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Blog posts by year and monthOctober 2016

Posts (3)

  1. Why isn’t communication a greater public health priority?

    Why isn’t communication a greater public health priority?

    Caroline Sugg reflects on why communication is often a peripheral part of public health interventions, looking at challenges around evidence, the ‘messy' nature of behaviour change and cultural differences within the field.

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  2. We need more media coverage of disaster prevention

    We need more media coverage of disaster prevention

    Marking International Day for Disaster Reduction, Marcus Oxley argues that we need more media coverage of disasters before – rather than after – they happen. This would make prevention more of a priority, allowing more people to ‘live to tell’.

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  3. An independent Nepali media has never been more needed

    An independent Nepali media has never been more needed

    Nepal’s media has played a pivotal role in the country’s democratic transition but how successful has it been at fighting corruption and boosting accountability?

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