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Archives for October 2010


Producer Woman | 15:09 UK time, Thursday, 28 October 2010

Yes people! Your boy Ace here. While myself and Vis were in for Rampage I was given the task of reviewing the brand new game Fable 3 for the xbox. Wasn't too sure about it cos I wasn't familiar with the previous two fable games and the box cover wasn't very appealing (I'm not a fan of dudes in tights) anyway I thought I'd give it ago.

Take a listen to what I thought of it:

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Two and a half joysticks


Producer Woman | 00:00 UK time, Thursday, 28 October 2010

Hey all , Ne-Yo here for the last time with the final blog from me. If you've been following this blog, then you'll know that for the past month I've taken over and been publishing a new post each week. If you caught my post last week, you'll know I was giving you my top gaming tips and taking about what my chosen 3 tracks to game to. If you missed it check it here.

This week we are going to do....


I am going to name 5 games and say whether you should buy it, borrow it from a friend and not give it back or if you should just not deal with it whatsoever!

I'm not much of a fan of this game so you such BIN IT.

In fact we should be doing: Buy It, Borrow It or Burn It. I would probably burn Mario Kart, it's not a fun game to me at all. I just can't get into it.

Pacman is a classic but I would only borrow it. I wouldn't buy it as I'd probably play it twice and never again. So I'd grab it from a friend, play it, and then give it back.

Madden NFL: Big Boi Post: Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio 1Xtra Rampage; Get Your Game On

I'm not a Madden guy. Like I said on last weeks blog post I'm an Adventure gaming sort of guy so Madden is not a game I'd do anything with. So it's in the bin too.

I haven't played DJ Hero yet but I've heard that it's incredible. What with me being the music guy that I am, I would probably buy this game. I've played and all the other games in the Hero range and if its anything close to those, its definitely a game worth purchasing. So definitely buy it!

I would buy Street Fighter 5 times! I LOVE this game. That is all I have to say.

I Love Street Fighter.

Street Fighter for President!

Alright there you go! Buy it, Borrow it, Bin it and the end of my Gaming blog Takeover.

Fallout "New Vegas" - Another Anticipated Game.

Mike Anthony | 14:33 UK time, Friday, 22 October 2010

Allot of Fallout fans have been waiting for this release....patently I might add, but was it worth the wait? Is there enough change or improvement from the last? Can I pick it up as a new gamer and be blown away?

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Good story, good writing, great graphics and slightly improved A.I.

In brief, the New California Republic is running things in this post apocalyptic world. Clean running water and the fact most nukes missed Vegas means there is organised confusion at last. You play a delivery guy/girl and trust me....no drop off will ever be like this. Decisions will have to be made that will have you questioning your moral stand point as the game evolves.

This is Mad Max of gaming. Brutal and violent, check below to hear my full review, do you agree? Leave a comment and let me know.

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Four and a half joysticks

Medal Of Honor, is it any good??

Mike Anthony | 14:07 UK time, Friday, 22 October 2010

Now that I've rinsed and its time for a new challenge with Medal Of Honor. The fact that I had the game before most, meant multiplayer got battered after the release date! Its nice and smooth on-line trust.....I have to be honest its no but its actually quite good. Have a listen....

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Four joysticks


Producer Woman | 23:05 UK time, Wednesday, 20 October 2010

What's going on everybody? This is Neyo with week 3 of my gaming takeover. I've taken over the blog from Rampage to tell you just how I Get My Game On! Last week I was telling you a guys about my top five games of all time, if you missed that post peep it here. This week is I'm telling you about....

My Top 3 Gaming Tips
So these are my top 3 tips to help your Gaming stay HOT:

1) Do you have a girlfriend that constantly heckles you for spending more time on your video games than with her? Then this is one way to make sure she leaves you alone, even for a little while, so you can finish that level your stuck on:

Buy her something!

It doesn't have to be something extravagant (but trust me, the more extravagant it is, the more time you'll get! If you buy her a nice Lois Vuitton bag she can't say anything. If you can't afford that then buy her a cheaper bag. Or anything!)

