothering shirley NOT sharon !!!! if he was sooo intereted in sharon why doesnt he ask her out as soon as shirley is out of the picture????!

  • Comment number 44.

    Cos that would be dumb and disrespectful learn the rules of the game girl all the 1s who want Phil and Sharon are going to get what they want in the end

  • Comment number 45.

    why would phil care? LOL and why should they when theyve all been horrible and allways try to wind me up if anyone should get what they want it should be phil/shirley fans with what we've had to put up with :(

  • Comment number 46.

    But majority of people dont want them together mate. Just speaking the truth not winding ya up. All my mates want Phil with Sharon. Do not mean Shirley has to be alone or miserable. In the end it will be Phil and Sharon you may ship different but be real mate.

  • Comment number 47.

    so it has to mean phil never loved shirley? and phil dose not deserve sharon or any happiness he has covered up a murder and was partly responsible for dennis's death. if he gets his happy ever after i will be fuming

  • Comment number 48.

    i am surprised most sharon fans would want her anywhere near phil after the way he has treated her. remember he punched her in front of everyone? he just acts like the bad guy in front of her cos he knows she likes that he cant be himself around her sharon doesnt genuinely love him like shirley does.

  • Comment number 49.

    thanx BS76 - not much time to watch so way behind on stuff: stacks of recordeds to see but out-of-sync is disorientating.
    s'why this site/forum is great as it has in-depth lowdown + you lot are well clued-up - thanx to all for facts info + goss.
    aha,got 1 thing right: said months + months ago Lauren was Derek's.
    might be fun if she + Alice find out they're half-sisses.
    Shirley deserves better than Phil altho he seems a bit improved from when I last had a watch-fest ( when he was with Tanya's sister.)
    Ben is a total waster: in the old days he'd have got Wandsworth + come out with a trade + a bit of sense. can't blame Phil for staying loyal,what else can he do but I hope Shirley susses + grasses him.
    have a good week,people. ciao for now.

  • Comment number 50.

    At the end of the day there will always be something between Sharon and Phil, like it or not. I personally think she's way too good for him but the feeling will always be there and Shirley is right to be worried.

    Shirley and Phil are good mates who have sex. It's not the same as genuine affection although she's obsessed with him.

    If I was a bigger fan of Shirley, I wouldn't want her anywhere near Phil. He's turned her into a doormat who takes him back time after time despite sleeping with Suzie, Raine, Glenda..anyone else?) She acts tough but the way she's let him walk all over her has shown she's actually a weak woman who'll put up with anything to hold to her man and the questionnable status of being a Mitchell.

    I'd like to think she'll put justice for her best mate above that but am not sure that she will when it comes down to it.

  • Comment number 51.

    I dont want shirley to stay with phil no but i dont want it to turn out that he never loved her. I dont want her to have been taken for a mug for the past 4 years.

    Imo if she was just a mate then how come he couldnt live without her when they split? And he was also cruel to her telling her he used her etc And he shouldnt be telling a mate he loves them in a romantic way if he doesntl hes 50 not 12 shirley knows(thinks) full well he doesnt love her shes never believed him.

  • Comment number 52.

    I dunno what to think of Kats mystry man - Derek=No Kat has better taste lol Ray= doubt it :L,Jack=Maybe,Max=Cares to much for his family, Micheal=Maybe-Sharon coming back= wow and the frame being found = O.O
    This Week Is EPIC

  • Comment number 53.

    If i remember Sharon,s mum is dead .....Her big secret doesnt have nothing to do with the Square if i read correct in digitalspy...She is hiding someting from USA she has a secret there im not sure but i think thats Sharon,s secret someting to do with USA and she doesnt want people from the Square to find out...Another big news and this is keep it in secret ...Grant will be back thats for sure.And as we know EE producers loves keepeng in secret all this..

  • Comment number 54.

    Phil needed Shirley after Heather's death to cope with what his son had done, and what he'd turned his own son into. I don't doubt he's very fond of Shirley and cares for her but love? I don't think so.

  • Comment number 55.

    why was he cruel to her then? he told her he used her. you dont do that to someone your "fond of"

  • Comment number 56.

    You don't do it to someone you love either. That was just panicking to keep Shirley at arms length so she didn't find out what Ben had done.

  • Comment number 57.

    Awwwww wat an emotional week it is going 2 be TODAYS the day SHARONS BACK!! cant wait she belongs in albert square! CANT WAITTT!! xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Although I don't think Phil's feelings for Shirley will ever equal those for Sharon, in some ways he and Shirley are better suited. They're both selfish, rude, rough and totally rubbish parents!

  • Comment number 59.

    According to a magazine, Ben will confess, Shirley will dump Phil for good and Jay will get what he deserves for covering for Ben (Phil will kick him out and Andrew will confront him etc). But Phil will keep trying to save Ben from prison. Fingers crossed he will fail to do that.

  • Comment number 60.

    Like i said THE REAL EASTENDERS GOLD WILL BE BACK WITH SHARON,PHIL,GRANT,SHIRLEY is all EE needs...Fantastic BOTH EPISODES..LET THE ACTION ROCK ON EE.it was about time EE to do someting about it....Welcome back Sharon...u look great xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 61.

    By the way guys we all know that Janine departure will be coming soon for six months...Guess what she will be coming back in a big story line belleve it or not...If u remember the long hour episode from the 25th december 2010 when she claimed that Stacey what stabbing her...I have the big felleng that the Stacey will be back in the same time with Janine to clear her image and to make Janine to confess...EastEnders are cleaver ,but we viewers are aswelll...So they keep everything in secret but i know for a fact that Janine returning next year will be a big one.

  • Comment number 62.

    welcome back sharon and i just want Shirley to find out quick!!

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