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Tip of the Week: More Than Conquerors - Bear Knuckle Fight

Tom Young

Introducing online producer

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More Than Conquerors have long been championed by and it's no surprise to see their charms opened up to an even wider audience with a spot on the .
The Belfast group make punk funk an artform and Bear Knuckle Fight is a blinding example of their rabble rousing abilities. The chunky riffs and furious drums form a tune that's bound to put a glint in the eye of fans of , , early and , also from Northern Ireland. And of course, this blog post would be totally pointless if I forgot to mention the cowbell breakdown. Blinding!
Bear Knuckle Fight features on the band's current EP, Boots & Bones. for their latest news and for plenty of reasons why you should see them live next time they are in a town near you.

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