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ENSLAVED - Odyssey To The West

Mike Anthony | 17:28 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

Don't sleep on this game people! For those tottering on the edge of should I/ shouldn't I.......two words. DO IT. Now we managed to catch up Andy Serkis (Gollum in Lord Of The Rings) who helped pen and voice the game and he gave us a little in-site into cgi, acting and the gaming industry. What was interesting to learn was he found the process of putting it all together the best part.

So.....is it any good?
The story is great, even if it is a little similar to Monkey and Tripitaka from the famous TV series. Set 150 years in the future, this Monkey is one of the last humans and imprisoned on a slave ship. You end teaming up with Trip....(Is that short for Tripitaka?) who is allot more intelligent and tech savvy than you. Subsquently it all goes wrong for monkey when Trip gets the old headband out enslaving you two together. (Guy meets girl, gets enslaved...thats just life in general).

Graphically the game is beautiful and handles well. This isn't an on-line multiplaying game so it will come to an end eventually. However the story, characters, gameplay and graphics make this game worth it, almost begging for a sequel.

The more you play is the more you become engrossed and look to complete. thats why it deserves.....

Four joysticks

Castlevania, Lords of Shadow

Treble T | 14:07 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

I was well surprised to hear this franchise is 25 years old. It first appeared on the Snes back in the day but it's been updated for 2010.

An action adventure game in the mould of or more recently
Of course your task is to save the world from evil and there are some big evil creatures to destroy. Thankfully enough has been added to this game to make it different from previous titles so puzzle solving and platform gaming are extra elements to master in Castlevania.

Graphically impressive, Vocal talents from Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) Amongst others give the game an all round feeling of bigness. Yes the story is a bit cheesy but who cares the games fun. 20 hours of gameplay isnt that much so heavy gamers might get bored quickly.

Two button mashing will get you quite far in this game but learning the buttons will help you to progress quicker. Theres quite alot of depth to this game that only becomes apparent when you get deeper into it. So persistance pays. If you liked or God of War this game may well appeal to you. So use your combat cross(looks like a big chain to me) to knock out opponents and scale buildings and then decide if you like Black or White magic and step out of the shadows in order to run tings in Castlevania!!! mwah ha ha hah!!!( Evil laugh)

Four joysticks


Producer Woman | 10:00 UK time, Thursday, 14 October 2010

"What's going on everybody this is and this is week 2 as I told you I have officially taken over the blog, sorry Rampage, had to do it to you. Last week if you caught my blog was talking about things like, my most embarrassing defeat, the worst game I've ever played and celebrity I'd most like to battle in a game, if you didn't catch it check it here. As I said you'll be hearing me talking about what it is I do, how it is that I get down with the gaming. Keep it right here! This week its all about .....


Alright and Number 5 would be anything that you could play on the Wiii. Yeh, I gotta say that its one of those systems that I have not quite mastered yet. I don't know what it is about it that I personally just can't do, I love it, it's fun as hell but I'm continually being beaten by somebody on the damn Wiii Bowling, Tennis or the Boxing, I just can't so much get down with it and its very very aggravating, cos I'm a very passionate game player, I will throw a controller and in that the Wiii is made like that, I've broken a few TV screens by accident or by or on purpose depending on the situation and how you look at it.

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Eddie Kadi checks out Pro Evo 11 at the Euro Gamer Expo

Mike Anthony | 19:14 UK time, Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Now when it comes to Pro I AM the Bad Man! Even if it has been a while....(Fifa)
But as soon as I pick up the pad, its like Harry Redknapp at the controls! I'm possessed by Drogba......My middle name is Mike "Messi" Anthony!!! Eddie Kadi (poor thing) had to find out the hard way .......!!!! Check out the big battle and what he thought of the game.

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Four joysticks

The 2010 T3 Gadget Awards, so who won wot then?

