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Tip of the Week: George Barnett - No I.D.ea

Tom Young

Introducing online producer

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Some people are so talented it can make you angry. is one such person but I'll forgive him because he certainly knows how to write a tune or two.

The 18 year old musician has already been music for 15 years (yes, since he was three) and can pick up pretty much any instrument including the piano, bass, trumpet and guitar. In 2008 he even won the UK national title for young drummer of the year.

Taken from his first EP, Sierra Planes (written, produced and recorded by George), No I.D.ea calls on all of his talents. It's a raucous indie-ska tune, rough around the edges but perfectly assembled. There's so much of George's music online, you can get easily lost in it and I'd encourage you to do so if only to marvel at his wide range of styles and skills.

and let us know what you make of the track using the comments below.

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