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Spring so far and Springwatch 2013

Paul Deane

Web Producer

 will be returning to your screens towards the end of May, hosted by Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Martin Hughes-Games. We’ll have all the details next week.

News in March was dominated by the cold weather and its effects - lots on that to come in the shows. Early migrant arrivals have . Many spring flowers are late this year and the Woodland Trust finds that .

The that by last week house martin, sand martin and swallows had pretty much caught up after a very slow start to their migration here. For early warblers it is a very different picture though. , and are all running about two weeks behind.

But 10 Springwatch points to for this somewhat - taken on the 29th March and the first swallow on our this year. 

First swallow on the this year, by 

Chris the cuckoo seems to be instead of continuing to the UK. But ospreys have been returning including at the , Ìý²¹²Ô»å , who we'll be following again during Springwatch. (There's in Dyfi already)

If invertebrates are your preferred spring marker maybe you've seen an ? We've not had photos uploaded to the yet, but thanks for Ian A Kirk, for this spotted at Badbury Rings, Dorset.

, by Ian A Kirk

And if you need an excuse to get out this spring, has plenty of suggestions, as do the , the  to name a few. If you want to do your bit, the ‘’ is running this week.

We've been following your posts on , , and on email (thanks as ever for sharing).

We'll have more news soon on Springwatch next week.