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Working under quarantine as a 主播大秀 Production Apprentice - Aime茅 Collett

Over the first six months of my apprenticeship, I have been very lucky and have been given the opportunity to work in production roles on some amazing 主播大秀 shows including Sports Personality of the Year, Football Focus and Final Score, A Question of Sport and also the Festival of Remembrance and the Holocaust Memorial Day with 主播大秀 Studios. I was also looking forward to working on some live events during this amazing summer of sport which would have seen the Olympics taking centre stage but, like many other people, this is not now the case.

How has your role as a 主播大秀 Sport Scheduler and an apprentice changed recently?

I am, like most people in the UK, working from home, and am still working as a 主播大秀 Sport Scheduler, but the way I am working has changed slightly. I would normally put together the rotas four to six weeks in advance but as the situation is constantly changing, the rotas are being done on a one to two week basis. I can do my role quite easily from home but it is very strange not being in the office having chats to people throughout the day.

As an apprentice I have to do college work which is provided by All Spring Media. As I am no longer able to attend the college in person, webinars are being organised for us on a weekly basis where guest speakers from the media industry talk to us about their experiences, which has been really interesting. All Spring Media train apprentices from various other sectors and I have met some new people on the webinars that I wouldn’t have met if we weren’t in lockdown. I am currently working with two sport apprentices from IMG on a college project so it has been great getting to know them and finding out what they do on their apprenticeships.


How are you coping working from home?

I’m actually finding working from home ok as I worked from home for a few years in my previous job as an environmental consultant. It’s just a bit weird not being able to go out to the gym or to see family and friends at the end of the day. I am currently at home on my own so the many zoom calls I am having are really great as I can speak to people regularly.

I have a daily call with my Scheduling Team and regular calls with the two teams that I support. I also have regular calls with the apprentice scheme leaders and the other apprentices, which is great. As I am based in Salford and many of them are based in London I am actually seeing more of them than I normally would. I recently celebrated my Birthday in lockdown and I had a social zoom call with them which was great. We had a quiz and they all sang Happy Birthday to me. In the evening I clapped for our Key Workers and watched the Big Night In, so although I was at home on my own it turned out to be quite a good day!

When I was working in the office in Salford I had a two hour commute from Leeds so I was getting up very early and getting home late in the evening. It’s been great having more time at home for it has given me more time to get back into my photography and for running.

What is your top tip to get through the days in quarantine?

While I have been at home I have been listening to a lot of Radio 2 as it helps to feel connected to the outside world. I’ve also been watching some box sets…a lot of them actually on the iPlayer (I’m not just saying that as I work for the 主播大秀…I don’t have Netflix or Amazon Prime so I genuinely am watching the iPlayer)!

What is it like to be working for 主播大秀 Sport with no live sport going on at the moment?

As there is no live sport to watch I have been listening to the new ‘A Question of Sport’ podcast which has been great. I have also been watching some of the virtual sporting events online such as the recent virtual Tour de Suisse cycling race and the virtual Grand National. Although there isn’t any live sport going on, there are a lot of sports news stories to keep up with.


Although I am at home on my own I still feel well connected to people and what is going on in the wider 主播大秀. The regular 主播大秀 Sports News and the 主播大秀 Stay Connected calls have been great for this. I have also enjoyed the zoom quizzes that have been put on by the various sports teams.


Final thoughts…

I actually feel like I have adapted to working from home quite well and although I am at home on my own I still feel well connected to people and what is going on in the wider 主播大秀. The regular 主播大秀 Sports News and the 主播大秀 Stay Connected calls have been great for this. I have also enjoyed the zoom quizzes that have been put on by the various sports teams.

Although the next few months of my apprenticeship will be different to what I was expecting at the start, I am grateful to still be able to work, and the most important thing is that everyone is safe and well and that we all help each other through the next few months. I feel very proud to be working for the 主播大秀, especially now, as they are doing such a great job during this crisis.

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