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Springwatch Guest Blog

Blog posts in total 29


  1. The white tadpoles of Norfolk: Part 1

    The white tadpoles of Norfolk: Part 1

    Elliott Simpson writes about the white tadpoles he found near his home in Norfolk.

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  2. How I knew the Ynis-hir blue tits had fledged from 100 miles away

    How a Raspberry Pi computer helped Dr Andrew Robinson find out about blue tits nesting 100 miles away.

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  3. Long-tailed tits - working together

    The extraordinary behaviour of long-tailed tits who help to raise others' young.

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  4. Orchids

    Why the common spotted orchid is so special.

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  5. Working together to protect the UK's trees

    The importance of tree health has been brought home at the Chelsea Flower Show 'stop the spread' show garden.

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  6. Camera trapping in the New Forest

    Camera trapping provides a non-invasive insight into the animal world.

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  7. On the rocks

    Why there is simply nowhere better than on a rocky shore.

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  8. Caring for bats in trouble

    As the weather warms, bats become more active and very occasionally they can find their way into trouble.

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  9. Feeding red kites: a view from the Chilterns

    Why red kites in the Chilterns now see gardens as an easy source of food.

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  10. Hornets

    Entomologist Steven Falk describes the habits of the hornet.

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  11. Moths and apple orchards

    Camerman Richard Taylor-Jones explains why orchards are so important for the UK's moths.

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  12. Magnificent moths

    Moths have a bad image, but they can be just as colourful as butterflies.

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  13. Beachcombing at low tide

    As the sea warms up, spring is the perfect time to look for marine plants and animals.

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  14. Long-tailed tits

    Long-tailed tits are the cutest of British birds.

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  15. Raspberry Pi bird box

    How to monitor bird activity from anywhere in the world, with a small computer and a smart phone.

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  16. Basking sharks

    Why the Isle of Man is one of the best places in the world to watch basking sharks.

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  17. Beach strandlines

    Wildlife photographer and marine specialist explores the wildlife of beach strandlines.

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  18. Raithlin Island

    The RSPB's Liam McFaul describes why Raithlin Island is so special for birds and other wildlife.

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  19. Honey bees

    Dr David Aston of the British Beekeepers Association on how the weather affects bees and why they swarm.

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  20. Moray Firth dolphins

    Field officer Charlie Phillips waits to see if six special dolphins have made it through the winter unscathed.聽

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