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#newsHACK II - the results are in

Matt Shearer

Innovation Manager

Pitch sessions in Dublin - photo by Youssef Sefiani

Last week, on Thursday and Friday, 22 hack teams gathered in Dublin and Glasgow for #newsHACK II a 2 day News Industry Hack Event. More details of this event are in my .

The event was a collaboration between and , and (as with ) was produced and managed by the .

Dublin venue - photo by Youssef Sefiani

Who took part:

We had teams from these organisations , , Scottish Television (STV), , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , and .

Glasgow venue - photo by Basile Simon

What happened at the event: The Future of News Curation

The multidiscipline teams made up of Journalists, Developers and Designers brainstormed ideas to address the competition theme: The Future of News Curation.

They then built prototypes, or “hacks”, to demonstrate their ideas.

News Labs provided a curation tool and a collection of autotagged content from 38 news sources to help hackers build these prototypes; real content, contextualised with linked data tags, and curated , and exposed via APIs. Most of the participating teams used these APIs, along with other content and data sources.

The Prototypes were presented in a pitch session at the end of Friday 2nd May, which was linked live across the 2 venues using (a R&D product) so that the judges and participants from both venues could see all prototypes.

You can see a .

SKY NEWS team in Dublin - photo by Matt Shearer

The Winners:

1. Best in Show Dublin:

2. Best in Show Glasgow:

3. Winner of “Connecting the News” Category:

4. Winner of “Explaining the News” Category:

5. Winner of “Theming the News” Category:

6. Winner of “Tools for Journalists”: Irish Independent

7. Winner of “NewsCrack” award:

8. Winner of “Best Visually Inspired Hack” award: .

You can see all 22 of the prototype ideas listed .

The Judges:

● , General Manager, News, Weather & Travel

● – Chilsholm Publishing Consultancy

● – Programme Manager #EditorsLab

● Editor, Online Archive

● – Executive Director of UCD, innovation Academy

● Michael Satterthwaite – News Labs tech advisor (Dublin)

● Iain Collins – News Labs tech advisor (Glasgow)

Verbatims from participants since the event:

“Excellent event. Terrific challenge, great teams with exciting ideas. Organised very well with a top venue.”

“Access to play around with Newslabs/Juicer APIs was useful part for me.”

“[The most useful part was] getting to understand the and it's data, understanding the news better, and meeting new people.”

“[it was] very positive and now I know has a lot of interesting tech we could make use of.”

Peter Rippon, one of the Judges, commented:

“It was exhilarating to see how fast ideas and skills are developing throughout the industry. You could really see the quality of thinking, and sophistication of what can be built, has developed hugely in just six months. I was also struck by how in terms of design, mobile first, then desktop has really taken root“.

Team working in Dublin - photo by Matt Shearer

What happens next:

1. The 2 winning “Best in Show” teams will be taking part in the

2. We will be looking at the ideas generated at the event by the teams for working into product development.

3. News Labs will be collaborating with interested teams on further linked data and News curation innovation.

4. News Labs will be looking through technical feedback from participants, and will be improving our tools and APIs for future collaboration events.

You can follow News Labs on and .

Matt Shearer is Innovation Manager, News Labs

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