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The Royal Wedding - Broadcast Operator plays her part!

Emma Bentley

Broadcast Operator

Millions around the world watched it, tweeted about it, and snap chatted it. That, of course being the 2018 Royal Wedding. However, few were lucky enough actually to be inside the grounds, working on the broadcasting aspect, ensuring those around the world got the best coverage possible.

The broadcasters descended into Windsor a week before the wedding itself. Working for radio, Monday and Tuesday’s tasks were primarily rigging. We had to connect the SAT (satellite) trucks to all the power supplies, and connect the truck to the 主播大秀 porta cabin. However, although the cabin was just across the path, the palace didn’t want anything at all on the road so we had to feed it up the road, into the foliage, over and across the top of a purpose-built structure, back down, into the foliage at the other side and down opposite side of the path into the porta cabin.

During the week there were multiple radio broadcasts from inside Castle Hill, along the Long Walk – which when I was sent to deliver some equipment discovered the reasoning behind why it gained its name, and also out and about in the streets. It was really interesting to see the different aspects of how such a huge event were set up and all the 主播大秀 staff were really helpful and genuinely wanted me to have the best experience. Something that I’ve found when on the 2 placements I’ve done so far, is that if you show enthusiasm it will definitely be reciprocated and in return you will receive in-depth explanations and the opportunity to work independently on tasks.

The day itself began in a Holiday Inn express, even before the sun could rise and church bells could ring. Several of us all met in the reception and travelled into Windsor together. At 05:30 there were already many people arriving into Windsor and there were hundreds of people who’d camped out - some even from Monday, lining the streets eagerly anticipating a glimpse of the newly married couple. On the morning, I spent several hours over on the grass where the huge line of gazebos were. Every individual section was home to a broadcaster, and correspondents were either being touched up by make-up artists, or standing on boxes to make them taller for the right camera angle. I ensured that the COOBY (Contributor Operated Outside Broadcast Equipment) that uses ISDN to connect to a studio, was working, had necessary output, spoke to the studio, and got everything ready for correspondent Jane Hill. She was doing many interviews for different radio stations and I was able to appreciate how much of a talent it is to summarise your surroundings and try to convey an atmosphere purely by voice.

In the afternoon it was a little quieter because we were on lock-down and couldn’t move outside our area. We sat inside the truck and watched the ceremony on the small screen. About 2 feet away, directly outside the truck were hundreds of royal cavalry waiting in preparation for the royal newly-weds to leave the chapel and tour the streets. As soon as the procession was over we began to de-rig. The non-essential equipment was unplugged and packed away and we began to clear up.

Overall, it was a brilliant experience, great fun, and something I’m so glad my apprenticeship enabled me to do!

Here are some top tips from what I learned:

- Take (lots of) chocolate and sweets. Often people are very busy, however if you walk around with a packet of wine gums or skittles everyone has a few minutes to speak to you! It’s also a great way to network and mingle with people from other channels who you might actually need a hand from at some point.

- Wear a belt. It might sound silly but when you have 3+ walkie talkies and other various pieces of kit you need to clip to yourself, a belt is essential.

- Something that I forgot to do too many times, is take some water with me out to the various locations around the grounds of wherever you are. It’s ok if you’re only there 10 minutes, but when it’s 25 degrees and you’re out in the sun for a few hours, you can’t just leave a correspondent whilst they’re mid on-air to go and get your bottle out the truck.

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