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Memory Tapes: 1st March 2013

Jon Team Laverne

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This week's Memory Tapes comes from Matt, who writes....

Last weekend I got my box of Vinyl out from the cupboard under the stairs (sad I know) to show my 13 year-old son some Undertones LPs - as he is learning Teenage Kicks on guitar. In-between some albums I found this track listing.

I recall my friend Mark sent the tape through the post to me many years ago when I was doing that post-degree thing of moving house every 6 months, making new friends, and sometimes not having any! So this was gratefully received. It's made even better by having a one-line comment from him against each track. I recall there were some tracks I didn't like and some I loved, but mostly a load of good music I'd not heard before - which is the whole point of a mix-tape, methinks?

Finding the list was like opening a secret door under the stair that led to one of many "dingy front rooms-converted to a bedroom" I lived in at various times in the late 1980's / early '90's. The C-90 is long gone, but I recall a lot of the tracks even though I haven't heard them for 20+ years. I can almost smell the damp.

Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning
Prince Far I - Free from Sin
Maceo Parker - Mag Poo
X-Clan - Funkin Lesson
The Fall - Look Know
TAD - Wood Goblins
Ginger Thompson - Boy Watcher
Bim Sherman - Mighty Ruler
Midi Rain - Eyes
The Triffids - Hanging Shed
Galliano - Welcome to the Story
Happy Flowers - We Rock
The Upsetters - Thanks we get

My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow
Mark Stewart - Collision
Misty in Roots - Own them Control them
A Witness - Mr Disposable Razors
Band of Holy Joy - Mad Dot
Lee Perry - 7 Devils Dead
Flipper - Ever
A R Cane - Crack Up
Tapper Zukie - New Star
James - Hup Springs
Hole - Teenage Whore
Paleface - Burn & Rob

Would you like to send Lauren your Memory Tape? Email her now:听

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