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On the Playlist: Jay Brown - Video

Tom Young

Introducing online producer

This week, artist Jay Brown and Video have been added to the . This means the track will be heard across daytime shows including Greg James, Fearne Cotton and Dev.

You can listen to the track here (don't forget to tell us what you think in the comments below) and you will be able to get it for free it as part of after his show on Wednesday night. Read on for more information about Jay.

主播大秀town: Jay is a young songwriter from Northampton born to Jamaican parents.
Style: The range of influences in Jay's sound are massively diverse. She cites grunge, reggae and even country music as helping her find her style. Whatever the origins, Video is no pastiche. Jay's vocal jumps from soft to snarling as and when she wants driving forward an indie-electronic sound that is sparsely but intelligently produced.
Did you know? She recently opened for on their UK tour and has since been collaborating with Dan Smith from the South London group.
Supported by: Jay has been played by our good friends at .
Where can I find out more? Head to for more information.

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