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MPFree: Elskling – 900 Hands

Ashley Team Laverne

Assistant Producer

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It always amazes us how quickly Mondays come about. But it’s no biggie as we have some free music to help glide you into your routines. And it’s her very first single don’t you know.

Elskling is Norwegian for darling, and that’s very apt as this song is written by Norwegian-born, San Franciso-based Marte Solbakken and recorded by Papercuts’ Jason Quever. It’s a hefty dose of 60s minor-key pop thrown in with some scandi-chorus tracked vocals and a nice, bit of production shimmer. All in all, the perfect soundtrack to the long hot summer days…as you sit fully dressed in your air-conditioned office. There’s no news of an album just yet, but be patient – good things comes to those who wait.

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