Treble T | 12:03 UK time, Wednesday, 13 October 2010

So we went to this years 2010 T3 awards on Monday to witness the best gadgets of the past year, now this is always quite a flicky affair, nice venue, boom food (we're talking 2 styles of Steak one was even shredded!!), and an entertaining host/presenter. Last year it was Johnny Vaughan. This year they drafted in comedian Jimmy Carr. Man he was on form joke after joke. Also bumped into our man Ortis from but the most important thing loads of sexy gadgets, here's a quick round up of some flickiest bits of kit that won awards.

App of the year:

Using the famous google mapping service this is sat nav for your phone or iDevice and best thing is its free!! No more Tom, Dick, Dick or Harry. A worthy winner me thinks.

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I'm a Def Jam Rapstar!! No really I am.....

Treble T | 10:14 UK time, Friday, 8 October 2010

So of all the games on show at the the only one based exclusively on Hip Hop music is Kinda like Hi tech Hip Hop karaoke, but there's much much more to it. Check Loick Essien,Treble T and Aiss as we spit our flows!!

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Mike Anthony | 09:47 UK time, Friday, 8 October 2010

Now you know Rampage are the WICKEDEST club and radio DJ's on the planet. Give us a pair of turntables and we'll bring the party! Give us and its a different kind of party......... Yep the 2nd installment is back, so of course we had to go down to the Freestyle games the makers behind the game, and check it out for ourselves.

Peep the vid below, big shouts to all our fam at the 5:19 show.

Little Big Planet 2 - First Look

Mike Anthony | 23:50 UK time, Thursday, 7 October 2010

One of the best games to come out in 2008 was Little Big Planet. Original, smooth and beautifully crafted....... anyway lets stop looking at the past and move forward. Ais from Ö÷²¥´óÐã Switch me thinks is the best candidate for LGP 2 and before you ask, I didn't say she looked like a SACK!

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Four joysticks

Loick Essien checks out Grand Turismo 5

Treble T | 10:55 UK time, Thursday, 7 October 2010

So we went down to the with our celebrity gamin club friends Loick Essien comedian Eddie Kadi and presenter Aiss (Ö÷²¥´óÐã Switch). I raced Loick on the massive anticipated racing game, Gran Turismo 5 on a 3D TV... gave it the big talk and errrmm check out what happened right here.

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Four joysticks

Rampage's Gaming Club at Euro Gamer Expo 2011

Mike Anthony | 08:48 UK time, Wednesday, 6 October 2010

EurogamerThe biggest UK gaming expo happened last weekend at Earls Court. This year was has seen the event grow sizeably and with an expected audience of over 20,000 people over the weekend you know Rampage had to be there in a wicked man style!! This time we decided to form our very own exclusive gaming club consisting of and Aiss from the 5:19 show all mouth eager to try every game in the exhibition centre.

Pro Evo 11, Dance Central, Grand Turismo 5, Little Big Planet 2, Def Jam Rapstar, too many games to mention.

Check out our highlights video here:

Check out all the pics here.

A cry for help...

Dev | 17:20 UK time, Tuesday, 5 October 2010

So this week the humble live lounge has been transformed into a mutli-console gaming lair any super geek would be jealous of complete with comfy armchairs and sugared snacks.

For someone like myself who probably spends more time interacting with my friends online then in person this week is about celebrating the evolution of video games from the prehistoric blips of Pong to the eagerly anticipated and likely reason you will be splitting up with your current boy/girlfriend, Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Which leads me nicely to my next point. There are still several lengthy weeks until the release of Black Ops and I don't think I can't take the wait any longer. Remember when you were eight years old and the magic of Christmas was still fresh in your young veins and had not yet been replaced by the bitterness and cynicism of adolescence? That feeling of butterflies doing somersaults in your stomach, the smell of plastic decorations and fake snow filling the air, you were so excited you could only pretend to be asleep!

Now, times that by a million and you are in the ball park of how I feel about this game. So I would like one of these requests fulfilled if I am to survive the next few weeks: Can someone either get me an early copy, or cryogenically freeze me until the release date... Answers on a post card please. I excitedly await your response.

