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Springwatch Reading List

Laura Howard

Digital Producer for The Watches

With more and more books about nature hitting our shelves, we asked Unsprung guest Rob MacFarlane to give us four of his classic nature reads. Our presenters, predictably have added his own.

Rob MacFarlane recommends

The Peregine, by JA Baker
The Living Mountain, by Nan Shephed
Waterlog, by Roger Deakin
Nature Cure, by Richard Mabey

Chris Packham recommends some American literature

A Sand County Almanac, by Aldo Leopold
Blood Meridian: The Border Trilogy, by Cormac McCarthy
Lost Man's River, by Peter Matthiessen
Killing Mister Watson, by Peter Matthiessen
A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean

Martin Hughes-Games recommends

Brendan Chase, by BB

Michaela Strachan recommends

Born Free, by Joy Adamson


Enjoy and let us know what you think.












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