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Changes to the 主播大秀 Introducing Uploader in 2013

Tom Young

Introducing online producer

UPDATE: This change went live February 20th 2013. For more details .

In January 2013 we are making a change to the way the works that we'd like you to know about. We now have over 80,000 artists registered on the system we launched in February 2009 and we are constantly looking at how we best serve them and get their music heard. Towards the end of January we will be putting a limit on the number of unlistened-to tracks registered artists will be allowed to have on their profile. The limit will be three tracks.

We're putting the change in place so we can be really honest about our commitment to music makers. The reality is it only takes a small number of tracks for a producer to appreciate what an artist is about, and we want uploaders to give us only their best work. With fewer tracks to listen to, producers can listen to more artists and hopefully therefore play more tracks on their shows, put forward more artists for , and other opportunities that arise on the .

We also think that the process of being selective is a good exercise for music makers. The Uploader is your window of opportunity to really impress our producers and it shouldn't be wasted. Before the Uploader existed one of the most common routes for unsigned artists to get their music heard was by posting a demo CD to a DJ. While the technology has changed, the importance of making a great first impression hasn't, so it's vital you put forward your best work, like you would on a demo CD.

What does it mean for you? If you have three or more unlistened-to tracks on your profile, you will not be able to upload any more. The only solution will be to delete tracks that haven't been listened to and make room for your newest and best material.
You do not need to delete tracks that have been listened to or previously broadcast. These can be left on the system.

What if I don't delete tracks? You won't be able to add more new tracks and may face a point in the future where your older unlistened-to material is removed from the system.

Will all my tracks be listened to? In some cases, no. A producer, just like any listener, can normally tell if an artist is right for their show after listening to one or two tracks. Even more reason to make sure your best tracks are included in your selection of three. Due to the number of track submissions, we aren't in a position to offer individual feedback.

How long will it take to listen to my music? We aim to listen to an artist within six months of their tracks being uploaded. In some of the bigger cities there are cases where it takes longer, and some tracks are still unlistened-to. If this is you, and let us know.
Is there still a limit on the number of tracks I can upload? Yes, that limit stays the same. You are able to upload three tracks in a 30 day period.

Can profiles be deleted? Yes, this is possible. If the artist you have registered as no longer exists for any reason please just . Please include your artist name and where possible, email from the email address registered to the account.

Any other questions? Please feel free to leave a question below or .

This will be the first in a series of changes we are looking to make to continue to improve the service we offer to unsigned and undiscovered artists. We will keep you updated on our progress through this blog through 2013 and beyond.

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On the playlist: Arthur Walwin - All For You