Happy gaming!

Fastest Time Wins - Who's in the Lead?

Mike Anthony | 13:41 UK time, Tuesday, 5 October 2010

We're in full swiing for gaming week, and everyone's taking part in our online racing game: Fastest Time Wins. There's a big leaderboard and a chance to win the big trophy at the end of week. So everyone is getting involved radio 1, 1Xtra and even the 5:19 from Ö÷²¥´óÐã Switch. Now yesterday afternoon I was in the top spot with a time of : 00.45.9 Untill Radio 1's Greg James came back to defend his title from last year and just pipped me with a time of 00.45.03 (Liberties!) So it was looking like Greg James until Tom Deacon from 5:19 show stepped up.

Check the video below.


About an hour ago at the end of our show, that afro - loud talking remix kid Seani B just came in and stole the title from under him.... Lawd I beg someone PLEASE TEK IT FROM HIM. Otherwise we'll NEVER him the end of it.

PLEASE for the sake of our ears!!

C'mon peeps get on it!

You can play it here.


Treble T | 18:44 UK time, Monday, 4 October 2010

So it finally here!! Gaming week has arrived (yippee!!) and needless to say we're well involved!! We've revamped our racing online game from last year Fastest Time Wins and added some 1Xtra presenters in it. We're talking us of course (standard), Ace n' vis, Trevor and Gem and Westwood. It looks SICK make sure you go and play on it. There's a leaderboard to see who will be crowned FTW's champ. (Got my name written on it!)

You can race as Rampage adn beat Chris Moyles into a pulp please!! We've also got Ne-Yo as this month's celebrity guest blogger. Please all week you're gonna be hearing contributions from celeb gamers like: Rio Ferdinard, Angela Griffin, and Mr Hudson.

As well as this each day the from 5:30 - 5:30 our live lounge is transformed into a gaming zone and we've got big celebs in each day who will be playing you guys online. Yep so you'll be able to smack up Tinie Tempah, mash Tinchy Stryder, boast to your friends you hammered Kelly Rowland, Aggro Santos, 2 cast members from Hollyoaks and Roll Deep. - Dats massive!!

Plus on our show all week we're be doing a First look at some of the biggest games like Gran Turismo 5, Pro Evo 11, and Gears of War 3. Also watch out some of the 1Xtra DJ's game challenges, we've already issued Gemma a challenge to improve her drawing on the DS, she'll be posting up her drawings on facebook each day so we can see if she improves.

PHEW!! I'm telling you its gonna be a heavy heavy week, if you're into games trust me.



Producer Woman | 19:12 UK time, Sunday, 3 October 2010

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The Worst Game I've Ever Played:

The worst game I've ever played... well honestly I don't know if it was a bad game or if it was just a bad experience with this particular game. Everybody knows who is? Ok, well there was a young lady who wanted to get in on the gaming with me. You know I sit there and play video games and she'd be sitting there kinda feeling left out so I got a game that the two of us could play together - it's like a Sonic tennis type deal. It's like all the characters from Sonic The Hedgehog and they play tennis. I'm sitting with her and I'm trying to play this game with her and trying to explain to her how to play the game as we're trying to play the game - it's not a very difficult game but it's not a very fun game either. It was very monotonous and very boring and it just wound up being a completely disastrous evening...

"I'm pushing the button and it's not working, well you didn't explain it, you're cheating". It just became that whole thing. It was really really really really depressing and it made me want to throw the controller, not so much at her, but throw it. Yeh, that's the worst game I've ever played.

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Fastest Time Wins 2 is coming!

Online Person Online Person | 19:55 UK time, Friday, 1 October 2010

This Monday, Ö÷²¥´óÐã Radio 1 and 1Xtra's Gaming Week begins and our popular game from last year has been given a makeover with the addition of new DJs (including your boys Rampage). Here's a sneak preview of Fastest Time Wins 2 where you get to go head-to-head with your favourite DJs and celebrity guests:

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