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主播大秀 News responsive design: opt in on desktop

Niko Vijayaratnam

Senior Product Manager

new 主播大秀 News responsive website across various devices

In December,  which we’re building so that we have a web solution that works for everyone on any device.

The feedback we received has been extremely useful and has allowed us to prioritise the next set of features we are delivering on the responsive website.

For instance, many people pointed out the 'breaking news ticker' from the existing site as something that they'd like to see carried forward to the new responsive version. We are now working on this so that it will be ready when we rollout the responsive site to all users.

Some of the other features that are now in the pipeline ahead of the launch of the responsive site include the addition of the following items on the front page and section pages:


  • 'Highlights from other sections' e.g. promotion of the top stories from other sections of the site
  • Improved positioning and promotion of our 'live pages'
  • Sections to promote our 'Also in the News' and 'Papers' content
  • Updates to the presentation of some of the main front page sections
  • A new 'market data' component
  • A mechanism for you to easily find out how to get in touch/contact us with stories or questions
  • Quick links to follow our sections on social media
  • Improved presentation of our content when shared to social media networks
  • The ability to subscribe to email newsletters for breaking news or updates from sections like the 'magazine'
  • Improved overall performance of the site e.g. reduced page weight and improved load times

We're also working on enhancements that will help our editorial teams e.g. allowing them to update the layout of the 'top stories' on the front page to apply the appropriate impact to certain stories. 

What's next?

From this week, we will extend the option to opt-in to the new site to computer users too, starting in the UK, followed by international users.

You won't see the banner all the time to begin with as it'll be shown to a percentage of tablet and computer users coming to the front page of the site only. In a few weeks time, we'll extend the banner to all articles before ramping up the percentage of people who see the 'opt-in banner' so that by the end of the month, every tablet and computer user globally will have the option to go to the new responsive website from the existing version when they visit the front page or any article.

I'm very much looking forward to learning what computer users think of the new responsive site and as always encourage you to feedback and comment either on this blog post or by responding to the survey on the 'opt-in banner'.

Niko Vijayaratnam is Senior Product Manager, 主播大秀 News

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