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Tip of the Week: Deaf Club - Sunday

Tom Young

Introducing online producer

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Those who caught at the weekend will now be well aware of their powers. Their 25 minute set () brought a stormy, bewitching atmosphere to the festival that swept far beyond the reaches of the Stage's limits.

Towards the end of the set, the London based Welsh group played Sunday and it was one of the many fantastic moments witnessed across the weekend. In person and on record, Sunday is a fiercely dramatic soundscape with rippling guitars, echoing drums and Polly Mackey's delicate vocals filling every second with tension of a cinematic scale.

The band, who originally released the track in February after the success of their debut EP Lull, head out on an eight date tour in November. .

Sunday is being played all week on and will be made available to download as part of from August 30th 2012. Let us know what you think of Sunday using the comments below.

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