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Raithlin Island

Springwatch Guest Blog

Guest blogger: Liam McFaul, RSPB Raithlin Island

I grew up on Rathlin Island, so it's always been home to me. This wild place has an unspoilt beauty that never fails to amaze me. This time of year is my favourite as the island comes to life. It keeps me very busy, but thankfully I love what I do, so I can't complain too much!

Looking out to sea from Raithlin Island by Andy Hay /

I love watching the eider ducks at this time of year as they operate a crèche system of sorts to keep their young safe. One or two adults will be left in charge of all the chicks while the others go off in search of food. I often see a small number of adults struggling to keep control of a large number of chicks.

I always tell people to keep an eye out for Rathlin’s Irish hares, a descendent of the mountain hare that only occurs in Ireland. A genetic quirk has produced hares on Rathlin with a golden fleece and bright blue eyes as well. Keep your eyes peeled though, because they gallop across the fields pretty fast!

West lighthouse by Andy Hay /

One of the interesting features on Rathlin Island is the West Lighthouse whichh is also our RSPB centre. At this time of year it's a fantastic place to visit. The seabirds have arrived back from their winter at sea and are jostling for space on the cliffs so they can breed. Guillemots, kittiwakes, razorbills and everyone's favourite – the puffin – can all be seen at this time of year and we’re waiting for the chicks to start hatching in about a month.

Puffins by Andy Hay /

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