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The 主播大秀 is nearly 100 years old. Inevitably, as an organisation we are having to adapt to meet some of the technological requirements of the future, such as incorporating Machine Learning (ML) technologies. ML recommendations, for example, is a standard way for audiences to discover content and the 主播大秀 is committed to make this discovery more personal. Developing these services has brought an interesting opportunity for collaboration between the ML and Editorial teams within Datalab, the 主播大秀 team focused on building recommendation engines.

About a year ago we started the experiment of the 主播大秀+ app. This was the first time the 主播大秀 provided the audience with a fully automated ML service. With this wealth of knowledge and with more data science initiatives taking shape, we want to use all the available expertise the 主播大秀 can provide.

Our aim is to create responsible recommendation engines, true to the 主播大秀 values and using all available expertise the 主播大秀 can provide. In industry, it is commonplace for data science teams to make use of specialist knowledge to inform how models are developed. For example, data scientists working for a travel site would use experts with knowledge about everything from business flights to how and when families go on holiday. Datalab consulted editorial teams and representatives who specialised in curation as it began to develop recommendations for content discovery.

Datalab’s editorial lead, Anna McGovern, helps us with advice on editorial judgement and content curation expertise within the 主播大秀. Ewan Nicolson is lead data scientist and represents the technological aspect of Datalab’s work here. Svetlana Videnova, Business Analyst, poses some of the common teamwork problems within the public media industry and technological challenges we face today. We will focus on a given challenge about the curation of the content and leave its creation phase for another post. Both Anna and Ewan will provide their way of tackling that work in their own fields. The last column of the table below demonstrates an example of how the collaboration works in our team.

As you’ll see, the two fields of editorial and data science compliment each other. Working across discipline gives better results for the audience, and helps us learn from each other. It means that machine learning is actually solving the correct problems because we’re making use of the rich expertise from editorial. It also means that editorial are able to take advantages of techniques like machine learning to multiply their efforts and deliver more value to the audience.


Machine Learning solution

Editorial solution

When we collaborate

How do we ensure curation is a good experience for users?

We consider many different measures of success: accuracy, diversity, recency, impartiality, editorial priority.

Traditionally on an editorial team, a journalist would research a story, discuss how it might be covered and compose the story itself to make it compelling. 

The data scientists get a rich understanding from editorial of the different trade-offs between these measures of success. Deep domain knowledge.

How does recency impact curation of content?

We include publication date as a feature in our models. We sometimes try and optimise for recency, showing people more current content in some situations.

One of the challenges is that once that work is done it is fairly hard to bring the editorial creation back to life, especially for evergreen content. This is one of many examples that ML recommendations could help with, by surfacing this content in the most relevant time according to the user’s experience or history. 

By working together we’re able to identify how to make decisions about which pieces of content are evergreen and suitable for recommendation, and which pieces have a limited shelf-life and shouldn’t be presented to users beyond a certain point.

How does the 主播大秀 ensure impartiality? 

We use  to understand if our model is giving unbiased results.


Good practice in machine learning make sure that we’re using unbiased training data.

Editors, journalists and content creators make a concerted effort to ensure that a range of views and perspectives are shown within a piece of content or across several pieces of content(within a series for example)

We combine our good practices with domain knowledge from editorial. We use techniques like human-in-the-loop machine learning, or semi-supervised learning to make editorial’s lives easier, and apply their knowledge at massive scale.


ML helps editorial identifying those pieces of content that show a breadth of views. 

How we ensure variety within content serving?

We construct mathematical measures for  We include these in our machine learning optimisations.


Editorial staff responsible for curation ensure a breadth and depth of content on indexes, within collections etc

We learn about the differences between our different pieces of content. Working together we’re able to determine if our recommendations offer an interesting, relevant, and useful journey for the user. 


The 主播大秀’s audio networks feature different output and tone of voice. ie. Radio 4 has a very different ‘flavour’ to 6Music. Consequently network can be used to ensure variety in results.

How do we avoid legal issues? 

We are given a checklist, and we check the items off. We get told that there are things “we can’t do for opaque legal reasons” but never really understand why, and limit the functionality of our solution.


Editors, journalists and content creators have to attend a mandatory course relating to media law, so that they have full knowledge about issues such as contempt of court, defamation and privacy. An editor will sign off content to ensure that content is compliant with legal requirements. 

By talking to legal advisers we can build business rules to minimise the risk of legal infractions. 


Close collaboration with editorial means we gain a deep understanding of the potential problems ahead at an early stage. We build with awareness of these concerns, and with that awareness build a solution that is high quality from both a technical and editorial point of view.

How we handle editorial quality?

We build and refine a model using data science good practices, and then turn it over to our editorial colleagues. They then decide if the results are good or not.

When editors curate they can choose content that is relevant, interesting and of good quality. 



Recommendations present a specific editorial challenge, in that recommenders can surface content that is not the best of our output. 

In 主播大秀+ we prioritised content that we knew would suit the environment in which it appeared: standalone, short-form videos, appearing in a feed, from digital first areas such as Radio 1, The Social, 主播大秀 Ideas etc


Including editorial throughout the process means that they teach us about what is important in the results, so that data science understand the real problems that we’re trying to solve.


We fail quickly, and learn quickly, getting to a better quality result.

How we learn from our audiences? Accuracy/user generated content?

Measure user activity with the products, and construct measurements of engagement.


Building implicit and explicit feedback loops. An explicit feedback loop is having a“like” button, an implicit feedback loop is determining a way to measure when something has gone wrong, like bounce rate or user churn.


We monitor feedback and analyse stats to build a picture about how our audiences engage with our content. 

We work with editorial to understand the insights we get from data. They help rationalise the behaviours that we see in the data. They also teach us things that we should look for in the data.

How we test recommendations

A mixture of offline evaluation metrics (e.g.testing against a known test set of data), and online evaluation metrics (e.g.A/B testing)


Traditionally: We monitor feedback and analyse stats to build a picture about how our audiences engage with our content. 

The editorial lead works with data scientists on the composition of the recommender. The results are then reviewed by the editorial lead and to obtain a variety of opinions the results are reviewed by more editorial colleagues. 


More on quantitative testing here .


The rich editorial feedback lets us understand where our model could be better and make improvements.

We’re big believers in cross-disciplinary collaboration. As we’ve touched on in this article the 主播大秀 has a lot of uniquely complex problems to solve in this space. This collaboration is essential if we’re going to continue to deliver value to the 主播大秀’s audience using data.

If you are curious about this collaboration and would like to know more in depth about how we work, leave us a message and we will be happy to get back to you.

Also, we are hiring .

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