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Legal Trainee Bella on Walking 10k for Justice

Every year in May, thousands of lawyers, paralegals, and apprentices descend on Central London to walk (or run!) 10k in the London Legal Walk. This year, I joined the 主播大秀 Legal Team in the march to promote access to justice and to raise money for the London Legal Support Trust.

I joined the 主播大秀 as a Legal Trainee in September 2017. Since then I have been involved with a wide variety of work, from negotiating access to film the police for the TV programme ‘Panorama’, to drafting a contract for a loan to an independent production company. I have supportive supervisors who encourage me to gain experience in different teams throughout the business and take up training opportunities. As a result, I have learnt a lot about the business and I have had the opportunity to work with many different people. I was excited to take part in the Legal Walk because it supports a great cause, but I was also keen to have a good catch-up with my colleagues across the 主播大秀!

The 23-strong 主播大秀 team assembled at 4pm outside the Royal Courts of Justice in Strand. Uncharacteristically for London, the sun was shining! After signing in and stocking up on water, we set off east. There were 2 routes to pick from, and we chose the ‘Park Route’, looping past Buckingham Palace, through Hyde Park, and back to the Royal Courts of Justice.
It was a very scenic walk: plenty of flowers were in bloom, we met some friendly dogs, and we saw lots of wildlife too. One couple of geese had 13 (very cute) goslings. We stopped for ice cream about half way through to ensure that we kept our blood sugar levels up!

I didn’t think too much of walking 10k, but all our legs were aching by the time we got the balloon-covered finish line. We all very pleased to enjoy a well-earned drink and have a sit down.

So why were we all these legal professionals marching around in the heat? The walk is all about raising awareness and cash for the London Legal Support Trust. The charity helps over 100 organisations in London and the South East each year who provide free legal advice to vulnerable groups, such as the homeless, people who have been unfairly dismissed or discriminated against at work, and women and children facing trafficking. Team 主播大秀 did really well: we fundraised almost £1.5k with Gift Aid for the London Legal Support Trust.

I had lots of fun on the day, and I am proud to have been part of the team representing the 主播大秀 in supporting this important cause. Lastly, if anyone reading this did donate, I would like to say a big thank-you on behalf of our team!

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