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Newsweek Scotland - A Week in News

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Derek Bateman Derek Bateman | 16:30 UK time, Friday, 18 February 2011

It's been hard to focus this week with interesting ideas zinging around the newsroom like arrows. We've tried to catch a few and turn them into items for the programme.

We've had a bit of an obsession with al-Megrahi recently so we had a sense of things turning full circle this week when it was announced that the Americans - whom you remember giving the Scots such a hard time over his release - decided that the best thing to do with the man who trained the leader of the London 7/7 bombers was to free him after only five years in jail without telling the families of the victims.

was convicted in the US of instructing the killers in bomb-making at a camp in Pakistan and given what could have turned out to be 70 years. He then started giving inside information on other terrorists so a judge said he's earned his freedom. As one lawyer said, this was like the complaint levelled at Britain - that they freed Megrahi as part of a deal. Babar would have served longer for a serious traffic offence. Funny old world, isn't it?

Then we heard from one of our former diplomats that the PTA the Blair Government signed with Libya was in contravention of a UN resolution that Megrahi should serve out his sentence in the UK. , who served as British High Commissioner to Australia, told The Scotsman that it was a clear breach but that the eventual release by the Scottish Government was in keeping with the resolution because it was based on compassionate grounds. Intriguing how these debates go round and round even years after the event and it proves this matter has not been "put to bed".

Also you will recall how we were browbeaten - at least I was as an interviewer - by ministers in the Blair Government saying they had credible evidence that Saddam had chemical weapons - WMD. That's what they used to justify the war in Iraq. Despite all the cynicism at the time we were told by, among others, Dr John Reid, that if we opposed war we were supporters of Saddam. This week the source of the "intelligence" used by the US and UK went public to admit the whole thing was made up. "Curveball" - Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi's codename - lied to make a stronger case against his enemy Saddam in order to gain some retribution and was astonished that his unchecked claims led to war, such was the pre-ordained determination in Washington to invade. In retrospect there is a Dr Strangleove element to the Iraq debacle. We speak to of the Guardian and , Britain's expert on Iraq at the time of the war.

We planned to run our item on the cost of childcare last week but I'm afraid we had to give way to the revolutionary zeal of the Egyptians. The overthrow of Mubarak trumped the kids so you can hear that this week instead. The mums sound just as angry a week later.

We get down in the gutter with the Berlusconi charges and there's a political debate. How could there not be when the opinion polls threw a spanner in Labour's works and we began to say goodbye to Wendy Alexander? Is the poll putting the SNP suddenly ahead a turning point? It can't really be said to be a rogue because the other findings like those on leadership were consistent with the level of party support. I recall the SNP MP for Banff and Buchan Eilidh Whiteford saying she was bemused by Labour's lead because in her part of the North East the SNP vote seemed secure. And what do we make of Wendy's claim about spending time with her family? Surely now the twins are five they are starting school and will be in class from 9 to 3 five days a week, not rattling around the house. I don't want to drag the poor weans into this too much but isn't the first five years the key time you're supposed to spend with them? We'll delve into her explanation without pretending that Labour won't miss her. They will. Angus Macleod will review the papers for us as ever. Join me at 8.


  • Comment number 1.

    I'm sure that Mrs Ashcroft is totally sincere in wanting to spend time with her weans.

    I'm sure that Ms Alexander was equally sincere in recently telling anyone who would listen that she was going to be the next Finance Minister. Especially since her Budget speech was so carefully crafted to show her mastery of the budgetary process - in contrast to Andy Kerr's blundering performance.

    A woman scorned is entitled to retreat into the comfort of her family - especially when she has been told by her boss that Andy Kerr is more to his taste.

  • Comment number 2.

    Excellent stuff Derek, looking forward to it.

    Curveball, well there's a surprise. Don't beat yourself up about being browbeaten; we were all lied to, and knew it all along. Our elected members couldn't or wouldn't stand up to it, and we voted them all back in again. Will we ever learn?

    Well may be in May we just might; learn that is, about the total inadequacy of the Labour Party, particularly those in Holyrood, you know the 'immature voices', the ones that lead the leader. Even Wendy's found out and given up on them. The voter will too.

    But only if people like Derek Batemen keep up the good work.

  • Comment number 3.

    Derek, some may think that this is damning you with faint praise, but ... congratulations, heard most of your programme this morning and it is surely the best (most objective) news coveage on Radio Scotland. Certainly in a different league from a similar one which is hosted by one your Ö÷²¥´óÐã colleagues (the most recent of which, I'm sorry to say, was hardly balanced in terms of guests.

    Could have done with more on Alexander's real reason for leaving, but perhaps next week?

    Well done.

  • Comment number 4.

    Angus MacLeod still spinning re Megraghi.
    How amazing, given everything that's come out about it, surely some period of silence is overdue.
    He couldn't be a wee bit biased could he?

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Derek,

    Missed your prog but will catch it later. What a joy to see that at least some semblance of political scrutiny exists at Pathetic Quay. I was overcome with emotion as I watched the fragrant Isobel Fraser, holding Iain Gray to account over his organised political hypocrisy on Megrahi, in The Politics Show, well done Isobel,I love you.

    It seems that as well as your self, there is some of your number who have a degree of self respect left at the Ö÷²¥´óÐã, and are prepared to ask Labour the questions they don't want asked.

    Now what about this other ghost printing firm that has pitched up?

    Seems quite Devine!

    "The Labour party in Scotland is facing questions after it emerged that a printing firm, set up by a party researcher, was struck off by Companies House after receiving over £11,000 in public cash from two Labour MSPs.

    Labour MSPs John Park and Claire Baker claimed a total of £11,283.33 for printing work carried out by ME2 Communications Ltd months after the firm was set up by Labour party researcher Sarah Metcalfe. The firm was subsequently struck off by Companies House having submitted no financial accounts and given no indication of having employed any staff, save for Ms Metcalfe herself and director John Metcalfe who is described as a PR Consultant."


    You can find the details over at (failed by profanity filter, what a pathetic joke) along with much more buried news.

    Bye for noo,

    Hen Broon. tiny.cc/bdb1m

  • Comment number 6.

    First of all, congratulations for your program. I am so disappointed to hear about WMD lies. How come they are able to spill out and announce war when their source is not reliable? What's happening to CIA? And why did Curveball lied?


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